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Midoriyas POV

I grunted out as I felt a shove. I should have seen this coming. It happens just about every time I get anywhere near this house.

"Hah! You're late! You should've been here a minute ago!" Monoma barked out. Monoma had blonde hair and light purpley blue eyes. He was pretty, but a jerk.

He continued laughing harder and louder than a hyena for several minutes. I stayed on the ground, knowing I'd just get pushed down again anyways.

"I honestly don't know why my parents pay you for anything." He said, harshly. He used to be somewhat tame, but after Kendo's family moved away, he's been at my throat. I could never catch a break.

A pretty blue eyed woman came out of the house. "Neito! Be nice to that boy!" I know I said the other villagers hated me, but there were a few exceptions.

"I'm sorry Mom, but he was late! You can't let him think that's okay!" Monoma whined back. That brat.

"Oh Midoriya, I'm sorry for him. I'll pay you some extra." Even if the Monoma family was known to be better off than most, I wouldn't accept the extra cash. Not unless I earned it.

"It's ok Mrs. Monoma. I'm used to it at this point. Plus, you know I don't like taking free money. It doesn't feel right!" I exclaimed with a chuckle.

"If you say so. You could get started if you'd like. Just pull the weeds and trim the bushes please. I'll be out with a drink in a bit." She kindly said. Mrs. Monoma was a very nice individual. Her husband was also quite pleasant. Neito was just an exception to the family's good nature.

Speaking of nature, I should get started on these weeds. I thanked her for her kindness and walked into the yard. Weeds always seem to pop up everywhere. No matter how many I pulled, they always seemed to make their way back. Time to get started


I had worked for nearly an hour just pulling weeds. When I looked up, I realised I had only gotten half of the yard done. I guess I forgot just how large their yard was.

Just then, Mrs. Monoma came out with a pitcher of lemonade. "Here you go. I need to get to work, so I'll leave the money in an envelope on the kitchen table. And don't worry about little Neito, I made him get a job at the flour mill."

"Thank you, Mrs. Monoma! I'll make sure this yard looks better than ever! You have a good day, okay," I replied cheerily. I knew she probably slipped a few extra coins in with my usual payment. I couldn't really do much about it. Maybe I could buy something nice for my mom with it.

"I will. Now I know you have other jobs to get done, so why don't you hurry up around here? I do wish to get my mail later." She jokingly said.

I glanced at the sun and saw that it was probably around 10 o'clock. I had to deliver mail at noon, so I should hurry.

I nodded and watched as Mrs. Monoma disappeared down the path. She really was too kind. I grabbed a cup and took a drink of lemonade, my favorite summer drink.

I decided to get back to work. If I'm lucky I should be able to finish weeding the garden in an hour. Trimming the plants should only take about half an hour. I was thankful that I took the extra time to trim them the last time I was here.

~Timeskip to after he completes the chores~

Just as I thought, I finished with a little more than half an hour to spare. Everything looked perfect!

I quickly went in and grabbed the envelope. I took a quick look seeing that she definitely over paid me. Maybe she knew my plans of adventuring? It might just be she feels bad about how I'm treated.

All well, no time to dwell on that now. I have mail that needs to be delivered. I walked out of the house, locking the door behind me. I always did this to be courteous and since Mrs. Monoma didn't complain, I continued doing it.

I quickly made my way to the post office, but when I got to the Town's Square, I saw something truly terrifying.

These chapters are short. All well.

Words-738-(without author's note)
Words-754-(with author's note)

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