Chapter 62- The Dance (Part 1):

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Howdy everyone~ it's Friday, 5 pm... aka the finale of Circles 😓😭😭 

I don't want it to end!!!!!!!! I'm so depressed 😭😭😭😭😭😭

I just wanted to thank you all again for reading-- it has been such an amazing experience writing this story for y'all, and I've truly loved every minute of it. ❤️❤️ But, this isn't goodbye.

Obviously, you still have not 5, but SIX chapters ahead of you to enjoy. (I wanted to give y'all a treat for the last update.)

Also, there is some important news in the end note as well, so I'd recommend reading that if y'all wanna get fed again ;)

Enjoy sweaties-- you're all so hot and I love you ❤️❤️ Muah~

We arrived at AOT High right on time, the sun was still setting and colored lights flickered through the windows of the gym. We saw Jean and Marco first. Both were dressed in simple black suits with a white button up underneath.

"Hi guys!" Marco greeted amiably. "You all look great!"

Jean nodded in agreement. "Connie's grabbing food for everyone right now. Let's go sit."

The group followed Jean to a large empty table just outside of the gym. It was lit by soft yellow lanterns and gave off a warm glow. The sky was just beginning to get dark. Connie arrived shortly with food for everyone. Sasha's eyes lit up immediately when she saw the meal.

"I stole four of the largest dishes offered. Hopefully Hannes won't notice," Connie said.

"Hannes is here?" Jean asked timidly. "I thought he didn't teach anymore."

"He's only here to chaperone. Apparently Shadis couldn't make it— not like I'm complaining. By the looks of it, Hannes is probably too drunk to care about what we do."

"Connie!" Sasha looked him up and down. "Does your suit have pockets?" she asked, showing off her skirt.

"Not like yours. They're too small to hold anything!" he whined.

"Then, you look terrible," Sasha said sourly.

Connie slumped beside her sadly, but once they starting eating, neither seemed to care.

Bertholdt and Reiner joined us halfway through the meal, both of them looking extremely anxious about something. Levi showed up right as we finished eating.

"The 'dancing' part of this stupid event is about to start. You brats go. I'll clean up," he ordered.

All of us filed into the gym. Slowly, as time passed, we grew accustomed to the music and started dancing. Sasha, Connie, and Jean were an excellent trio— their version of dancing was screaming at the top of their lungs while doing... whatever moves they were doing. Our group danced without rhythm, moving chaotically to the pounding music that blared so loud I couldn't even understand it.

I saw Eren, Mikasa, and Armin walk through the door. All three stayed at the back of the room, refusing to dance, although Armin looked a bit upset about something.

When I refocused on my giant group of friends, I noticed that a slow song began to play. Ymir snatched Historia by the waist before Reiner could ask her to dance. He looked down sadly and walked off of the floor. Annie moved to follow him— she hated dancing of all forms, and had spent most of her time in the circle standing— but a sweaty and anxious Bertholdt stopped her. I couldn't hear him over the music, but the next thing I knew, the two of them were dancing together— a flustered expression on both of their faces, though Annie did a better job of hiding it. Connie, Sasha, and Jean, not caring much for formalities, traded off slow dancing with each other. Marco asked Hanji to dance, as it looked like they had been dying for a partner. Noticing my time was up, since there was no one left to dance with, I walked off the floor and to a table to watch.

I slumped in my seat with one hand holding up my head for what felt like hours. At least three slow songs had passed— and if I know anything about slow songs, it's that they're really slow. I looked up often, trying to find Levi to talk to, but I figured he was probably still outside cleaning. Every so often, my eyes would sweep by Eren, who was still lamely standing in the corner. Armin had left him, but Mikasa stood firmly by his side. Eren was wearing a casual black suit with a black button-up underneath. Somehow, he made it very classy. Every time our eyes crossed paths his teal-green eyes stared intensely into mine. I ignored him, staying true to my promise.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed my chair back and stood up to find Levi. As soon as I stood up, Jean stumbled through the crowd.

"(Y/N)!" he said breathlessly, "Do you want to dance with me?"

Jean was covered by a sheen of sweat and his suit was beginning to crinkle. Buttons were undone and his tie was loose.

"I dunno, Jean. You look pretty tired to me," I said.

He pulled his tie looser and looked away from me.

"C'mon! Just one dance!" he begged. "It might be the last slow song you'll ever hear! Don't you want to enjoy it?" He grabbed my fingers gently and tugged me. His eyes met mine and he grinned. "I promise— I clean up nice."

I merely nodded and let him pull me to the center of the floor. He wrapped one arm around my waist and took my hand with his. Contrary to what he and Sasha and Connie were doing earlier, Jean moved quite smoothly and guided me well. While I still enjoyed being next to him, something had changed. The tension between us had faded and our friendship had been rekindled. I could tell by the way Jean acted that he was no longer repressing any romantic feelings towards me, which was a relief. I was the same. While I definitely loved Jean, the love I currently felt was much different than before. It seemed that everything had worked out perfectly.

Jean surprised me and spun me in a quick circle. As we danced, I could feel Eren glowering at us.

"Your dress looks good," he commented politely.

I blushed slightly at the comment: "Yeah— you can thank Historia for that."

He spun me back towards him and nodded appreciatively, "The girl knows her stuff."

We danced in silence for a few moments. Then, out of nowhere, Jean asked:

"Do you think Mikasa would say 'yes' if I asked her to dance?"

I raised my eyebrows in shock, "Where did that come from?"

"Long story," Jean said, looking at her from across the room. My eyes followed his.

"Her hair looks nice," I commented.

"That's what I said, too. So, do you think she'd say 'yes'?" he asked hopefully.

"Definitely not. Unless, maybe, you were Eren."

Jean sighed in defeat, bringing his attention back to me.

"But, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try," I added optimistically. "I mean, worst-case scenario she says 'no'."

"And beats me up."

"I doubt it. Mikasa doesn't have time to deal with suckers like you," I teased.

Jean titled his head towards me accusingly. After a moment, he relaxed.

"As disrespectful as your response was, I guess you're right," Jean said resolutely.

He took his hand out of mine and tousled my hair. I frowned— Historia had spent a while making it decent. He smiled back.

"Thanks for the dance," Jean said casually, stepping away from me happily. "I'll see you in a bit... If you'll please excuse me— there's something I need to do."

I watched Jean disappear into the crowd, leaving me alone on the dance floor mid-song.

I stood for a few moments, watching everyone dance in circles around me, then sighed, turning to leave, "Guess that's my cue," I mumbled.

"(Y/N)—" I heard a voice call through the pounding music.

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