I'm fine

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Midoriya's POV

I haven't let go of Kacchan since I was released back to my friends. I was really scared and thought I might die! Plus, Kacchan makes me feel very safe and very warm. I slept the entire night practically attached to him.

When morning came around, I realised he had moved away and was now cooking something over a fire. I had calmed down and didn't really mind that I was left alone. Ok, maybe I do mind a bit. What would you do if you thought you going to die!?

As soon as I woke up, I remembered what I had done yesterday and blushed at my actions. I really clung to Kacchan like that? He didn't seem to mind, so it must have been at least a little okay.

I walked towards him, but was stopped by the red headed dragon shifter. He said his name was Kirishima.

"Hey man, I'd like to apologize. We didn't think you guys would freak out that much when you saw us." He had a sincere tone. "I'd also like to apologize for kind of taking you hostage." He said while nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, that's fine! I get scared easily and you guys were just scared too. We both didn't know if we would make it out alive." I chuckled nervously. Sure I'd remember that for the rest of my life, but I'm willing to forgive them. I hate holding grudges.

"Really? Thanks! Let's start over. I'm Eijiro Kirishima. You can call me Kirishima." He reintroduced himself while holding his hand out for a handshake. He was pointing to his chest with his other thumb.

While looking at his smile I noticed he had very, very sharp teeth. He is part dragon after all.

I reached out and grabbed his hand, accepting his request.

"It's nice to meet you! I'm Izuku Midoriya, but you can call me Deku." I happily replied. The girl called Mina walked up and slung her arm over my shoulder.

"Hello former prisoner! What're you guys talking about?" She said with a huge grin on her face.

"Kirishima was just apologizing for yesterday. I told him that I understand your guys' situation." I said while slowly getting out of her hold. She has a very straight forward personality.

"Oh ok then. I guess if he already did that we shouldn't keep you any longer. Go get your hunk of a man~" She said with an evil smirk.

Well... She's not wrong. My face went crimson red at that thought. I quickly walked away. I went back to my blankets and heard the two laughing behind me.

"Hey Deku! Get your ass over here and help! I'm not doing this by myself anymore!" I heard the familiar growl of Kacchan. I blushed again thinking about what Mina said.

I got up again and began walking towards Kacchan who was glaring at Mina. I saw a flash of jealousy cross his features before it went back to his normal scowl.

When I got there, he handed me several sticks with some mystery meat on them that suspiciously looked like rats. Why would we need so many different sticks when there's only eight of us?

As if sensing my confusion Kacchan spoke up. "Damn dragon shifters could eat a herd of cows and still be hungry." He grumbled.

"Oh, but how did w-," I began asking how we got so much food.

"Don't even ask. There are four people with heightened senses and can turn into dragons. Of course we'd have enough food." He grumbled.

I had an O face while looking over at him. How come I didn't think of that?

We cooked the meat in a comfortable silence and handed it out. Iida, Uraraka, Kacchan and I each had one stick that stuffed us so full, I thought we'd pop. The dragon shifters all ate three different sticks and still seemed hungry. Kirishima's stomach even growled for more!

I guess Kacchan wasn't lying when they said they could eat a lot!

We all began packing our stuff up. The dragon shifters all had to take considerably longer to pack all of their belongings. They said this was because they weren't planning to leave for several more days.

It was around noon when we were all finally ready to get moving again. It took so long because I couldn't find my mom's necklace. Turns out it fell off while they were dragging me about yesterday.

"Yay! We can fly again!" Mina cheered.

"No you are not. I don't know how you made it this far, but four flying dragons is sure to peak the King's interest. We can't risk it." Kacchan said with a smirk. The dragons groaned.

"The most you could do is glide down the mountain and over the valley, but after that we need the cover of the trees." Kacchan said looking at them expectingly. They all cheered and turned into their dragon forms.

Mina was the smallest, but most agile one. She was a light pink dragon with gentle magenta eyes. She had yellow frills on her neck and head.

Tetsutetsu and Kirishima looked very similar, they both had two horns on their heads. One had silvery white scales and fierce black speckled eyes, while the other had red scales with red wine eyes. Tetsutetsu was also a dragon's head taller than Kirishima and was the tallest.

Sero had many, many horns on his head. He had jet black scales and even darker eye irises. His pupils were a shimmery white color.

All in all, they looked both scary and gorgeous at the same time.

This one's even longer!😁

I tried my best in describing their dragon forms.

Words-955-(without author's note)
Words-970-(with author's note)

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