21. School. How Odd.

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I'm going to regret telling Stark, I thought as I held Di close. Before he left, he told us that we were in all the same classes as Peter, and that he would help us "do what normal kids do," as he put it. Peter isn't exactly the person I would chose as a model for normal, as he could carry an elephant if he wanted to, but Stark knows best, I guess. Nevermind, no he doesn't.

Since we were late, the hallways were empty and quiet, save for the muffled droning of some teachers in the classrooms we passed on our way to the administrative office. After a brief talk with a very cheery secretary and easy enough instructions to our class, I was given my schedule. 

We arrived at the door of our second period class, Physics X

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We arrived at the door of our second period class, Physics X. I twisted the door knob open, revealing several rows of students sitting at counter-like desks. Several science-related decorations littered the various windowsills and shelves, and at the very front was a whiteboard and several pictures of well-known scientists, including Charles Darwin, Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Sir Isaac Newton, and Bruce Banner. In front of the board was, according to my schedule, was Mrs. Monica Warren.

"Hello. You two must be my new students. Welcome to Physics X, you can pick up the textbook in the back. We're currently on page twenty-six." She smiled, her hands folded in front of her, her body language very relaxed.

"Thank you, ma'am." I returned her grin, grabbing two books and sitting at one of the tables. I let Distortos sit next to the wall to hide her as best as I could from the curious gazes of my classmates. I noticed Peter sitting next to a boy I recognized to be Ned Leeds, his best friend. He was also glancing at Peter, and his posture was rigid and his feet bounced with excitement. He told Ned about me, I realized, rolling my eyes with a small smile played on my face. The teacher cleared her throat, and everyone focused back to the front of the room.


I had been to Physics X, Spanish II, AP World History, Chemistry X, and it was finally time for lunch. Peter wanted to drop a few things off at his locker before we met Ned in the cafeteria. "So, how's your first day of real school?"

"Better than I thought. I already speak Spanish fluently, and Physics comes naturally. Chemistry and History, not so much. Knowing a bunch of formulas wasn't really a priority in Hydra, and most of history was irrelevant for missions. We were only taught what was necessary." I shrugged.

"Oh, well, don't worry about it. I can always help you, and Google's a great-"

"Hey Penis Parker! Who's she? She's pretty." A dark-haired boy swaggered towards the three of us, a boy I remembered from my Chemistry class. 

Before Peter could respond, I stepped towards him. "Y/N. Nice to meet you." I smiled a phony smile, holding out my hand. 

"Flash Thompson. What's a girl like you hanging with Penis-ow!" He accepted my handshake, and I twisted his hand behind him and shoved him into the lockers.

Aim: Hydra | Y/N Story | Sequel to "Aim: Avenger"Where stories live. Discover now