Chapter 18- 7 Minutes:

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Disclaimer: Ok so I wrote this before the 7 Minutes fic came out— (wow to that fic btw goddamn)— um but yeah so there isn't any smut in this I hope y'all aren't too disappointed, I just feel like where (Y/N) and Eren are at rn it wouldn't make sense. I also just didn't want it to be compared w 7 Min since I didn't intend it to be that type of story. Pls forgive me!! I hope you can still enjoy it. ❤️ ❤️

Eren closed the door behind us. I took a seat on the floor and crossed my arms. He leaned up against the wall across from me.

"Aren't you going to sit?" I asked.

"No. That raises the chances of something happening," he scoffed. "I don't want to take that risk."

I opened my mouth in shock. "Are you kidding me?! Am I that awful to look at?!"

"I think so," he replied matter-of-factly.

I jumped up in anger and shoved him up against the wall, pressing down on his chest with my forearm. I couldn't see his expression, so I could only hope I seemed threatening enough.

"Listen, Yeager. I have no intention of making out, or getting anywhere near that with you tonight," I huffed. "But let me tell you, you should be honored to even be stuck in a room with me right now, based on the way things have been going... And you know what, Eren? I'm a great kisser," I smirked, "Or, at least... I think Jean thought so."

Suddenly, Eren grabbed my arm and flipped it off of his chest, smashing it upwards onto the wall across from him. He slammed his other palm on the side of the wall next to my face. It seemed we had switched positions. He breathed heavily... minty breath, on top of his regular smell of citrus and nutmeg...

"If you're trying to intimidate me, Eren. Let me tell you, it's not gonna work. You've been glaring at me all night, it's not like things in here will make things any worse," I heaved.

"Oh?" The light shining through the crack of the door illuminated his teal-green eyes. They pierced my soul. I saw him bite his tongue and smirk. "And why do you think that is?"

"Because you're upset I didn't come to your rescue at the game today. Or something stupid like that," I taunted, bringing my face up to his, trying to read his expression in the dim light.

"You know what, (Y/N)? You're so right." He shifted his weight, holding one hand behind my head, the other grasping the back of my thigh. "I think, because of your poor decision... you still owe me one."

Before I could even open my mouth to reply he aggressively pushed his lips up against mine, fingers running through my hair as I was forced to inhale the scent that I was slowly beginning to grow fond of. He pulled my legs up and around his back until he was holding me off the ground. I hated it. I hated kissing him so much. But, the worst part of it all, was that I could. Not. Stop.

He began giving me butterfly kisses down my face, and then bit down hard when he reached the crook of my neck. I leaned my head back at the sudden pain.

"Mmm," he breathed. "You smell like shit."

"Fuck you, Yeager," I half-moaned as I burrowed myself in him, grabbing his muscular back harshly, while running the other hand up across his toned chest under his shirt. The chest that I couldn't work up the nerve to stare at in the bathroom when I was fixing up his arm. It felt so long ago. As he moved further and further down my chest, lips crossing over my sternum as he squeezed my thigh tightly, I started to forget the first day I met him, where he toppled all of my stuff to the floor with a single smack, and the months following where he irritated me endlessly, and, well, I basically forgot every bad thing he had ever done up to this moment. And to my chagrin, I started to forgive him.

"We should probably... stop," I gasped, "The seven minutes are probably almost up."

In response to that he bit the left side of my hip. I flinched again at the sharp pain. He pressed his fingers against it to repress the stinging and brought his lips back up to meet with mine.

"C'mon, (Y/N)," he said in between breadths. "Live on the edge."

I pushed his hair out of his eyes so I could see them. They were bright, and they craved something from me. "Asshole. Do you know what will happen if we get caught?" I said in between kisses.

"Jean will get pissed?" he said with a devious smile.

"Yes," I uttered, still out of breath. ...Wait. I pulled away and stopped. "Is this about Jean?"

He didn't reply.

I immediately jumped off of him and slapped him across the face. "Are you serious? Are you that obsessed with him that you need to steal EVERY. SINGLE. THING HE GETS?!! IS THIS PART OF SOME PSYCHO MALE-SUPERIORITY COMPLEX??" I couldn't stop myself from yelling. "Fuck you, Yeager. Fuck you to the moon and back. I can't believe you PLAYED me like that!" I screamed.

He shrugged and pursed his lips. "It's your fault for falling for it."

"My fault?! It's my fault that this happened?!"

There was a knock at the door. "Uh, guys?" It was Marco. "The seven minutes is up," he said nervously. "You can come out now."

I threw open the wooden door and strutted out.

"Ha, I— I guess you couldn't hear us through all the yelling," Marco scratched his head uncomfortably. "But it's over now! So we can keep playing!" I could tell he was trying to keep the peace.

I ignored him and stomped outside, furious with Yeager, but more than that: I was furious with myself. 

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