The King

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Freaking finally got my scrambled ideas in place!

Midoriya's POV

I watched our surroundings as we entered the forest. Maybe there's a secret way into the castle from the forest? It'd make sense to have an extra way in and out. Especially since this is a really powerful nation that could be targeted.

After about half an hour, I realized that we were, in fact, not heading towards the castle. If anything we were just getting further and further away from it.

"Uh, Yagi. W-Where are we going?" I nervously questioned with a laugh. Please don't say they were going to kill us. I have too much to live for. I need to marry Kacchan, find my mother and put an end to King Endeavor.

"Huh, Oh! Young Midoriya, we're headed towards King Aizawa of course!" He replied with his own laugh.

I noticed Kacchan tense next to me. "What the hell? What is this 'King' doing in the forest? Shouldn't he be sitting on his throne and counting his riches!" He spat while glaring at Yagi.

"The King requested that we brought you here instead of the castle. He said it'll be safer and he has something to show us." Yagi said while backing away from the snarling blond.

What could possibly be in the woods to show? We've spent so long in one that I think I could name all the plants and animals from heart. At least the poisonous or venomous ones.

Meeting in the woods does make a bit of sense. If we were being followed by some bad Knights somehow, then it'd best to stay away from the castle to protect the King's family. That one prince was missing though. Maybe if I-

I didn't realise I was muttering until Kacchan flicked my forehead.

"Be quiet, we'll be there in a few minutes. Whatever you do, don't make a bad fucking first impression on this King." He softly murmured to me.

It was silent besides the clomping of horse hooves and the carriages' rolling wheels. Every little hole in the rugged path made the carriages bounce. They bounced so much that every little twig sticking out of the trees whacked me in the face.

We eventually arrived in a clearing and I was shocked at what I saw.

What looked like a hobo with long black hair was sitting by a sparkling, but blurred, dark purple portal. He looked at us and I could see he had coal black eyes and a scruffy beard. He wore black and grey colored armor, but didn't appear to be a type of knight.

"Who are you?" I asked him with a confused look on my face. I let out a yelp as Kacchan slammed his foot atop of mine. He grabbed my head and pulled me into a bow. I could practically feel several sets of eyes glaring at me.

"I apologize for his behavior. He is unaware of who you are." Iida said in an apologetic voice. What? Wait... Is this the King! I did the one thing I was told not to!

"There is no need for formalities at this time. If we do not hurry, many kingdoms, including mine, will be at risk." The man now known as King Aizawa had a deep and gruff voice. The tone of voice was lazy, but that obviously didn't affect his ability to rule over these lands.

"If I may intrude Aizawa, but I do not believe all of these folks would want to confront the king." Yagi said while clapping Kaminari's back, nearly sending him sprawling and looked at the mermaids.

"Well, then send them off." He said in an irritated tone. "I've found where Shinso went and we need to go find him. From the looks of this portal he's where they came from, so it'll be hitting two birds with one stone."

I understand why they might not want to help. Kaminari never asked to be a part of this and if we were to fail, the underwater kingdoms could be at risk of attack. Even so, it would've been nice to have their help. Oh well, we can't have everything we want.

"Idiot, I told you to not make a bad first impression. That's going to be another thing I'll have to teach you." Kacchan growled next to me. He finally let go of my head and allowed me to stand up straight.

"I'm sorry Kacchan. I've never seen a King for real and didn't know they could dress like that." I said while avoiding eye contact. How could I do the complete opposite of what Kacchan had instructed? I feel really bad about it...

"Doesn't matter. Chin up because we're leaving." He grabbed my hand and led me towards the portal. The closer I got, the clearer an image became. The image looked to be of the castle that I have seen only in story books. I've actually never seen a castle before an hour ago so...

I stopped my own thoughts as I felt myself get pulled towards the portal. I wasn't going in that thing yet! I was right on it and it looked like a mirror to another world. I hope we didn't come out right there because it was the very front of castle. You'd think some guards would find the portal and find a way to close it.

Kacchan held my hand tightly and followed Uraraka and Iida through. I didn't even get to say goodbye to our new friends...

I suddenly felt nauseas and had to close my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, I saw we were no longer in a clearing or were in front of the castle gates, but rather were standing in front of tall, mossy stone walls. We were at some of the castle's walls.

Kacchan shushed us even though we were already being quiet. "Sh, which side of the wall is this?" He looked at Aizawa for the answer.

"It looks to be the east wall."  Aizawa said monotonously. Two of his Knights were standing protectively around him, but one glare from him made them move away.

Looking around I saw that Tsu, Jirou, Kaminari and one of the guards stayed behind. Kacchan also looked to be deep in thought and was staring at the wall.

"Come on, I think I see a way in." Kacchan said while motioning for us to follow him.

We followed him in a diagonal line. I tripped over a tree root sticking out and Kacchan helped me to my feet without his usual smirk.

"Never thought I'd see the day where Bakugou is being so nice." Kirishima said quietly with a toothy smile on his face. Bakugou almost blew up, but just grunted which means we should probably start being more quiet.

He lead us to a point in the walls where some vines were freely growing. How inattentive does the King have to be to not find an easy way into his supposedly highly guarded walls?

Either way, Kacchan helped me climb the wall and drop down the other side. I definitely would've further injured myself if he hadn't helped.

Once everyone got over the wall, we sprinted over to a window. It had some weird, crude looking ladder attached that made me think someone was in a rush to either get in, or get out.

We climbed up the ladder and climbed through the window. This was a little too easy. Weren't there supposed to be high security in the castle for the Prince Shoto's wedding and Coronation?

There was no time to dwell upon this as we were already moving again. We had only encountered a few guards once and had to hide behind a corner. The halls were really empty. There weren't even any servants running around to notice us.

We made it to the throne room. The door was cracked open a bit so Kacchan and I peeked in. The person sitting on King Endeavor's throne was not who we were expecting. But there eyes, oh their terrifying eyes, were staring right at us.

Who do you think is on the throne?

I've also made this chapter a bit longer! There are also only a few chapters left.

Words-1345-(without author's notes)
Words-1390-(with author's notes)

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