Chapter 25- The Roller Rink (Part 2):

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A voice came over the loudspeaker announcing that a slow song was about to play, so all lone skaters and children had to leave the rink. I pulled Jean's arm to the exit, but he stopped me, a look of resolve on his face. He pushed himself off the wall and tried to skate. He shook for a second as he hesitated, but he stayed determined and followed through. After that, skating came quite easy to him. I caught up with him to say congrats.

"You did it, Jean! You committed!!" I said happily.

He sighed with relief. "Yep, now let's skate before I forget how." He took my hand gently and we skated circles around the rink. I watched his expression change from one of concentration to one at ease. He looked back at me and smirked, his brown eyes reflecting the rainbow light reflecting off of the disco ball. "Easy money," he said.

I flicked his forehead and rolled my eyes. Every turn pulled us closer to each other, and overtime we stopped trying to separate ourselves. I was close enough to smell ginger and oak, and, of course, a hint of rum. I couldn't explain where that came from, although I didn't really mind. We spun around the rink laughing as the slow song started to fade. When it ended, Jean and I stopped ourselves on the wall of the rink.

"I'm impressed," I said, starting to slip my hand out of Jean's. I didn't want to let go. His hand was warm and perfectly calloused— just enough to prove that he had grown up in the outdoors. I stared up at him admiringly, watching the light dance around his figure, rainbow circles spotting his hair and skin blue, green, pink, and everything in between. His skin seemed so smooth, and his expression so inviting. I leaned forward instinctively. It was only when I began observing every detail of his lips that I realized how close we were. I went to turn away and pull my hand back, knowing that Jean was probably still irritated with me from the trip, but he tightened his grip and lightly pulled my chin back to face him.

"So, it is to my understanding that you think I have a problem with committing." The corner of his lip turned up as he looked me up and down. "For once, I'd like to prove you wrong."

Before I could even think of a reply he tenderly pressed his lips against mine. Instead of pulling away, he stayed with me. I brought my arms over his shoulders and he caressed my waist. For and intense and somewhat rugged person, Jean's kisses were loving and soft. He was quick to get into fights and stubborn to a fault. He cared too much about his image, he was feisty, but bad at comebacks; cocky and defensive, but failed at protecting himself. But, Jean was also full of courage and loyal to his friends. He was kind and sweet and generous, and wrapped in his arms, I felt safe. I felt like I knew him better than anyone else in this world— that he was revealing a part of himself to me that no one had ever seen before. And I found myself praising him for it. His kiss felt foreign, but also familiar. Unlike the short, drunken kiss we shared on the trip, I bothered to pay attention— to feel everything. He pulled me closer to him— it seemed that this time, he didn't plan on ever pulling away. I breathed him in, head-over-heels in love with his scent. I had completely forgotten the outside world and only focused on him.

Jean flinched forward with an 'ow', forced to pull away because of the sudden pain. He rubbed the back of his head. We turned towards the direction of the bouncy ball that had been thrown our way.

"Hey lovebirds!" Connie called from across the arcade, Marco trying to shrink himself behind him. "Let's go! No one wants to see Jean's Horse-Face doing things like that."

I stifled a laugh and Jean scowled.

"We'll be right there!" I said back. Jean followed me awkwardly, trying to hide his red cheeks. I was proud of him for seeing this through.

When I arrived home, I noticed that I had gotten a text from Eren. I still refrained from making him a contact. What did it matter? I already knew that the random number was his. I decided there was no point in waiting, and opened the message:



when do u plan on giving me back my jacket?

it's starting to get cold again


I replied quickly and the conversation continued:



I've invited u to meet me after school a hundred times now






So just come



how about *u* come to *me*?



How abt no



see u and my hoodie tom ;D


After Eren ended our brief conversation, I realized the stark difference between he and Jean: Jean always asks for permission... and Eren takes what he wants. Of course, for Jean, today was somewhat of an exception— although, it wasn't in his nature, and he still was hesitant about doing anything. Whether that was his fear of losing a friend or fear of messing up, it was apparent that Jean wasn't aggressive with the people he cared about.

When I kissed Eren, it felt like I was drowning in him, but with Jean, I felt like I could breathe. Instead of being suffocated by citrus and nutmeg, I was inhaling and exhaling ginger and rum. I could be comfortable with Jean. I didn't fear that he was going to abandon me, or that he only paid attention to me when it was convenient.

So, basically, he's the exact opposite of Eren.

I hated myself for comparing the two. In no way, shape, or form could Eren's affinity towards me ever measure up to Jean's. Jean's choice to like me wasn't over a stupid, hot-headed competition that meant nothing. He was interested in getting to know me by choice, and stuck with me for that reason too. If Eren had ever wanted anything with me, he wouldn't have slapped my school supplies out of my hands and walked away seconds after we met. So, you know what? Fuck that guy. I'll listen to Mikasa and stick with Jean. No more texting or hangouts at night, (although that only happened once). So, goodbye Eren— if you had really wanted your sweatshirt back, you would've met up with me when I asked.

I jumped into my bed and shut my eyes, an expression of resoluteness painted over my face.

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