Chapter 32- Historia's Party (Part 1):

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    Today was Historia's big day. After school today, it was planned that me, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Marco, Ymir, Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt would all go grab fried chicken for dinner, then head to my house, where we told Levi, Hanji, Eren, Armin, and Mikasa to meet with us after.

    Class felt unusually long today, probably because I was waiting for the day to end so I could go out to eat with my friends. I had gotten Historia a small gift— it wasn't much— just a cute plastic tiara she could wear at the party and a new white blouse. I handed her the gift at lunch and she was ecstatic. She told me she'd wear the tiara for the rest of the day.

    "You look like a princess, Historia," Ymir said, "Marry me when the day is over, 'kay?"

    Historia giggled.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen," Connie interrupted our conversation and grabbed the attention of the entire lunch table, "Tonight, we will dine on some of the finest cuisine I have ever tasted—" The table cheered. "—but that is tonight. Today, Sasha and I have constructed the best lunch this world has ever seen. Allow me to introduce..."

    "The Titan Lunch!" Sasha and Connie yelled in unison as Sasha pulled out a giant lunchbox from her bag.

    "Sasha, how did you fit that thing in your backpack?" Jean asked.

    "It was easy, really," Sasha said as she unzipped the box. "I just had to take out all of my school supplies." Everyone's faces dropped— Shadis could give her detention for that. Upon seeing our expressions, Sasha continued, "Don't worry you guys, Shadis won't find out. Mainly because Connie and I will be skipping the end of class to ensure that we try all the fried chicken at the restaurant before you guys get there."

    "To make sure it's safe, of course," Connie added.

    "Right..." Jean nodded.

    Sasha unveiled the lunch she and Connie had constructed. It was filled with lots of potatoes, huge chunks of meat, steamed carrots, and... peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Everyone raised an eyebrow at the interesting combination.

    "Well, dig in!" she announced.

    "Why the PB and J, guys?" Jean asked as he shoved carrots into his mouth.

    Yeah, definitely a horse, I thought.

    "They're Marco's favorite," Sasha replied, patting Marco lightly on the head. He blushed and whispered a quick 'Thank you' to the both of them.

    "You wouldn't understand, Jean," Connie said, sticking out his tongue.

    "What do you mean I wouldn't understand?" Jean said defensively, beginning to raise his voice, "Marco and I have been best friends since preschool!"

    "Cap," Connie said, crossing his arms.

    "Shut the fuck up, Connie, before I beat your ass," Jean threatened.

    "CAP!" Sasha popped up behind Jean and shoved a potato in his mouth.

    Jean's face turned crimson and he started arguing with the two as he chewed the potato.

    Ymir rolled her eyes while everyone else laughed. Today was a good day.

    As they promised, Sasha and Connie didn't follow the rest of us back to class. The rest of us sat anxiously in our seats during Shadis' lecture, feet tapping and fiddling with our pencils while we waited for the final bell to ring. The out-of-tune clang signaled that we were free to go, and the six of us sprinted to the front of the school.

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