Chapter 30- Infirmary:

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Eren's POV:

I awoke in a bright white room with Mikasa by my side, her hand resting on top of mine gently. When I looked up at Mikasa, her face turned scarlet and she immediately pulled away. Once my vision straightened out, I recognized the white cabinets across the room and realized I was in the infirmary. I pushed myself off of the bed and then immediately collapsed. My head hurts so much...

"Don't worry, Eren, I'll have (Y/N) pay soon enough. I shouldn't have let her go," Mikasa consoled.

I sighed, "Mikasa, please don't. It's really not worth it... Where is she, by the way? I hit her pretty hard, too."

Mikasa's eyes turned to slits and she avoided my gaze. "I don't know. She carried Jean off somewhere to clean him up. They didn't come here because (Y/N) was worried about Jean getting suspended for another fight."

I stopped. "And you didn't think to do that for me?" I glowered.

She stared at the floor, "Shadis walked in before I could get you anywhere. I didn't want to lift you and risk something breaking. None of us knew how injured you were."

"Well, maybe inst—"

Mikasa cut me off and asked hysterically: "Why do you bother with them?! Why can't you let them be?! What is triggering this obsession with (Y/N)??!"

"It's not an obsess—"

She talked over me again: "Yes, it is, Eren. And it's hurting everybody. No good will come out of this! Can't you see that? Just let them go! Both of them! Let (Y/N) go!" She tugged on her scarf.

"Mikasa," I said, "take off that scarf. It's too hot for that."

Her eyes began to tear up. She bolted out of the room and left me alone. A few minutes later, I heard the cabinet open. I lifted my head as slowly as possible to see who it was. It saw (Y/N). Her nose was dripping with fresh blood and she was scouring the cabinets for bandages and peroxide.

I sighed, letting my head fall back onto the pillow. As soon as she heard it, she looked my way, staring at me coldly.

"Enjoying your time in the infirmary, Eren?" she asked rigidly.

I closed my eyes— my head was still in immense pain. I wondered if I had a concussion. I decided not to reply.

She scoffed, "I see how it is." I heard her footsteps begin to fade.

"Wait!" I called, "Why is your nose still bleeding?"

(Y/N) stalked back into the room: "What's it matter to you, dickwad?" She wiped the blood that had dribbled to her lips.

"Just wanted to know if that was my punch," I replied haughtily. I could see that there was no point in sucking up to her.

She laughed sarcastically, "As if you could make me bleed for an hour and a half!" (Y/N) softened her expression. "It was Mikasa— just a few minutes ago, actually."

"What?" I got up quickly from the bed. I could barely stand up and my vision was blurry. I flinched from the sudden throbbing pain. (Y/N) had knocked me out for an hour and a half?! I thought in shock.

"Sit down." (Y/N) said, pushing me back towards the bed with the palm of her hand. She didn't even look in my direction. I toppled over and landed on the mattress on my back. I could see there was no point in getting up.

"I'm fine. It was one quick punch and then it was over," she paused and threw in another cold remark, "I don't regret what I did. I think you deserved it."

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