Play Day!

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I'm unsure if I ever specified how long it'd take to get where they're going.🤷

You also get an extra update because I'm bored as freak and if I publish my pre written chapters it'll force me to start writing this more.

Midoriya's POV

We had been walking for a few days now and nothing interesting has happened. We had of course stopped every night and by almost every water source.

I had learned that this forest is much like the mountains. It just goes on forever and never seemingly ends. Though the colorful plants and animals are definitely an upgrade from the plain, lifeless gray surface.

Kacchan had told us that after we exit this forest, there should be a relatively close by village. And in this village, we'd need to restock and find someone who would be willing to take us across the ocean. The first task should be easy, but the second one will have some complications.

King Endeavor had ordered for no one to come in or out of his country without some form of identification.
We'd need to get out uncharted. Especially Kacchan and the Dragon shifters.

It would be dangerous just asking around, but thankfully Mina had mentioned something about knowing someone there who could help.

As I've previously said, we've been walking for days in this forest. I'd strike up conversations, but there was eventually nothing to talk about.

No had even said a word today. Everyone was kind of gloomy and dreary. And it hadn't even rained yet!

It did give me a chance to think about what I saw at my old village. Could others have possibly survived? I don't remember anyone with purple hair though. So were there still knights there? If so, why didn't they come after us?

I suddenly heard a shout of joy from Kirishima. Since I was in the back of the group, I had to look ahead too see what he was so excited about. I spotted a large pond.

"Bakubro! Please, please, please can we take a break! You said things will be hard once we get to the village, so we should have our fun now!" He pleaded with his hands together. I looked around and saw everyone with puppy dog eyes.

Bakugou grunted.

"Fine, but only for today. We should be able to leave this stinking forest tomorrow." He said while looking everyone in the eyes.

"YAY!" They all shouted with glee while running towards the water. It was now only Kacchan and me left.

"So..." I started nervously. "Do you want to swim?" I looked at out friends and saw a smirk on both Mina and Uraraka's faces. They made me uncomfortable.

"No." I looked at him shocked. "I'll be keeping watch." He said this while looking suspiciously into the woods.

"I could... I could join you! It'd be better to have two pairs of eyes and ears looking out!" I said cheerily. I wanted to spend time with him and didn't really want to be by Uraraka or Mina right, so it was a win win for me.

He just grumbled about me complaining and grabbed my arm. He firmly brought me over to the rocky shore.

He sat down and patted the rocks next to him, signaling for me to sit there. I sat down and looked out over our friends.

They had left their bags next to where we sat and were currently splashing around in the water. Even Sero seemed to be enjoying himself.

Bakugou's POV

Deku sat next to me on the pond's shore. As he was gazing at all the extras, I looked over to where we came from.

I had felt eyes on me, but when I looked, it was never any of the extras. I was worried we were being followed, but there was never any other indication about it.

They didn't seem to have ill intent either, or those dragon extras would be on edge. They'd be able to feel it, even if whoever had blocked their scent, dragon shifters have a natural intuition.

Staying in one place should coax them out and then I'll confront them.

I angrily glanced at the extras when I felt cold water on my skin. They were all giggling, even Deku. Those fuckers splashed me!

"Oh your on!" I smirked. They all squealed and moved away when I threw my hands into the water.

First things first, get Deku. I splashed a small wave at Deku who had moved closer to the water. He gasped and tried to cover his eyes as the water hit his face.

"Kacchan!" He whined trying to get away. I splashed him once more before turning to the others.

They had all moved to the other side of the pond. That didn't stop me, I took my pants, cape and jewelry off and handed them to a blushing Deku. I blushed as I realised I just stripped down to my boxers in front of him.

I didn't think about it long before jumping into the freezing water. I swam towards them and sent a huge splash at Dumb Hair. He was the one who did it, I could tell. He just laughed and splashed me back.

We were all playing and splashing each other, except Deku who was still sitting on the shore with a smile.

I saw something that made me abruptly pull myself out of the water. The others seemed to understand my silent order and pulled themselves out too.

I stared intensely at where I saw a red flash. I stood protectively in front of my extras, though I made sure Deku was right behind me. I want him at arms reach just in case something bad were to happen.

A single bright red feather drifted in front of my face before I saw yellow eyes directly across the pond. I knew those eyes, they were the eyes of a killer. The eyes of a man I hated.

The last time I saw them was four months ago. I was forced to watch my parents be murdered in front of my very own eyes.

Rage had almost consumed me. He had betrayed my parents' trust. I went to attack him when I heard him speak.

"Go diagonal."

Ooo, who's this? I bet you know.

Words-1015-(without author's notes)
Words-1067-(with author's notes)

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