Tragic Night

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What to do, what to do

Midoriya's POV

We all ran out, but I staggered. My foot got caught on some tree roots and I rolled my ankle. Great, I'm not naturally fast, but now I'm sporting an injured ankle.

I still got up, knowing that if I laid there I'd surely get killed. So I ran with a heavy limp. Every step on that foot was agony. I could see my friends running further ahead, I was getting left behind!

I heard the clanging of the Knights' armor behind me. From the sounds of it, they were quickly gaining on me. I had once again tripped from stepping on my foot at an awkward angle. It hurt too much and I didn't have enough time to get up.

I started crawling towards my friends who have yet to notice my absence. I would blame them, but I couldn't. They were trying to get out of here and they weren't paying enough attention to see a useless boy fall behind.

I rolled over to look behind me and just barely saw a glint of something before I tried to scream. It got cut off just as fast as it came because I felt pain before blacking out.

My last thought being, 'Why is it always me?'

Bakugou's POV

I thought I heard something so I looked behind us. To my surprise the Knights weren't on our tails. I motioned for everyone to slow down to save energy.

That's when it hit me. Deku wasn't here.

"Where the fuck is Deku?" I asked. Did he get caught? I didn't hear anything, so what happened?

Everyone began looking amongst themselves and I could practically feel their hearts drop as they too, realised Deku was missing.

"Dude! We have to go back!" Dumb Hair said looking at Dumber Hair pleadingly.

"Is it worth it though? He was the only one, so we should keep going." Soy Sauce Face stupidly said. All eyes immediately went to him. We were all staring at him like he grew a second head.

"Wait! I didn't mean it like that! They'd want us to go back, so we can use this time to get ahead! Plus, he could already be dead." He said waving his hands around. Raccoon Eyes went right up and slapped him.

"Hanta! Don't say that! He's been nothing but nice and accepting towards us and this is how you act when he needs our help?" She said close to tears. He looked sad at the sight.

"We're fucking going to get him!" I said through clenched teeth. I really wanted to punch someone, preferably Soy Sauce Face.

I couldn't let Deku go like this. I hadn't told him how I felt or what I wanted our future to be. I wanted to live in a nice house on a mountain or in a forest with him. Maybe these extras could live close by for visits.

I started running back with them all following me. How far back did he get caught? After running for a few minutes, I realised just how far back he was. I didn't even realise anything was wrong.

How am I ever supposed to ask him out if I let this stuff happen to him?

I saw figures moving around quickly and looked at Dumber Hair. I wanted him to tell his Wearle to help out here.

We needed to save Deku. If we didn't anything could happen. If he wasn't already, they could simply kill him or they could take him to the King. And there's no telling what the King would do to him.

Dumber Hair seemed to understand what I wanted because he turned to his group and nodded. The next thing me, Pink Cheeks and Four Eyes knew, we were on the backs of different dragons.

I was on Dumb Hair, Pink Cheeks on Raccoon Eyes and Four Eyes on Soy Sauce Face. Dumber Hair was the strongest, so he was left bare back.

We charged and I saw some Knights trying to carry Deku off somewhere. Deku was passed out and had a nasty gash similar in size to the one those wolves had given me. He also had a huge blue and purple bruise on his face. I was enraged.

If these dragon freaks weren't already tearing these Knights up, I'd have ripped out all of their scrawny throats single handedly. But there was no need as they were making quick work of them.

The last Knight pathetically pleaded before Dumber Hair dispatched him. I jumped off of Dumb Hair and sprinted to Deku's side.

He was heavily bleeding, and upon closer inspection I saw that his one ankle was badly swollen. Of course that is how he'd get himself caught.

I ripped into my bag and got out some bandages. Soy Sauce Face tried helping, but I sent him a deadly glare. Dumb Hair took his place instead. He applied some pressure to ease the flow of blood. It thankfully works and I was able to apply the bandages without much trouble.

His bare torso was covered in pristine, white bandages. If not for his injuries, he would've looked like he was in a peaceful slumber.

"We need to move faster now. You said you know someone there Raccoon Eyes?" I asked while looking Deku over. Maybe he could get proper treatment at the town or on the boat.

"Yes, I do. She runs a tavern and has mentioned a lone sailor who might be able to help." She said, also gazing at Deku's injured body.

"Good, you go ahead. We have lost our cover and need to get in and out of that village quickly. You can stay in your dragon forms now." I said picking Deku up bridal style, leaving behind a puddle of blood.

I got a bunch of solemn okays as they turned back into their dragon forms. Raccoon Eyes sped off flying like a rocket. She was smaller and more agile, so it made sense to send her over one of the bulkier boys.

I sat on Dumb Hair's back and clutched onto Deku's battered body. I will keep him safe and warm, no matter the cost.

Whew, how was that?

I had a really good joke here, but I can't keep it because I prefer keeping my books.

Words-1033-(without author's notes)
Words-1071-(with author's notes)

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