26. Memories From the Past

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"Camilla Green?" A man spoke, looking about thirty. I looked around and saw I was in the visitation room of a prison. A few other prisoners and their guests were scattered about, and a small handful of guards watching over the room. The man had light brown hair, brown eyes, and his face had a strange smile on it, like he knew something no one else did. A look of knowing power and control. "My name's John Garrett."

"Why are you here?" A younger General said. She looked about college age, and eyed the man sitting across from her warily.

"Your old professor's an old buddy of mine. He told me about a pissed off young woman with incredible intellect who turned down the wrong path, creating dangerous weapons and blackmailing people with them. I must say, I find a young woman like that intriguing." He motioned for her to sit, and after a moment's hesitation, she did. "I'm curious. Did you know-"

"Whatever you were about to say, I don't care, as you have yet to answer my question; why are you here?" Her sharp voice interrupted.

Garrett smiled and said, "Smart, focused; I like that. I'm here to make you a one-time offer, so listen up." She quirked an eyebrow, but motioned for him to continue, her handcuffs clicking against the table.

"A big-shot lawyer's gonna to be here in about 20 minutes. You've got a lot of people worried with those machines of yours. Made quite the fuss, really. Some want you locked up, throw away the key."

"And others?" She questioned.

"We want to let your mind work, do what it does best. Create." He waved his hands in front of him, as if presenting some invisible gift.

That seemed to have peaked the girl's interest as her eyes light up and a small smile played on her lips.

The man continued, "Now, you can spend the next few years locked up in a cage, letting your mind waste away, or, you can let me get you out of here and become something great. Have your name up in the stars."

Her face suddenly darkened. "What's the catch?

"I work for a secret organization that's always looking to recruit young folks like you."

"And why should I trust you?"

"You shouldn't. Don't trust anybody, ever, especially me." He spoke honestly, and her head cocked to the side slightly. "Let me be clear, going with me will be the hardest thing you've ever done. But, on the other hand, no one will ever screw with you again." She still looked hesitant, so he added, "Say yes. It'll be fun." Garrett looked down at his wristwatch. "10 seconds and I walk out that door." Still, she just watched him. "Say yes."


Suddenly an alarm blared out. Young Green jumped a bit when the doors opened fast and loudly behind her as men rush into the room with guns. One of the armed men yelled, "Get down! Everybody down!"

Everyone in the room, except Garrett, got down and exclaimed in surprise. The young student looks at the men entering the room then back to Garrett, who does a little "cheers" toast with his cup to the woman with a smile. "I told you it was gonna be fun."


"Doctor Green! There's a new delivery for you from someone named . . . Klaue? Oh wait, there's another from Toomes?" A tall, lanky man in a white coat said, looking down at a clipboard.

A slightly older Camilla turned around from the organized mess of wires and pieces of metal, smiling. "Finally." She tapped on the controls of some sort of robot, and it came to life, scuttling down the hall and returning shortly with two relatively small packages. She opened the first and pulled out a small purple orb, casting a strange and haunting glow over her smiling face. The second package contained metal. Nothing looked special about it, it was just shiny and sleek. She took the metal and continued to build some sort of gun, expertly putting the pieces together until all that remained was the purple core. "It's time."

"Carefully, doctor." The man spoke again, leaning over the table as he watched with excitement as she attacked the core to the device.

"I did it! Oh my goodness! I did it!" She ran around the table and hugged her friend, happy tears leaking from her eyes. As the two celebrated, they neglected to notice the weapon begin to pulse, as if trying to reject the connections. It crackled, causing the two to turn with horrified expressions before it exploded.


"The girl shows promise, as does the rest of her team! You can't just scrap the project!" The General looked much closer to what I remembered her as, her hair tied up as she leaned against her knuckles on the table in front of her, facing a table full of faces. Faces I recognized from various files and meetings; Alexander Pierce, Wolfgang von Strucker, Daniel Whitehall, and Octavian Bloom.

"General, I can't help but wonder if this 'project' will end as badly as it did for your last one." von Strucker spoke, his accent and tone sharp.

"You're one to talk. All of yours keep dying!" She hissed.

"My patients are not enhanced when they arrive, they are of less value. Yours, on the other hand, are valuable assets to the Cause. Assets I believe to be used improperly." The scientist spoke.

"What do you think of this, Whitehall?" Pierce spoke up.

"I believe that they are responding well to their training. They are compliant, especially Agent Erinnerung. Her memory makes the treatment especially effective. The others trust her, so as long as we have her, all will be well." He spoke. His voice sent an involuntary shiver down my spine as I thought back to his stupid compliance trick.

"I'm reminded why I hate you, Whitehall." I mumbled.

"And what of Project: Consequence?" Octavian Bloom added. "General, you understand what must happen, eventually?"

"Yes. I allow the girl to kill me, and use her manifestive memories to expand operations. Once she kills her friends, I can control her using Doctor Whitehall's methods, and she would be unstoppable."


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