Chapter 36- Eren's Letter:

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Eren's POV:

    The next morning, I went straight to class, finishing up some last minute work. When the bell rang, I put my stuff away and sat quietly at my desk, watching the different kids slowly stream into the classroom. To my dismay, my face lit up when I saw (Y/N) walk into the room.

    Eren, you idiot, what are you trying to prove to Mikasa? I reminded myself. I wanted to see if she read through my letter— wanting someone to like you isn't a capital crime, is it? The second my eyes met hers, her stare was filled with sheer loathing. I dropped my eyes to the ground sadly. So, the letter was a failure. I noticed too, that Jean never walked in.

    Nutrition and second period passed by in a blur. Jean had arrived to class halfway into second period and had to stay late to talk to Shadis. Soon enough, it was time for lunch. I met with Mikasa and Armin to eat in the back corner of the room. Armin did his best to console me, even though I had told him a hundred times that I didn't need consoling.

    "I don't believe you," he said. "I saw your expression when (Y/N) glared at you. You were devastated."

    I argued with him some more until Mikasa got tired of it and kicked me out of my seat.

    "Shut up," she said shortly. "The bell is about to ring. Let's go to class."

    When we arrived in the plain, tan room, I sat in my plastic chair and doodled on my desk. Ymir was sitting to my right, and I saw her texting cooly. Her screen flashed towards me and I saw that she was talking to (Y/N). I read the text (Y/N) had just sent her:

    "Fuck eren tho. He's been ruining my life since day one." And then she threw in an "uwu" after— whatever the purpose of that was. Not like I had room to judge, but I'm not sure that was the right time for that emoji. My face fell. Why did she decide to hate me to a new extreme all of a sudden? Was what I did really so horrendous?

    The rest of the week was the same. (Y/N) would burn into me every time I walked by with her piercing stare, and talk shit about me with her friends. Although, I could judge by their expressions that they were as surprised as I was by her current aggression.

    I was definitely feeling worse. School was not enjoyable in the slightest. I hated that she hated me. This isn't an entirely accurate term, but for lack of a better word, I'd say I was truly heartbroken. It sucked. And then, things only got worse.

(Y/N)'s POV:

    I never talked to Eren again. If I saw him walking in the halls, I would instantly change subjects in front of my friends to ridicule him. My friends always commented that it seemed a bit excessive, but I ignored them. It's not like this hatred sprung from nothing. How many times had he created problems for me? Showing up uninvited and destroying my relationship with Jean was just the last straw.

    Jean and I were still friends, but there was tension lingering in the air. I still saw that emptiness in his eyes when he looked at me. While things were awful, I decided to come clean and tell him about the different times Eren had visited me, even after Jean kissed me at the roller rink. I reminded him constantly that nothing had happened, plus, Jean and I never put a label on anything, but he was still hurt anyway. I couldn't blame him. Most importantly, I told him about what happened in the closet. I should have told him everything much earlier, but I was too afraid of how he would react— and I was right to be. I knew it would make things worse, but Jean had to come back to me knowing everything.

    He felt betrayed, and his long rivalry with Eren only made him feel even more insecure about it. I could feel him pulling away from me. Ymir was right— this would take time. Although Jean would still talk to me, he'd never tease me or touch me anymore. He'd never flick my forehead or put his arm around my shoulder like he used to. I missed breathing ginger, oak, and rum. It seemed like there was nothing left for us. I blamed Eren. What I had with Jean was dead, at least for now, but who knows if he'd ever come back to me.

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