Chapter 20- 7 Minutes (Eren's POV):

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(A/N~ Hi you guys! I just wanted to say thank you for 1k reads!! I'm so glad you've been enjoying the story. Sorry for updating so late tonight. Again, thank you all for reading and commenting-- it makes my day! ❤️❤️)

Eren's POV:

As soon as we walked into the closet, (Y/N) plopped herself down on the floor. "Aren't you going to sit?" she questioned.

"No. That raises the chances of something happening," I said. "I don't want to take that risk."

Of course, my whole intention was so aggravate her enough to where she was forced to interact with me again. I felt I had gone too far with (Y/N) in the kitchen— it seemed I had really hurt Jean's feelings. I decided to absolve my guilt by giving myself these seven minutes with her alone, but not going far enough to upset Jean too much. That meant no kissing whatsoever. I had free range to do whatever else I wanted to irritate Jean, as long as I didn't step over the line.

She interrupted my train of thought: "—Are you kidding me?! Am I that awful to look at?!" she yelled defensively.

"I think so," I shrugged.

Suddenly she sprung up from her seat and used all of her strength to trap me against the wall. Jean, you can't hold this one against me. She started it.

"Listen, Yeager. I have no intention of making out, or getting anywhere near that with you tonight," she glowered. "But let me tell you, you should be honored to even be stuck in a room with me right now, based on the way things have been going..." I assumed she was referencing the kitchen incident, as well as everything after that. So, the staring, the mocking, etc. She continued, "And you know what, Eren? I'm a great kisser," I could feel her energy shift as she taunted me: "Or, at least... I think Jean thought so."

That sent me over the edge. I changed my mind from before— now, there were no rules. No boundaries. I didn't owe Jean anything. I couldn't truly beat him unless I took her away from him. Just this one night. For reasons I couldn't understand, I reacted without thinking, grabbing her wrist and thrusting her against the wall. We were in a similar position to yesterday evening. I couldn't control my breathing— why am I so angry? With each jagged breath I became consumed by her scent. I wonder if Jean has gotten used to this smell... God, I am so drunk...


"—If you're trying to intimidate me, Eren. Let me tell you, it's not gonna work. You've been glaring at me all night, it's not like things in here will make things any worse," she panted.

"Oh?" I muttered huskily. "And why do you think that is?"

"Because you're upset I didn't come to your rescue at the game today. Or something stupid like that," she replied, looking directly into my eyes, showing no fear. I could change that.

"You know what, (Y/N)? You're so right." I mocked. I'll let her believe she understands why I'm acting this way. Leaving me on the floor, covered in grass, while she laughed with Jean. After I had saved her from fucking dying! She hadn't repaid her debt to me. She could've, if she had helped me at the game this morning— but (Y/N) refused. I laughed to myself as I said it, "I think, because of your poor decision... you still owe me one."

I crossed the line.

I pressed my lips up against hers, but that wasn't enough. I was craving more. I had to have more than Jean did. So I grabbed her thigh and desperately pulled her closer. She didn't fight back. It seemed, in fact, that she was actually enjoying herself. I traced her figure with my lips and bit her neck. There. Now, Jean will understand. He could never beat me. He and (Y/N) shared one small kiss. One minuscule moment. That was nothing compared to this.

"Mmm... You smell like shit," I jeered.

"Fuck you, Yeager," she uttered as she ran her hands all over my body, grabbing my back and tracing my chest with her delicate fingers. "We should probably... stop," she warned, "The seven minutes are probably almost up." That's what she said, but she didn't pull away. I nipped her hip a bit harder than necessary, so I put pressure on it to numb the pain as my lips found my way back to hers.

"C'mon, (Y/N)— Live on the edge," I pleaded.

She pushed my hair away. "Asshole. Do you know what will happen if we get caught?"

"Jean will get pissed?" I smirked. That's just what I've been wanting.

"Yes," she agreed— then stopped. "Is this about Jean?"

Fuck me. Why didn't I keep my mouth shut?

She pushed herself off of me and smacked me face. It burned. "Are you serious? Are you that obsessed with him that you need to steal EVERY. SINGLE. THING HE GETS?!! IS THIS PART OF SOME PSYCHO MALE-SUPERIORITY COMPLEX??" She continued ranting, "Fuck you, Yeager. Fuck you to the moon and back. I can't believe you PLAYED me like that!"

I kept a neutral expression. "It's your fault for falling for it."

"My fault?! It's my fault that this happened?!" She shouted in dismay.

Someone interrupted us, "Uh, guys? The seven minutes is up," Marco informed us timidly. "You can come out now."

(Y/N) pushed me back into the closet and stormed out.

Marco did his best to ease the tension: "Ha, I— I guess you couldn't hear us through all the yelling... but it's over now! So we can keep playing!"

(Y/N) walked past him and stepped outside, slamming the door behind her. The rest of the party looked at me with their eyebrows raised. Jean leaned forward as if he was going to get up to chase (Y/N). Captain Levi shot him a look, Jean refrained from leaving. Instead, it was Levi who followed (Y/N) out the door. When I sat back down, I expected Mikasa to ask me what had happened in the closet. Instead, she stared straight ahead without moving, hands crossed in her lap, avoiding my gaze. Did she see something?

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