Chapter 37- Visitor:

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(A/N)~ WOW! Almost 50K reads?! I can't believe it! I never thought anyone would take interest in it when I first started writing. Thank you all so so SO much for taking time out of your day to read this story, I hope y'all have been enjoying it. Thanks for leaving such wonderful comments-- I have such a great time reading them-- y'all are so funny and sweet, I love hearing from you. ❤️❤️ Hope everyone's doing okay. 

Lmk if you like the story! I know everyone hates (Y/N) now and is upset abt how much Jeanxreader there is, so I was kind of considering stopping...? Just keep me updated on your thoughts. ❤️❤️❤️ 

Anyway, let's get started, shall we?

I dropped the letter, still lying on the floor. I sighed. I should probably text him. He deserves an apology, too.

I grabbed my phone and my fingers hovered over the keyboard— what the hell am I supposed to say? Sorry for being a piece of shit because I was upset with myself? Sorry for making the loss of your dad a gazillion times worse because I was being an asshole?

After thinking for a few minutes, I decided the best place to start was with a simple "I'm sorry." It was straight to the point. I hoped that he would respond. It was four in the afternoon, so he had to be awake. I sent the text and threw my phone across the room so I wouldn't have to look at it anymore.

An hour had passed with no response from Eren. I drew the conclusion that an apology over text wasn't good enough. So, to distract myself from Eren's lack of response, and to hopefully right my wrongs, I decided to make a list. Unlike Eren, I didn't have all of the dates for everything, but I still had the memories burned into my mind. Man, I really don't have any original ideas, do I?

After I was satisfied with my work, I folded up the paper and left it on my desk to bring to him on Monday, assuming he was at school.

Just after I had finished, my phone buzzed. I sprinted across the room to read the message. It was from Eren.



thx. it's not your fault that my dad left tho


The fact that he had bothered to respond to my text after everything I had done to him made him the better man.



I'm not talking about your dad.

I'm talking about me.





I can't explain why, but when I read that response, I decided that I couldn't wait until Monday to give him my letter. I had to do it now. I checked my phone: it was five o'clock. I have to do it tonight.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, Eren's letter to me still in my hand. I pulled out the ingredients for the Madeleines and started cooking. Soon enough, I realized I was a terrible baker. My respect for Eren and his baking talents grew— it was not easy.

After I had thrown everything into the oven, I scoured the fridge for food I could bring to him. My parents had left again for a trip, so, for the last few days, I had been cooking for myself. My creations tasted less than mediocre. So, I went for something simple: sandwiches. I pulled out bread, meat, cheese, mayo, mustard— and peanut butter and jelly for some variety. I made six sandwiches: two of them with peanut butter and jelly, the rest of them with turkey. While the Madeleines were in their final stretch of being completed, I ran around the kitchen for more food. I ended up packing two Sprite Cranberry's, Goldfish, and some carrots, since I remembered Eren had eaten a lot of those when he brought them over to my house. The Madeleines were complete, but I was too scared to taste them, so I just put them in my backpack with the rest of the food, hoping for the best. I threw in my letter to Eren in the bag as well.

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