Chapter 1- First Day:

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I squinted my eyes— the sun was painfully bright on my first day at AOT High. I clutched the map of the campus tightly as I searched for my locker. I couldn't be less prepared. Here I was, clutching a million folders and pens up against my chest because I forgot to bring a backpack. Yes. A backpack. I forgot to bring a backpack to school. I had been running late and, in a rush to make it to school on time, I grabbed everything I could hold and sprinted through town. But the past was in the past— I had to find my locker.

I scanned the halls up and down until— "Finally!" Through a throng of kids I could see the number 266A, my locker. I pushed through the crowd and swung the door open without hesitation—

"Ow!" I heard someone yell.

I guess, in my rush to open my locker, I failed to notice the person standing beside it, and the door flung open into their face.

Yikes. Not an ideal way to start the day.

I hesitantly peeked around my locker, still desperately trying to hold onto my folders and pens, and met the teal-green eyes and flustered face of a dark-haired boy.

I paused before speaking: "Erm... sorry about that."

The grey-eyed girl behind him sent me a piercing glare that burned holes in my head. The boy pushed himself off of the lockers, still not saying anything. Suddenly he smacked his hand downwards, knocking all of my school supplies to the floor.

"You better watch yourself," the boy eyed me up and down, "or you're gonna regret it." He turned and walked away without a second glance, the black-haired girl following close behind.

I sighed and went to reach for my stuff. As I bent over I collided heads with another person. God, could this day get any worse?

I toppled over and landed on my ass, apologizing profusely. A hand extended towards me. I let the tan-haired boy pull me off of my feet.

"You good?" He asked politely.

"Yeah, uh... thanks. If you don't mind me asking, what were you doing bending over right next to me?"

"Oh!" he chuckled, "I was going to help you pick up your stuff. I'm Jean Kirschtein. You new?"

"(F/N) (L/N). And yeah actually, I am."

"You seem pretty unprepared for your first day, (L/N)." A boy with yellow eyes and a grey buzzcut looked me up and down. "Connie Springer. And this—" suddenly a brunette with a potato in her mouth popped up behind him, "is Sasha Blouse."

She smiled and spoke with food in her mouth: "Any chance you have an extra lunch lying around?"

I felt my cheeks get hot. Wow. So many new people in such a short amount of time.

"Eh, no sorry. I left it at home," I said meekly.

"That's alright. There's always tomorrow!" She crept up closer to me, eyes in a trance, "So, what kind of food do you normally bring? Is there meat? Or rice? Or—"

"Sasha, please give her a minute." The boy named Jean pulled her back. He looked in the direction where the teal and green-eyed boy had walked before turning back to me. "Don't mind Eren. He can be a bit moody these days. My only advice to you is to keep your distance. Say the wrong thing, and Mikasa will kick. your. ass. Believe me, I've been there," he shrugged. I assumed Mikasa was the girl following Eren around.

"Jean! What's going on? I thought we were all meeting up before class!" A freckled brunette boy walked over. He was very careful not to push anyone when he came up to greet everyone. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" He blushed, "I didn't know we had a new student! I'm Marco Bodt." He saw my folders scattered on the floor, "Here, let me help you with that."

Marco helped me pick up my stuff and put it in my locker while the rest of them watched. It sounded like Connie and Sasha were talking excitedly about the school's new lunch menu.

"So, where's your first class?" Jean leaned against the lockers comfortably. "We can walk you over."

"Uh, yeah sure!" I looked back down at the map. "I'm in class 104A." I looked to the freckled boy. "I'm (F/N) (L/N) by the way. Sorry for not introducing myself." Marco smiled amiably as if to say it was fine.

"104A? We're in that class too. Shadis is teaching it," Jean grumbled. "It's gonna be a rough year."

"Aw, don't worry, Horse-Face!" Connie butted in, "You'll have Mikasa to stare at all day!"

Jean frowned as he shoved Connie away, "Oh please— that was so last year!"

"I think you mean last three years," Sasha added, smirking. She had already finished her potato, and was looking in her bag for more snacks. Marco rubbed his neck in embarrassment.

"Ah, to hell with you all. Let's just grab (Y/N)'s supplies and get out of here," Jean said.

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