17. New "Friends," Old Family

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"Peter would kill me if he knew what I was doing," I muttered from the back of a club. There was music blaring from every direction, and people were singing, dancing, and drinking in a giant drunk blob, but I had my eye on one woman in particular. Enora Bell, 23 years old, female, 5' 6", 140 lbs, specializes in personnel records. Medium build, would put up a fight. Option 1: spike her drink. Problem: she's not stupid. Option 2: change memory. Problem: eyes glow red and people would freak out. Option 3: Pull the fire alarm and get her into a private location. 

Option 3 it is.

I ambled around a bit, looking for the fire alarm, and saw my path blocked by a very drunk man trying not to fall over. Bored, I grabbed his hand and used it to pull the alarm. The music stopped suddenly and white lights flashed in time with the blaring siren, causing mass chaos. People started screaming and running, but the Hydra agent just shrugged her shoulders and walked out, into the crowd. I followed close behind her, and as soon as she stepped out the door, I yanked her into an alley, pulling out a tranquilizer and stabbing it into the base of her neck. She went limp in my arms, and I struggled to keep her upright. 

"Where's Ben when you need him?" I grumbled, throwing her arm over my shoulder. We stumbled back to where the rest of the hoard was, and I weaved through the crowd.

"Is she alright?" A police officer stopped me.

"Yeah, she just had a little bit too much to drink. She went through a bad breakup and asked me to drive her home." I smiled and explained away. He nodded.

"That's a good friend. Might want to stay with her so she doesn't hurt herself."

"Thank you, officer. Have a good evening." I continued on my way to the street, hailing a taxi. After getting her settled, I told the driver my address, and off we went. Phase 1: Part 1 complete.


"I'm going to kill you."

"Why? I'm lovely." I smiled at the agent bound in front of me. "Now, Miss Bell, you have been a joy, and while you aren't my choice of a roommate, you're going to stay here for a few days."

"They're going to know you aren't me." She sneered.

"You see, that's just it. I know your life's story, and, c'mon, really? You decided to join Hydra because of a guy? That's sad."

Her face went white with shock. "How could you possibly-"

"The name's Erinnerung." I waved at her, and her eyes widened. I smirked, twirling a small dagger in between my fingers. "So you've heard of me."

"The General said you were dead."

"Nope. I escaped. Speaking of her-" I was interrupted by a knock on my front door. I glanced at my clock. "Oopsie. I lost track of time. You wait here." I slipped a gag over her mouth and hurried over to the door, opening it a little bit to reveal the familiar cognac eyes. "Hey, Petey."

"Hey Y/N. Ready to go?" He smiled.

"Something came up." I returned the grin. A muffled yell sounded behind me, making me narrow my eyes slightly.

"What was that?" Peter tried to look behind me, but I moved to block his view.

"Television." I lied. She screamed again.

"Y/N. That's sound is not a television. What did you do?" He crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at me.

"Nothing." I shrugged. He rolled his eyes before forcing the door open, easily pushing it open with his strength and looking at the scene in front of him.

Aim: Hydra | Y/N Story | Sequel to "Aim: Avenger"Where stories live. Discover now