28. What's This, My Fourth Time Starting A New Life?

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So. It's been three months since I kissed Peter. Since I betrayed my family. Since I abandoned my best friend and will probably never see her alive again. Since that night on the shores of Lake Erie. I could continue the list if I wanted to, but I don't. Right now I don't want to think, I just want to get through this shift. Sadly, it seems the universe hates me today, since my least favorite customer just walked in. Yay. Slapping on a fake smile, I say, "hello, welcome! What can I get for you?"

"Heya girlie-pie. How about the usual?" The snarky jerk across from me said, his usually asshole smile on. 'The usual' bitch you're lucky I have a good memory, self-entitled prick. I got his order ready, and, as always, when I handed it to him he lingered his whole hand on mine for way too long. He was thankfully quiet while he paid, and I thought he would just walk out. God, if only I were that lucky. "So, when do you get off? Want to go to dinner?"

"I'm closing tonight." I turn away and pretend to clean something, even though I did five minutes ago. He doesn't know that.

"Oh, really? Well, I'm a very patient man."

Man. Please, don't make me laugh. "I'm good."

"C'mon, girlie, go to dinner with me. I promise I'll make it worthwhile." He coaxed.
I didn't need to be a mind reader to know what he meant by 'worthwhile.'

"Sorry, but I'm busy."

"Thought you had to close?"

"Yeah, I do. Busy afterwards, I've got plans already."

"Nothing that can't be canceled."

"They're plans with my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend, huh? Doesn't matter, go out with me." He ignored all of my attempts to brush him off. All of them. I was seriously considering strangling him and throwing his body into the bay when a couple came in.

"Hello, welcome to Baskin-Robbins!"


"You're destined to do nothing but run, Erinnerung."

"Shut up!" I screamed at the figure standing in front of me. "For once in my life, will you just go away?"

"You're a failure. A liar. A murderer. No wonder you ran, no one could ever love a monster like you." She sneered. I wanted to scream at her, fight her, do something, but I was exhausted. All those months ago I'd managed to force her away and out of my mind, and I'd been trying to do it constantly, but it was hard. I could never do it for more than a few hours. And a part of me knew she was right anyway, that I would be alone forever. My past was too full of dangerous things and dangerous people, and I'd hurt enough people to last several lifetimes; I was done. Hell, I spend my time working a menial job and having arguments with dead people. "No one will ever want to be around a monster like you."

"Well, when you spend your entire life surrounded by monsters, it's only a matter of time before you become one yourself." I muttered. That's kind of good thing I've learned; I knew that Hydra never truly cared about my well-being, but what did I care? I had my friends. Now that I know my team was assembled to die and expand their operations, there was no question where I belonged; even if that bridge has been truly well and burned. I don't know how I could've been so blind to see that my home was never with Hydra. It was with the Avengers.

Aim: Hydra | Y/N Story | Sequel to "Aim: Avenger"Where stories live. Discover now