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This chapter is all Bakugou. I'll think about adding Kirishima later, but for now it'll be Bakugou.

Bakugou's POV

I grunted as my red eyes opened. The sun was peeking into the cave I was currently hiding out in. I never stayed in the same one for long. This was my last day in this small cave.

I ran my large hand through my ash blonde hair. Sometimes I wished I could settle down, but then I remember why I could never settle. The King here hates my family's guts. He's already had his knights slay my parents. That night will forever be burned into my memories.

Gotta have a tragic back story!

I once again grunted and cursed under my breath as I got up and stretched my aching muscles. Those stupid wolves thought they could Tango with me. As if I'd die to a bunch of mutts!

I glanced out the mouth of the cave before making my way to my belongings. I packed the last of it up and ate some food I made last night. I was getting out of here quickly, no delays.

I was always paranoid when I spent too long at a location. I had to stay so long this time because of those wolves. Even if I wouldn't die to them, it didn't mean they didn't scratch me up. I had a rather large gash going across my stomach. I needed to rest long enough to reduce its consequences.

I'll be damned if I let this happen again. "Stupid dogs. They could have gotten me caught. Tch, as if I'd let them." I was my usual grumpy self.

I finished my light meal and began my walk. I could make it safely out of these lands in about a month. I would usually just rush it, but King Endeavor put heavy patrols around the borders. He said it was to help 'protect' the citizens against enemy armies. I knew it was bullshit.

He had them increased to keep uncharted people from coming in and out. Now that seems nice and true, but if push comes to shove, he'd take his 'masterpiece' and flee. Said masterpiece was getting married in a few months and then his Coronation will follow shortly after.

The King will call most knights back to the castle for these events. He wants his son to be protected and safe. He wants to ensure he can take the crown. The King believes his son will follow his footsteps and I don't doubt it. That Half n' Half Bastard always seems so stoic. He wouldn't care if hundreds are dying because of him.

I was slowly making my way towards the borders of this kingdom's land. I would finally be free. Once I'm free, I'll begin to plot my revenge. I'm going to gather some fighters and take that King down. I might spare Half n' Half. It depends on how he acts and what he does.

I was grumbling to myself about how my legs ached. I was used to walking long distances, but not over so many hills. These hills were rocky and seemed to be everywhere I stepped. My foot slipped on a particularly smooth rock.

"Fuck!" I growled out. That hurt like a bitch! I started sitting back up and brushed myself off. Great, my knee was bleeding. Why the freak was that rock so slippery?

I turned around and grabbed it. I was about to chuck it when I noticed something off about it. It shrunk? And had a swirling pink cloud in it. What the Fuck?

Hey! I wrote this in about half an hour! I might be getting the hang of it!

It's shorter, but whatever. We're back to Midoriya next chapter. Until they meet, it will most likely alternate.

Words-596-(without author's notes)
Words-646-(with author's notes)

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