Chapter 64- The Dance (Part 3):

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Eren's POV:

I followed Mikasa and Armin into the gym, immediately squinting as my eyes were struck by the colorful lights flashing across the room.

"There are a lot of people here," Armin observed. "I see Annie and Bertholdt together! I'm glad he finally asked her to dance."

"How did you even know about that?" I asked, leaning against the wall furthest from the massive crowd of people.

"He asked for my advice," Armin said.

"What? I didn't know you guys were good friends."

"I'm good friends with everyone, Eren. I thought you knew," he said matter-of-factly.

Mikasa huddled next to me in the corner of the gym. I pulled away from her slightly, but let her stay close enough. The three of us stood together outside the dance floor, watching our classmates spin and jump with the pounding music. Through the thick crowd of people, I quickly found (Y/N) dancing with her friends. She looked... stunning. Sweat glimmered on her forehead and her chest heaved up and down as she moved maniacally to the music.

"We should go dance with them," Armin said longingly.

Mikasa shrugged apathetically. "They aren't my friends," she looked at me, "Eren?"

"Not mine, either. I'm fine here. Sorry, Armin. You can go if you want," I said.

Armin pursed his lips, thinking. "Okay," he said sadly. "I'm going. Hopefully I'll see you guys soon."

Armin left us and disappeared into the crowd. As he walked away, a slow song began to play and everyone began coupling up. I noticed (Y/N) walk off the floor when it began.

I had been keeping my eye on (Y/N) the entire night; she hadn't done much. A long series of slow songs had been continuously playing, never seeming to have an end. She sat alone at a table the entire time, eyes anxiously scanning the room.

Who was she looking for? I thought defensively.

At times, her gaze would roll over mine, but she'd ignore me and look away quickly. Suddenly, Jean appeared from the crowd, just as (Y/N) was getting up to leave her seat. He looked like shit: his hair and suit were a mess and he was breathing heavily. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but it looked like Jean was trying to convince (Y/N) to go dance with him, judging by the constant gestures he made towards the music and crowd. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. There was no way she was going to say yes to—

I watched in dismay as (Y/N) let Jean pull her to the dance floor. He snatched her by the waist and spun her around ecstatically, not matching the speed of the song at all. As time passed however, they slowed and began to move more rhythmically to the music. I frowned.

How could she— after everything that's happened— how could she go dance with him? I glowered. It was stupid. Jean was stupid. I hated him. I hated the way he held her, how he'd slyly move (Y/N) closer to him when he spun her around. It was so irritating.

"Did you just growl?" Mikasa asked confusedly.

"Huh?" I snapped my attention back to her. "What are you talking about?"

She shrugged, ending our brief conversation. I couldn't resist— my eyes immediately reattached themselves to (Y/N) and Jean, pooling with rage. I itched to intervene. I could see their mouths moving as they started being sociable. (Y/N) blushed slightly at something Jean said. I tensed up.

Mikasa pulled on my sleeve, trying to distract me: "Let's dance," she said.

"I don't want to," I replied absentmindedly, brushing her off.

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