3 - It's Me

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"Oh, hey Bucky." I breathed. He froze when he heard me.

"How do you know that name? And why do you look like Romanoff?" He stepped towards me and pressed his boot against my shoulder painfully.

"Ow! Jesus, Buck." I pulled the photostatic veil and wig to reveal my own face. "It's Y/N."

"Y/N? What the hell! What are you doing here?" He hissed, stepping back and helping me up.

"I have stuff to do." I replied, shrugging my shoulders, instantly regretting it as pain shot down my arm.

"You're almost as infuriating as Steve. Why are you here?" He asked again.

"I needed to find someone." I added simply.

"Who?" He pressed.

"None of your business." I started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm.

"Y/N. What did you take from Nat's computer?" He asked, his tone more gentle this time.


"Please don't make me ask again, I sound like a broken record."

"Then let me go." I insisted. I saw Ben out of the corner of my eye, gesturing towards Bucky. I shook my head at him.

"Who did you just-"

"No one. Buck, you aren't supposed to know me." I reminded him.

"And if I actually didn't, I would be dragging your ass back to the tower." He grumbled, still holding my wrist.

"I could still wipe you, you know." 

"But then you'd be in a bad situation."

"Bucky. You have to let me go. I have to do this. I have to." I pleaded.

"Do what, Y/N?"

"You'd get mad, so I'm afraid that I can't answer that. And you would probably try to stop me, which is something I can't risk. But just understand that when I'm done, I'm leaving. Forever. I'll live a normal life, far away from danger. You don't have to worry about me anymore. I promise." I looked into piercing blue his eyes, trying to get him to see I was telling the truth, but saw he still wasn't planning on letting me go. "Trust me."

"It's not that I don't trust you. It's that I don't like not knowing where you are."

"Oh screw this. I'm sorry Bucky, but I really have to go before someone finds us." I grabbed his arm and flipped him over before throwing a taser disk at him. That should keep him busy, but just in case. "Ben, watch him," I ordered as I scampered down the rest of the stairs, changing the settings to my veil to a different face. I put it on, and walked out into the lobby. I manifested a pair of glasses and slid them over my nose, and adopted a shy persona. I stepped backwards into the door, pushing it open gently, and strolled out into the fresh air, keeping my face downcast.


"Thank you for that, Ben. Hopefully you didn't hurt him too much; I do still like him." I said, opening the fridge and grabbing a drink.

"Nah. I just threw him against the wall and held him down until you were out of range. His is very strong." Ben noted.

"I know." I rolled my eyes at him. "I fought him."

"Not really. You ducked and let him get hit with a tranq."

"But before that I tried to wrestle out of his grasp, and I couldn't."

"That's not the same as-"

"Incoming." V abruptly interrupted, and a few seconds later I heard a knock on my door. 

"Ben, veil." I whispered, standing up. As I walked over to the door I caught the flying veil and put it on. Can't have anyone recognize me, can we?, I thought as I opened the door. I was surprised to see a boy, about my age, standing in front of me. His mocha hair curled at the ends, and his eyes matched the same beautiful shade. He was medium height, around 5' 8", and although he was wearing a semi-baggy sweatshirt, I could tell he was much stronger than he looked.

"Hey. Um, my aunt noticed that you recently moved in, and wanted me to give you this." The boy said awkwardly. I recognized his voice, but was distracted from trying to identify it when he held out a basket full of fruit and half a dozen muffins. 

"Oh! That was very kind of her." I plastered a smile on my face, accepting the goodies. 

"I'm Peter, by the way. My aunt's name is May." He smiled.

"I'm Alice." I lied, shifting the basket onto my hip and holding out my hand. He shook it, and I noticed I was right about him being stronger than he looked, and his hands had calluses on them. "It's nice to meet you."

"You two." He shifted his weight anxiously, and a quick look into his thoughts told me he wanted to go . . . swinging? Odd.

"Sorry to cut this meeting short, but I have to finish unpacking. Thank you so much for the food, and tell your aunt I'd love to meet her."

"Yeah, sure. Bye, Alice."

"Bye Peter." I waved, closing the door as he turned back to his apartment. Why do I know his voice? I thought back to his voice, then ran through the rest of my memories, trying to find a match. I also factored in his appearance, but couldn't think of anyone who matched his description.

"Y/N. Think about it. You recognize his voice, not his face." Ben pointed out.

"Right." I tried again, focusing on his voice only this time. I found a match.

'It was a kid's show from kind of a long time ago. It was about Bob, a builder, and he carried a hammer.'

5'8". Strong build. Calloused hands. 'Swinging.'

"Peter Parker is Spider-Man."


Aim: Hydra | Y/N Story | Sequel to "Aim: Avenger"Where stories live. Discover now