Chapter 57- Intervention:

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Howdy~ how y'all been doin? 

Welcome to the second-to-last update of Circles 😭😭 I'm so sad it's almost over. But, I want to thank you all so so SO much for reading and supporting me throughout this story-- it means the world to me ❤️❤️

I looked back on the first chapter of this book and my lord it was so f*cking cringe I could not tolerate it so thank you for sticking by me as my writing improved-- I hope it's been worth it ❤️

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!! As always, let me know what you think. I love you miss gurls, muah~

(Y/N)'s POV:

I stormed out of the bakery, my vision growing blurry from my tears.

"Who do I tell?" I whimpered. "Someone... I need to tell someone. I don't want to be upset alone again!"

My situation with Eren was always the same. It was practically impossible to talk about it with anyone because, well... it was Eren. No one really liked him. No one wanted anything to do with him. But, I was so tired of being sad by myself, with no outlet for my feelings besides taking things out on him. That, I thought, was part of the reason why my decisions had been so irrational.

Suddenly, as if it were planned, my phone began to ring. That doesn't mean you can tell them anything, (Y/N), I reminded myself. Nevertheless, I was still hopeful. I pulled it out of my pocket.

"Jean," I whispered happily. I answered: "Hello?"

"Hey. How are you doing?"

"Hm?" Did Jean know what had just happened? There was no way. "I'm alive. Why did you call me?"

"Bad feeling, I guess," Jean said through the speaker. "You skipped school today— I know you're not sick— and... well, I wasn't sure if you decided to deal with this whole 'Eren' thing yet."

Jeannnnnn!! Why are you the best person ever?! I was shocked. I couldn't believe he had called me. Perhaps, our friendship was restored? Or, maybe this was common decency. Although, he'd never called me before... Plus, surprisingly enough, he asked about Eren. Putting it in the most hurtful way possible, the person that, in a way, shattered my relationship with Jean and took his place.

"So, what's wrong?" he asked. "You're taking awhile to answer."

"I... Well, since you asked, a lot of things are wrong. I'll try to be quick: basically, I went to the bakery today to drop off Eren's blanket because I never wanted to see it again, and I knew he didn't work Fridays, so I figured I was safe. Unfortunately, he was working today, so I saw him in the store and long story short we got in a fight and it seems like things are over."

"You say that all the time. There's no way things are 'over'," Jean said lightheartedly.

"Well, this time I'm not so sure. He didn't even give me the chance to talk. I couldn't get a single sentence in before he rejected me and told me to get out."

"God, you two are both just such MORONS!" Jean yelled. "Do I need to do everything for you?"

"No, no, of course not! I just needed to vent, is all. I'm fine. Now, I don't have to worry about it anymore," I said quickly.

"Dear Lord..." I heard him sigh. "Look, (Y/N), normally, I wouldn't bother with this, but, because we're friends— and because I'm feeling particularly heroic today— perhaps it's finally my time to intervene."

"Jean, you really don't—"

"Will you please shut up? I'm already involved with this— it was my fault for being a genius and putting together the fact that the 'I love you' was in his letter addressed to you," he emphasized, "and I'm sick of hearing about the two of you bickering. It gets in the way of everything. He always puts you in a bad mood and it kills my vibe. So, I don't mind— just this once— getting involved. I've been itching to beat him up anyway. This is a good excuse. Is he still at work?"

"Yes— wait, Jean, did you say 'beat him up'—?"

The line went dead.

Dear God... What is he doing?

I called Jean. He didn't pick up. I called him again. No answer. I waited a few minutes before calling a third time. This time, he answered:

"Jean what—?"

"Go and save him, (Y/N)."

He hung up.

Goddamnit, Jean. Why did you have to go and do this?

I sprinted back towards the bakery and made it to the corner about ten minutes later. I peeked my head out from behind the wall to see if Eren was still in the shop. I saw his limp body on the floor and a shadow looming over it. I squinted my eyes. Illuminated by the faint orange streetlight was Mikasa, leaning over Eren with a serious expression. I immediately pulled my head back behind the wall. This was something I did not want to be a part of.

I turned around and walked back home, knowing that Eren was safe with her, and I could deal with this later. Jean, you didn't think Mikasa would get to him before me? Eren looked like he was beaten to a pulp. What if Eren thinks this was organized by me? Plus, what kind of move was that? Why did Jean have to do that, of all things? What was it for?

I could hear Jean answer in my head: "Romantic flare," he said.

On my walk back, I passed Shinganshina park. I wasn't sure why, but I had a strong desire to visit there. I thought better of it— it was late— who knows how many weirdos would be out here at this hour.

Even though I never asked for Jean to go out of his way and beat the shit out of Eren, I still felt responsible. If I hadn't bothered to go to the store and say anything in the first place, none of this would have happened. I'm sorry, Eren, I thought guiltily.

When I arrived home, I noticed my parents' bags were at the front door. Guess they arrived early...

I ignored it and jumped upstairs to my bed. I flopped over face-first and lay there until morning, breathing in the stuffy smell of my sheets.

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