Chapter 35- Fuck Eren:

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    When lunch had ended and we were back in room 104A, I updated Ymir on the situation:



    Everything's cool now. Idk what Mikasa said to Jean, but it worked out.



    Weird. I'm not complaining tho.

    This is like best case scenario.


    I saw Eren stealing glances at Ymir's phone. He sat right beside her.



    Fuck eren tho. He's been ruining my life since day one.



    I threw in the 'uwu' just to piss him off. To be honest, I wasn't exactly sure if the timing was right for it, but I didn't care. I think it worked. He stared back down at his desk after that.



    No offense (Y/N)

    But u seem to be a little *too* triggered abt this whole thing

    especially since you and jean r fine

    It's kinda unlike you


    We're not fine, I thought. Sure, Jean seemed unfazed by everything when I confronted him about it— he sort of just brushed it off— but, I could tell in his eyes that there was an emptiness between us that hadn't been there before. Something had shattered.

    Ymir didn't need to know that right now, though.



    Eh. Guess I finally got tired of it.



    sure... lmk when u feel like explaining


    I didn't respond. Explain? Explain what? That I dislike Eren for beating up my friend and being an overall asshole with zero redeeming qualities for the entire year? My growing annoyance and rage had finally caught up to him. Like hell I would. I think I'll stay mad, at least for now, just to make sure he'll fuck off.

    Ymir might not have realized it, Eren may not have realized it, and Jean's insecure ass probably didn't have the faintest idea about it— but I still liked Jean a whole hell of a lot, and Eren had crushed our relationship. I wasn't going to let him off the hook this time. I made it my personal mission to show Eren how much I hated him. I'd just follow in his footsteps from the beginning of the year. I'll trip him, shove him, and tease him mercilessly, making it as apparent as possible that I wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.

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