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Midoriya's POV

I woke up only to realise I had shuffled closer to Bakugou while we slept. We were close enough to be touching, but we weren't actually cuddling. In my defense it was cold and he is warm!

His attitude from yesterday made me quickly move away from him. I prefer keeping my limbs and head attached to my torso please. He grumbled, but didn't do anything more. Whew, I dodged that knife.

After a quick look outside, I saw it was still night? I always sleep until the sun is out unless I'm woken up... I didn't hear or see anything, so I didn't feel the need to investigate. Nor did I want to wake anyone up. Being so high up on a mountain must be messing with me.

One thing about me is that once I'm awake, I can't get back to sleep. So I decided to sit by the cave's mouth instead. I'll wait for the others to wake up.

The landscape was rocky with a few trees scattered here and there. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen much life while walking yesterday. Was this all really just outside my once lively village?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a sound in the cave, right where my friends are. I panicked and rushed towards them. What if they were in trouble?

I sighed out in relief when I saw that they weren't. Uraraka was just rolling in her sleep. Yes, she was rolling around the cave floor. How odd.

She eventually rolled into Iida and quit moving. She was still for a few seconds before she reached out and grabbed him. Iida in turn, also reached out and grabbed her. Aww, they're cuddling! Seems like I wasn't the only cold one.

I blushed before looking over towards Bakugou. To my horror I saw his red eyes staring right at me. If I wasn't so shocked, I'm pretty sure I would have screamed!

"Oh! Y-You're awake!" I nervously chuckled out. Please don't say he knew we were so close.

"Just shut up. You'll wake those two lovebirds over there." He grumbled out, still staring at me. "Get back to sleep. We still have a few hours until the sun comes up."

I nodded my head and made my way back to my little pile of blankets. I looked at them suspiciously when I saw they were tidied up to a point where it looked like an actual bed. Bakugou's blankets looked like this too. Did he do this?

I went to question him, but when I turned to speak to him, he had a glare that could kill thousands. I quickly shut my mouth and laid in my, now nice, pile of blankets. It was actually really comfy. I might need to ask him how he does this.

I closed my eyes once again. I tossed and turned for a few minutes before falling asleep. I could still feel Bakugou's eyes on me.

~Timeskip to sunrise

"Get up, Deku," I heard Bakugou say before I felt a light kick to my side. I whined and covered my eyes.

"Nooo, five more minutes!" I was really tired. This was also why I never went back to sleep. I'd feel even more tired than if I had just stayed awake.

"You will wake up right now, or I will leave you for whatever wildlife lives here! Now get up shitty Deku!" Bakugou said while nudging me a little harsher.

What did he call me?

"Alright, alright I'm up! And did you call me Deku?" I asked. That's a weird name.

"Yes I did. What are you going to do about it?" He says defensively.

"Well, if you're calling me Deku, then I'll call you Kacchan!" I said happily. We were already giving each other nicknames!

Bakugou blanched. "Like hell you will!" He said this, but he didn't say not to, so Kacchan it is!

"Ooo, we are already giving nicknames are we?" Uraraka asked. "Well, there aren't any good nicknames for me or Iida, so we'll have to think of some!"

"No we won't. We are packing up and moving." Bakugou stated. He began tightly folding his own blankets to put into his bag.

"I agree. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we can get help!" Iida said. Why does he do those hand motions again?

I have a pretty good idea on what's to happen, but it's taking longer than expected.

Words-736-(without author's notes)
Words-762-(with author's notes)

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