12. Breaking and Entering

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"Tony, you make this too easy." I smirked, waltzing out of the elevator onto the top floor. My heart ached, seeing the familiar sleek surfaces and smooth floors, finding comfort in the open space. I shook my head, turning towards Bucky's room. 

"Welcome home, Miss Y/N." A voice stopped me.

"Hey, Jarv. How's everyone doing?" I smiled at the monotonous voice I had grown to miss.

"Only one of the team mourns your departure, miss."

"Speaking of the Soldier, is he in his room?"

"He is in your library, miss."

I frowned sadly. "My library?"

"Mr. Barnes asked Mr. Stark to name the room Y/N."

"Of course he did. Don't tell anyone I'm here, please."

"Of course not. Will you be staying for long?"

"No. Just need to talk to Bucky. Is anyone else awake?"

"Mr. Stark is in laboratory, working on a prototype suit for Spider-Man."

"Oh, Peter will love it. Thank you, JARVIS." I walked to the library, being careful to avoid the lab; my steps were silent, as was the rest of the tower. As I neared my destination, I saw a sliver of light against the wall. Creeping closer to the door, I peeked inside and saw Bucky was standing next to the phonograph I summoned for Steve, a record playing. I opened the door wider, taking a single step into the room.

"I don't want to talk, Nat." His voice was heavy and void of any emotion.

"What makes you think it's Nat?" I responded. His head snapped up, looking at me is disbelief.


"Hi." I gave a small wave. He ran over to me and crushed me into a hug.

"What are you doing here?"

I pulled away, smiling at his face. "I came to talk to you. And I know you won't approve, but I need your help with something."

He frowned slightly. "I don't like where this is going."

"I know, but just hear me out." I lead him over to one of the tables, sitting across from him. He sat silently, waiting for me to continue. "I'm going to take down the General."


"I haven't even told you anything yet."

"This is Hydra we're talking about. You can't just walk in and kill one of their most prominent members."

"Can I just tell you my plan?" I asked, and he remained silent. "Thank you. So, plan is that I kidnap and take the identity of an agent, download as much intel as I can, hunt down the General, and continue to infiltrate bases and saving as many people as possible."

He paused, sighing before responding, "as much as I hate to admit it, I'm proud of you for doing the right thing. And you made this decision on your own. But you wouldn't be here if you didn't have to be, so what do you need?"

"I need a place for the people like me, where they can be safe."

He smiled. "Okay?"

"Stark's got the resources, and I know he's always had a soft spot for orphans. As you probably know, Hydra either killed their families or adopted. I just need a middleman." I added in a rush. His face fell slightly, but he nodded, silently agreeing. 

"How am I going to explain to Tony that a teenager is taking down Hydra on her own, and succeeding?"

"You're smart, you'll think of something." I smirked. We sat in silence for a little bit, and something popped into my head. About Steve. About Bucky. "Hey Buck."


"When I came in here, you were trying not to cry. It reminded me of one of Steve's memories. I hadn't meant to look at it, but I think you should know. It was right after you fell in the mountains."

After a moment, he said, "Continue."

"Steve was at the bar you and the Commandos all drank at. When the team was formed. It had been bombed out, but Steve sat there, thinking of you. Crying. He was thinking about how all his life, he knew he would die before you. He was getting sick all the time, it just made sense to him, and he'd come to terms with it. He wasn't prepared to lose you, so you have no idea how happy he was to get his friend back." I finished.

He sat in silence, looking down with a faraway look in his eyes. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"You used your power to make me feel better. With all we've been through, you knew that I would like to hear something like that." He responded, a solemn tone in his voice, but he spoke honestly.

I smiled sadly, meeting his gaze. "Because knowing someone would grieve you meant someone cared." 

"Exactly. It-" He stopped when we both heard footsteps. I rushed over to the armchair, hiding behind it, as the door swung open to reveal the very Captain we had been talking about.

"Hey Buck, you alright?" He said, looking around the room. "Thought I heard you talking to someone. What-" He didn't get to finish his sentence before he was wrapped into a hug, surprising him. "Hey, what's going on?"

"Never mind it, punk."

"Jerk." He responded, smiling as he returned the embrace. "Are you okay?"

James pulled away, looking his best friend in the eyes as he said, "Never better. I'm with you to the end of the line."

"Being caring. That's uncharacteristic for you, Barnes. Normally you're scolding me for something." He teased as Bucky lightly punched him.

"Shut up. Punk."

"Jerk." He smiled, pausing before asking again, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. I was just thinking about something."

"You've been doing that a lot recently, and always in here. You never used to care about this room before, so why now?" The blonde asked.

"A friend of mine liked to read."

"You have friends?" The two super soldiers laughed. "Hey, where'd that armchair come from? I don't remember it being here."

Bucky stiffened slightly. You probably don't remember it because I made it, I thought. Ever the quick thinker, the assassin answered, "Pepper brought it in so she'd have a more comfortable place to sit when she did some work here."

"Oh. Well, don't stay up too late, alright? Sleep is good, too. And if you have a nightmare, you know I'm here." Steve reminded him.

"Yeah yeah, go on." He ushered his friend out the door, saying goodnight, closing the door and listening for Steve's retreating footsteps. After a few moments, he turned back to me. "You're good."

As I walked out, I began to tease him. "Never took you for a hugger, Jamsie."

"You know, maybe I'll just go get Steve, introduce you two."

I held up my hands in defense. "Alright, alright." We smiled. "I should get going, though."

"Where are you staying?"

"Not too far, for the moment. After this whole Hydra thing is dealt with, I think I'm going to retire." I admitted.

He looked surprised. "Really?" After I nodded, he smiled and said, "You told me that in the stairwell, but I thought you were just saying that to make me feel better. Good. You deserve a chance at a normal life."

"Thank you, Bucky. Tell Steve I said 'hi.'" I smiled, hugging him goodbye.

"He'll be confused."

"Then record it for me." I pulled away, looking at him, and nodded before turning on my heel and walking out. It broke my heart to have to leave again, but I knew we would see each other again. When I had reached the common room, I pulled the tracker Bucky planted in my hood, holding it between my thumb and forefinger. "Good effort, Bucky. Have fun tracking this lamp." I set the device against the lampshade on the desk next to me, and walked into the stairwell.


Aim: Hydra | Y/N Story | Sequel to "Aim: Avenger"Where stories live. Discover now