Chapter 14- Flustered:

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After Hanji had finished properly cleaning up all of (Y/N)'s injuries and the crowd of people checking up on her had thinned, I walked into the girls' room where Hanji was keeping her. The sleeping bags had been pushed to the side and a table and chair were brought in to help Hanji work. Jean was sitting on the chair next to her bed, wide awake, his hand resting on top of (Y/N)'s arm. When I stepped in, he glowered at me. I rolled my eyes and sat on the floor, resting my head up against the bed. Jean's face boiled with rage.

    "What are you doing here, Yeager?" he scoffed.

    "Well, Jean," I said haughtily, "I don't know if you realized this, but I was actually the one to save her! Big whoop! So, I wanted to check in." I paused. "Why is she still wrapped up in my shirt?"

    "We couldn't find any bandages in the cabin," Jean said matter-of-factly. "Hanji's getting some now."

    "Why didn't you go with them? You'd probably be of more use there than here."


    "Hay is for horses," I smirked. "Aka, you."

    "Shut UP Yeager!"

    (Y/N) stirred in her sleep. Jean stopped talking immediately.

    Ah, how easy it was to get under his skin.

    "Well, if you can't tell," Jean sneered. "She's clearly fine, so you can go now."

    Hmm... to be honest, I didn't have any desire to stay with this girl— I had already done my time. Plus, there's absolutely nothing I can do for her here besides wait until she wakes up, and what was the point of that? Although... I remembered, if I were to stay, it'd irritate the hell out of Jean... I smirked. After weighing out my options, I decided it would be in my best interest to stay and exasperate Kirschtein.

    "No thanks, Jean. I'll stay here with you." I pulled a blanket off the bed and wrapped it around myself. "Guess I'd better get comfy."

    "You're going to sleep?" Jean asked in dismay.

    "Yeah," I yawned. "What else is there to do? Talk to you?"

    He sighed, "Fair point."

(Y/N)'s POV:

    I drifted back into reality and opened my eyes. After my vision cleared, I realized I was in the girls' room. I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but the golden light passing through the window notified me that it was at least a few hours. I felt heat on my arm— it was Jean's hand. He was sleeping on the chair beside me, head tilted back and mouth wide open, breathing loudly. I leaned over and tousled his light brown hair. Cutie.

    I took a deep breath in to steady myself... citrus and... nutmeg? Was Eren here?

    I lifted my head and saw his dark hair smushed against the foot of my bed. He was on the floor, wrapped in a flannel blanket. He seemed so at peace, his cheeks slightly red and lips parted ever so slightly. He shifted in his sleep and sighed. How long have they been here?

    I breathed in again. I still smelled Eren, but he was so far away. There was no way I could smell him this strongly from this distance. I touched my head, pulling off my bandages which were... pieces of a shirt? Eren's shirt. I suppose this was his attempt as a makeshift bandage. The cloth was stained red and the smell of iron was very prominent. I looked down and saw I was covered with Eren's navy-blue sweatshirt.

    I grabbed Jean's hand and shook it until he woke up.

    He stared at me in surprise: "(Y/N)! You're awake, finally." He looked towards Eren with a frown. "Yeager carried you the rest of the hike and then I brought you to the cabin. You probably have a concussion. Hanji said there's a high chance your balance will be all over the place, so they assigned me to prevent you from hitting anything," he smiled sheepishly.

    I nodded. "Alright. I have only one question," I pointed at Eren. "Why is he here?"

    Jean scowled. "I have no idea. It's not like he's ever cared before. My guess is he wants to remind you that you, yet again, owe him one for this."

    "Right, of course," I sounded disappointed. Why do I even care? "Jean, can you help me downstairs? I'm craving a granola bar."

    Jean walked me down the stairs, pulling me aside when I started leaning and pressing his hand up against the wall to shield my forehead before I hit the anything. He brought out some snacks and we laughed at stupid jokes. Both of our cheeks were tinted pink. I had never been this close to him for this long before. I noticed— not on purpose— that he smelled like a mixture of ginger, oak, and rum.

    He made a particularly rude comment and I shoved him playfully. Unfortunately, he was a lot stronger than me, and my balance was way worse, so I was the one who fell over. He put his hand behind my head before I reached the floor, blocking my fall. He was on top of me, face close to mine, and we were both breathing heavily. I flushed red, my wide-eyed stare piercing deep into his brown one. God, I hate these cliches! We stayed there for a moment before he pulled away.

    He coughed nervously and looked away. "Erm, if you're wondering where everyone else is, they all went to the town nearby to check it out."

    I scratched my head, avoiding his gaze. "Cool, cool."

    "Well, um, anyway, I'm gonna go to the field to practice." Jean began walking to the front door.

    "Jean," I interrupted. "Door to the field's that way." I pointed to the back.

    "Ha, I guess you're right," he turned around apprehensively and speed-walked out the back door.

    I heard the sound of heavy, quickly-moving footsteps emanating from the stairs. I looked up and found myself caught in the teal-green-eyed stare of Eren Yeager.

    "Where'd Kirschtein go? I could've sworn I heard his obnoxious neighing down here," he said.

    "He, uh, went to the soccer field to practice."

    "Oh." Eren sauntered over to the fridge to grab some orange juice. As he finished filling his cup he asked, "Not like it's any of my business, but— what the heck is going on with you two? Kind of rude for him to just walk out— especially since he was so adamant about staying with you earlier, when you were knocked out on the bed."

    I tensed up and replied defensively, "There's nothing going on! I have no idea what you're talking about."

    He leaned towards me until our faces were inches apart and I could feel his hot, minty breath in my face. "Then why is your face still red?"

    I refused to back away and repeated myself, "Yeager, what are you implying? Nothing happened."

    "Don't act so innocent, (L/N)." He squinted his eyes in suspicion— I could see a million theories swirling behind those teal-green eyes. His shoulders were tensed and his voice was accusatory. "Tell me what's going on," he breathed.

    I sneered, "Make me."

    Eren shoved me up against the kitchen wall and pressed his lips against my ears. "I don't know if you remember what I said to you the first time we met," he whispered huskily, "but I had said that you'd better watch yourself." He brought his face back up against mine until our lips were inches away from each other and finished, "Or you're gonna regret it."

    Suddenly, a scream came through the door. It was Sasha and Connie: "We're homeeee!!" Eren smacked the stucco and quickly pulled away from me. He walked out the back door quietly. When Mikasa saw him leave, she dropped the groceries and went out to follow him.

(A/N~ hello again!! I hope you enjoyed the latest update! Please comment if you want more— you guys are the reason I post so I want to make sure you like it ❤️❤️ Thanks for reading!!)

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