The Village and the Sailor

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Bakugou's POV

The remaining dragon shifters flew at a steady pace. We needed to get there quickly without further injuring Deku.

I looked down in front of me, being met with a bush of dirty dark green hair that looked even darker than usual. If I leaned forward a bit more I could see his bruised face.

I had decided to set him in front of me and had wrapped my cape around him. He needed it more than me right now.

I clutched onto him tightly as I felt tears stinging my eyes. If only I was faster and better, he wouldn't be like this. Maybe I could ha-

No stop! I refuse to cry! I didn't even cry when my parents were killed, so why am I trying to cry for this Deku? I've only known him for a couple weeks.

I do know why. It's because I care for him more deeply than I can process.

I've never cared for many people, except my parents. That love wasn't like this though. This love is something that runs deeper than just my blood.

Deku had somehow wormed his way into my heart. He's like some illness I can't cure, but he's one of those illnesses that gets you out of public speaking. He's annoying, but welcomed.

I realised I had drifted into my thoughts and was resting my head on Deku's. I quickly looked up and saw the moon over us. It's probably around ten at night, so we should be there within a few minutes.

As I calculated this, I could see dark dots in the distance. They looked like little squares, so that was most likely the village.

"Dumb Hair. Look for a tavern with a dark blue banner and land close to it." I told him. I heard him grunt a few times, probably communicating it to the others.

We flew low over the village. It was nighttime, so the villagers were mostly inside. The few who were out most likely got scared by Raccoon Eyes' presence. This worked well for us, no one will know where we were or went.

The road in front of the tavern was wide enough for the dragon shifters to land. They almost immediately turned into their human forms and walked towards the pub. Soy Sauce Face was moving noticeably quicker.

Raccoon Eyes popped out and dragged us all in.

"There you guys are! This is Shiozaki!" She said while pointing to a green haired lady with vines for hair. "There's another, but she ran to tell the Sailor. What'd you say his name was? Kamari?" She asked while looking at the vine haired girl.

"His name is Kaminari, but I'd go. It won't take long for Knights to get here and I'd like to keep my lovely tavern." She said while kindly pushing us out the door.

We followed Raccoon Eyes to the docks.

"So Mina, where'd you meet her?" Dumb Hair asked while Dumber Hair's eyes snapped to him. Jealous much?

"Remember when I was sent on that errand? It was to the other girl from that tavern. Her name is Pony Tsunotori. I met them both then." She said while starting to run.

We got to the docks and found a single vessel. On the docks was a short blond girl with horns talking to a yellow haired guy.

We ran up to them and the girl ran off quickly. I noticed she had hooves instead of feet, must not be human.

"Hello ladies," the guy with yellow hair said said. Raccoon Eyes cackled and Pink Cheeks just ignored him. Great a flirt, I'm calling him Dunce Face.

I spotted a black streak the resembles a lightning bolt in his hair. He had yellow eyes and was wearing a brown musketeers outfit. He even had the hat.

"We need to go!" Pink Cheeks said while nervously looking around.

"Yeah man, they said your name was Kaminari right?" Dumb Hair asked. Dunce Face nodded. "Good, I'm Kirishima and it's not very manly, but we're kind of in a hurry."

"I know. That's why my ship is ready." He said walking aboard the only ship in sight. We all followed while he did something that made the boat start floating away from the village's docks.

I saw something in the water, but couldn't really see anything. It looked scaly, so it was probably just a fish.

"Your friend, we should set him down on a bed." Dunce Face said while motioning to below deck.

I suspiciously followed him, but relaxed when I saw a room full of beds. I found two next to each other and sat him on one. I put my bag on the other.

I covered Deku with the thin blankets and glared at Dunce Face. He doesn't have anything better to keep Deku warm?

"Hey," he said while holding his hands up defensively, "I'm called the 'Lone Sailor' for a reason." I just grunted. We will be stuck on this boat with this idiot manning it for the next few days.

"It's alright. If you didn't have proper time to prepare, we understand. It'd be rude of us to expect something on such little notice." Four Eyes said with an almost scolding tone.

"Ok! There's some first aid in that box over there." He said while pointing to a chest in the corner. After telling us a few things about himself and the extras about themselves, he walked out. He was finally gone.

I went and looked through the box for what I'd need. I found some fresh bandages, numbing cream, disinfecting alcohol and thread. I'm going to try and stitch Deku up.

I walked back over and did what had to be done. Other than a few grunts and shuffles, Deku allowed me to without complaint. He was knocked out, so I guess he'd be compliant.

I wrapped him back up in bandages and applied some numbing cream to his bruise. I don't want him to wake up in too much pain.

I finished and decided a nap would be great. I've been awake for almost a whole day and was tired as hell. I laid in a bed on Deku's right side and drifted off to a restless sleep.

This was a hard chapter to write. I don't know why, but that's why it's probably a bit weird.

Words-1047-(without author's notes)
Words-1076-(with author's notes)

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