Chapter 28- IHOP (Eren's POV):

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Eren's POV:

I stood outside of (Y/N)'s house for a moment, wondering if I should send the text inviting her to dinner with me. I decided on a yes, and soon enough she greeted me at the door. She was already dressed in her PJs at 7:00 pm. Interesting— Well, boring and lame and expected. Of course, being the bland girl that she is, (Y/N) would be staying in tonight.

Regardless, it was too late to back out of my offer, so we walked to IHOP, making casual conversation on the way. I wasn't sure why I asked (Y/N), of all people, to hang out with me tonight. Maybe it was because Mikasa was too overwhelming and I had already talked enough with Armin today. That, and the fact that I didn't have any other friends. Yeah, that's probably why. I was a bit disappointed in (Y/N) today, though— she wasn't saying anything interesting. At one point, she mentioned a boy, which peaked my interest; I was curious if a plain girl like her had any new admirers. It was only Connie though, so I wasn't threatened. Wait— why would I be threatened? I ignored the thought and kept talking.

Eventually, we arrived at IHOP and I ordered some chocolate chip pancakes for us to split. (Y/N) barely ate anything though, which was a bit concerning. There was a question I had been meaning to ask her— it was basically the main reason I had decided to hang out with her in the first place— but there never seemed to be a good time. Finally, she bluntly called me out for keeping this conversation dry. I made up some dumb excuse, and she granted me permission to ask whatever I wanted. The question jumped out of my mouth before I could even think it: "Okay. Are you and Jean still making out 24/7?" I tried to ask cooly. I didn't want her getting any ideas.

Suddenly, her face turned scarlet. "That's what you wanted to ask?! About Jean?! I can't believe you!" She paused. I kept quiet in the hopes that she would continue. Thankfully, she did: "No. It happened once, Eren. Get over it," she said harshly.

I corrected her: "Twice, actually. I believe he kissed you on the trip as well." When he was drunk and, frankly, very irritating. Before my silence could be too suspicious, I added, "And— I am over it. In fact, was never under it. You and I made out at a party once— who cares? That's a party for you." I said somewhat honestly. I continued to play it off like it was meaningless, curious to see what (Y/N)'s reaction would be.

Come on, (Y/N). Admit it. Tell me it wasn't meaningless— I stopped myself. What am I saying?

"Yeah, I guess so," she said. I tried to read her. She seemed a bit disappointed, but overall, she didn't seem to care either. That, however, wasn't the response I had come looking for. I stood up from the booth abruptly and payed for our food. I left (Y/N) at the table and walked away, frustrated, though I wasn't sure why,

"Eren!" I heard her quick footsteps behind me. "What are you doing?"

"Dinners over. I'm going home," I replied bluntly.

"Wha— that's it? Drag me to IHOP and then leave?" She asked, clearly annoyed.

I shrugged, still trying to stay apathetic. "I misjudged you. Maybe after a few shots you'd be interesting, but as of now, I'm bored," I said harshly. Woah, Eren, that was a bit overboard. But, it was the truth. Besides, she didn't seem very interested either, so it didn't matter anyway.

The moment I got home, I sprinted up to my room to avoid Mikasa and my mom. I closed my door behind me and fell onto my bed, my face pressing into the sheets. Tonight had made me so... upset. I couldn't understand why. Normally, being bored when hanging out with someone doesn't leave my brain running around in circles after I leave them. There was a knock at the door and a girl with jet black hair stepped in.

"Eren," Mikasa said, scanning the bedroom. "You need to clean your room."

I rolled my eyes.

"But, that's not why I'm here. Why are you home so early? I thought you were having dinner with (Y/N)."

"I was, but then I got bored, so I left," I stated bluntly.

Mikasa stared deep into my eyes, I ran my hand through my hair anxiously.

"What did she say to you that made you so upset?" she asked.

I didn't even know the answer to that question— what did she want me to tell her? I sighed as my reply. She stood in the doorway, staring me down until she realized I wasn't going to give her an answer.

"Is it because Jean got to her first? And that being with you for one night wasn't enough to pull (Y/N) away from him?"

"No!" I yelled defensively, throwing a pillow at the wall. "It has nothing to do with that. I have no interest in her whatsoever. I've told you before, she's boring."

She pursed her lips: "Boring enough that you'd lie about drawing her name from the bowl just to get her alone in a closet without Jean?"

My eyes widened in surprise— she knew?

"Eren, even though you extremely dislike Jean and want the worst for him, I know that you would never go that far out of your way to get back at him. At that point, you would have given up and set your sights elsewhere. So, do you want to explain this irrational behavior, or should I?" she finished.

This conversation was starting to get irritating. Mikasa was wrong. I cared about (Y/N) because she was the only way I could get to Jean. He had been extra hard to annoy lately since (Y/N) had been around. Before Mikasa could continue, I explained myself:

"I'm only frustrated because Jean has her wrapped around her finger, and it's practically impossible for me to separate the two. I don't care who (Y/N) goes out with after him— as long as Jean isn't enjoying himself, I'm fine." I continued, "When I found out that our time on the trip meant nothing to (Y/N), I realized Jean had beaten me, which is why I'm so angry."

Mikasa stared at me with a blank expression. "How long are you going to keep lying to yourself, Eren?"

I avoided her gaze. "I'm not lying, Mikasa," I mumbled.

"Admit it. At least to yourself. You care about (Y/N) more than you let on." She turned to leave. "I won't say it for you this time. Get it together." I heard her footsteps recede into the darkness of the hallway. I stuck out my tongue.

What does she know? I scoffed. Clearly nothing.

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