Epilogue- Regret It:

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(A/N)~ I wasn't originally going to include this, but I decided to write it like super last minute so figured might as well. It's not much, but it's a little something. ❤️❤️

"Now," Eren started, touching his forehead to mine and cupping my jaw gently with his hand, "How would you feel about a real date?"

"Hm..." I pretended to mull it over, "I dunno, Eren... Sounds pretty risky to me. What'd you have in mind?"

He grinned, "Can't tell you that yet— but I'll let you in on one thing: you'll be eating much better than IHOP and Tupperware dinners."

My eyes widened, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It can mean whatever you want it to mean," Eren said cockily, nipping me playfully on the ear, "I'll follow your lead." He looked me up and down, "And may I say, you look stunning in that dress tonight—"

"Don't push your luck, Yeager," I cautioned, stepping away from him. "We still have a dance to attend."

Eren followed me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. "But you were allowed to leave early," he argued

"I planned on coming back," I defended. "We have friends waiting for us... or, at least I do."

Eren groaned, but followed me back into the gym to meet up with everyone. Near the entrance, Marco, Bertholdt, Reiner, Levi, Hanji, Ymir, Historia, Mikasa, Annie, Armin, Connie, Sasha, and Jean were all waiting for us. Wow, one year here and I had met so many people.

As we approached them, I whispered to Eren, "Do they know?"

Eren avoided my gaze, scratching the back of his head, "Uh... yes."

I flushed, "Alright. No more beating around the bush I guess."

Sasha immediately jumped at me, snatching me away from Eren, "Y'all wanna go out for dinner?"

The party shrugged. "I've got nothing better to do," Jean said.


One year later...

Eren's POV:

I sat on the couch downstairs, watching TV and eating potato chips. (Y/N) would be coming over any minute now. I had just gotten off of work and she wanted to stop by. Mikasa was upstairs in her room, probably reading. She had taken down all of the photos of me besides one with our entire family. The frames were now filled with her and other friends. It was nice to finally have her off my back. She had loosened up a bit since—

The doorbell rang. I jumped up from the couch excitedly and sprinted towards the entrance. I swung open the door, already exuberant because I was just about to see her face. Unfortunately, when the door swept open, I was met eye-to-eye with Jean Kirschtein. I groaned. Upon seeing me, he frowned too.

"You know, you don't have to be so rude about it, Eren," Jean commented.

"Shut up, Horse-Face—" I turned away from him for a moment, "MIKASAAAAAA!!!!" I yelled from downstairs, "Jean's here!"

I heard her footsteps as she came to the kitchen. Jean grinned. Mikasa's normally expressionless-stare weakened for a moment as she smiled faintly back, waving him in the house silently. Jean passed me, kicking my shin on the way in, and followed Mikasa eagerly up the stairs and into her room.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes at their happiness. "Where the hell is (Y/N)?" I started, closing the door. Something stopped me from shutting it entirely. My grip on the handle loosened and (Y/N) forced her way inside.

"Hello," she said politely, holding a white bag in her hands. "I bought us some Madeleines."

"(Y/N)," I tried to cover my smile with annoyance, "You know I have those like... every week. I make them myself."

"I know," she said back, grinning deviously to herself, "But I like the taste."

(Y/N) was lying on her back on my bed, finishing off the last Madeleine. I was on the floor, sitting on my rug, the now-empty bag lying still between us. In my hands, I held the white blanket, sifting through it with my fingers, trying to find the little message that was written on it.

(Y/N) flipped onto her stomach, observing me quietly. After a few moments, she asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for that problematic blue stain," I replied, focusing on the perfectly white blanket.

(Y/N) waved her hand at me expectantly and I tossed the blanket to her. In seconds, she put her fingers over what I thought to be a random spot. When she uncovered it, the sloppily-written letters were easily revealed.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise, "You found that quick," I noted.

She threw the blanket back at me, letting it hit me in the face. "That's because I'm talented, unlike you."

"Or, it's because you're obsessed with me," I argued back, voice muffled as I pulled the blanket off my head. "But, there are many good reasons why—"

I was cut off by a knock at my door.

"Come in!" (Y/N) answered pleasantly.

Jean poked his head in, face already annoyed before he even made eye-contact with me.

"Mikasa said you bought Madeleines," he said to us, "Can we steal a few?"

"The walls in this house are too thin," I complained.

"Glad we have something we agree on, Eren," Jean replied with a knowing expression. It was as if he were recalling a gruesome memory. "Anyway— can we just have two?"

I held up the empty bag proudly, a smug look on my face. "All gone, Horse-Face. Our bad." I switched my gaze to (Y/N), who was eyeing Jean guiltily.

"Sorry, Jean," she said through pursed lips.

"Don't worry about it, (Y/N)," he said lightly, "Bye." Jean closed the door behind him, leaving (Y/N) and I alone in my room again.

I scowled. "Why are you so nice to him?"

"Because he's my friend," she answered.

"But he's mean to me."

"And you're mean to him."

"Stop defending him. He's the worst."

(Y/N) sat up. "You're the worst," she countered. "I actually like having him around."

"You only like having him around because he's your second option if I fall through," I muttered sourly, crossing my arms.

"Aww, is someone jealous?" (Y/N) teased, jumping off the bed to sit next to me on the floor. She huddled up beside me and pressed her head against my chest. "That's not true, Eren," she consoled, brushing her fingers through my hair. She whispered deviously into my ear: "I like having him around because it gets Mikasa to leave us alone."

(Y/N) pecked me on the cheek sweetly. I pushed myself off the ground, standing up so the two of us could leave to go do something. Suddenly, I felt (Y/N) grab my arm tightly and wrench me back towards the floor. I collapsed and fell on top of her, smacking my head against her shoulder.


(Y/N) looked down at me, releasing her grip. She paused before speaking, staring at me with an embarrassed and slightly terrified look in her eyes. I don't think she wanted to leave just yet.

"Erm... sorry about that," she said, face flushing slightly.

I eyed her up and down, biting my tongue to hide my smile, "You better watch yourself," I started, pulling her down on top of me, "or you're gonna regret it."

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