26. If Only It Ended Here

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I jolted awake from my dream, breathing heavily as I felt sticky tears on my face. I noticed there was a hand on my shoulder, and out of instinct I twisted my assailant's arm behind their back and pushed them to the ground. "Ow, Y/N, it's me."

"Oh. Sorry Di." I said, letting go of her and helping her up. "Why are you here?" I asked suddenly.

"You were screaming in your sleep. I assume it was a dream." She spoke, looking up at me solemnly.

"When you touched me. You saw it, didn't you?" I said blankly, finally meeting her eyes.

"Yeah." He answered quietly. "If she-"

"Don't." I stopped him, feeling the heat behind my eyes again. "Don't. Say it."

"You have to come to terms with this, Y/N. It's happening more often, and you know it. It happened yesterday. And as great a nurse you are, you can't keep doing thoracenteses."

"No, we can talk to Stark, he could-"

"Y/N! You've read the file a dozen times, despite your memory. There's nothing new, there never is. You know how this will end." She interrupted me. "You have to accept that I am already dead."

I looked up at her. I slowly shook my head, feeling a drop spill down my face as she stepped closer and wrapped me into a hug. "I can't lose you, too, Di."

"I know. But you have to."

"Life just won't leave us alone, huh?" I chuckled dryly. 

"Nope." She spoke, and I pulled away, looking at my friend.

"i'm going to be the only person left from our team. You'll all be gone, and I'll still be here."

"But we'll always be here." She tapped my temple. "You couldn't get rid of us if we tried."

"The web we weave." I muttered.

"Made from memories."


"Ready?" I looked over at the girl at my side, dressed completely in black. My jetpack's wings were deployed and ready for the coming fight.

"Always." Distortos replied.

"Let's get 'em." I cheered, and flew through the dark underground tunnels of an abandoned subway system towards the Hydra base. I'd finally found the General, and I wasn't going to let her go. I was barely paying attention as I took down the various guards and agents, letting muscle memory and my instincts take over as my mind searched through the sea of thoughts I could hear, searching for her voice.

"It's time."

"Di, I found her!" I yelled, pulling out my trance as I rammed the handle of the knife against someone's head, letting them fall at my feet. They weren't dead, but they were probably going to have a nasty headache.

"Go get her! I've got these last few, and then I'll get the Enhanced and Gifted out of here. Where do I bring them?" She asked, using her powers to control the blood flow in their bodies. She forced them all to drop their weapons and kneel onto the ground with their hands behind their head as she went around binding their hands.

"Call Bucky, he'll know what to do." I shouted over my shoulder and I flew up again, faster and faster as the General's thoughts got louder until I heard her in the room next to me. I kicked open the door and flew at her, tackling her to the ground and kicking the gun in her hand away from her. "Miss me?" I sneered.

"Agent Erinnerung." She smiled.

"It's Y/N now." I growled, pressing the blade of my knife against her throat.

"Now, Erin, is that really your plan? To kill me? You know revenge plots never end well." She chuckled.

"Shut it."

"What would your boyfriend think, when you promised him you wouldn't kill anyone ever again?"

My thoughts stalled as my heart dropped from my chest to my stomach. "My . . . what?"

"I never pegged you for the cliche romantic, Agent. The boy next door? Really?" She frowned mockingly, her eyes crinkled smugly.

"How do you know about Peter?" I hissed, pressing my knee into her ribs.

"I know everything, Y/N. How's the rest of your team? Abandoned you, just like everyone else in your life?"

"Shut up!" I swiped my fist across her face, feeling tears burn my eyes. "They're gone because of you!"

"You're the one who pulled the trigger, Agent. You're the one who killed your friends, what's stopping you from doing it again? Wouldn't it be best for you to come home?" She raised her voice.

"You don't get to tell me what's best!"

"You know what is best. What is best is you comply." She started the Faustus phrase.

"Stop it!"

"Compliance will be rewarded. Agent Erinnerung, are you ready to-" Before she could finish, and before my brain could even process it, I was moving, gripping my knife so tight my knuckles turned white as I raked the blade deep across her throat. A sickening amount of blood poured out, soaking us both as she gargled morbidly on her words.

The first thing I noticed was the sound of my own heavy breathing, and my heart pounding in my chest. I realized what I did, and quickly jumped in to stop the bleeding. "No no no no, I promised Peter. I still need to see your memories." She looked at me, a strange grin on her face.

"Then look." She barely managed to say, blood pouring in scarlet streams down her face. The same scarlet surrounded my pupils as I grabbed her hand, diving deep into her mind.


Aim: Hydra | Y/N Story | Sequel to "Aim: Avenger"Where stories live. Discover now