30. Happy Birthday! Here's a Tragedy

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8 months later


"Good morning class, and happy Friday! Anyone have any plans for the weekend?" My teacher asked, a genuine smile on her face. 

"I'm going to my grandparent's lake house." One girl said, raising her hand.

"That sounds like fun! How about you, Kate?" She asked, looking at me. I raised my head slightly, glancing up as I answered.

"I turn 17 tomorrow." I responded. 

"Wow, happy birthday! Any special plans with your family?"

"Uh, yeah. My favorite food for dinner and some cake." I smiled slightly at my teacher.

"That sounds like fun! I hope you have a good night, hon. Now, let's switch on over to the notes. Where did we leave off yesterday?"


"Hello, Kate! How's life?" An old, graying woman asked me, smiling up at me as I walking into my second home.

"Pretty okay, Angie. Any new books?" I asked, returning her smile.

"Yes, actually. I know today's your birthday, so I made sure to order you something special." She smiled and handed me a small package wrapped in decorative cloth that I knew she knitted herself.

"Ang, you didn't have to do that!" I smiled, gently unwrapping my present to reveal a book.

"I remembered you said you loved the book because it was your friend's favorite, but you'd never read it."

The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien

I felt my eyes heat up and my nose stuff up at the sight of the book. "Happy Birthday, Kate." The woman said, pulling me into a hug. It hurt to hear her say a fake name, to not know the real me, but it was for her protection. She'd never even seen my real face; I wore the veil everywhere after the incident with Romanoff, and I'd tossed my phone so Bucky couldn't find me. I'd been holding on to the past for too long, and all of it had to go. 

"Thank you, Ang. Thank you so much." I said tearfully, wrapping my arms tightly around her wiry frame.

"Well, you deserve it, hon. Lord knows you haven't had an easy life." She pulled away and smiled at me. "Now, you'd best get going on your homework."

"Will do." I smiled, turning and flying up the steps into my favorite lounge area and plopping down in my favorite plush armchair. I reached over the side and placed the needle for my record player onto the record that sat atop it. The armchair and record player were the ones that I'd made in the Avengers tower, but it's not like anyone else would know that. I was in France, no one here had ever set foot in the Tower. I missed the team, and I missed Amber, but I couldn't visit her grave; it would be too easy to find me. I hadn't seen the General since before the funeral, but I knew she was still there, and as long as she was, I would never see my family again. I was okay with that if it meant they were safe, and normal life wasn't so bad. To keep my identity a secret, I haven't gone on patrol, so instead I spent my time working at Angie's library in exchange for living in the small studio apartment on the second floor. Angie was getting old and couldn't get up and down the stairs as easily as she used to, so she moved into the apartment complex across the street and offered me the room.

Time had passed much quicker than usual it seemed; with the season turning colder, the days turned shorter, and soon all the natural light was gone, replaced by the warm yellow lights as I finished up my homework. I was tempted to read my new book, but decided to save it; I'd gotten it today, and I wasn't ready to cross that line yet, so instead I pulled my coat over my shoulders, zipping it up tight as I made my way to the front door. "Angie, I'm going to go to the cafe down the street. Want me to bring you something back?" I asked.

"No, I'm alright, dear. Don't be out too long, I don't like you walking in the cold, especially in the dark."

I smiled at her worry. "Don't worry, I'll be careful." I reassured her, kissing her cheek.

"Hurry back, now." She smiled at me fondly.

"I promise!" I called as I swung the door open, immediately swirled with a chilling breeze. I pulled my coat even closer, tugging my hands into my pockets as I strolled down the street. It was a quiet night, but filled with the sound of street players singing into the night. The streets were illuminated with light pouring from shops and streetlights, and I could hear snippets of strangers' conversations. It was peaceful, and I felt myself relax with the night.

"Bonjour, Mademoiselle Kate! Qu'est ce que je peux vous servir?" One of the baristas greeted me. "Chocolat chaud, comme toujours?" Hello, Miss Kate! what can I get for you? Hot chocolate, as always?

I laughed, "Tu me connais si bien, Alice." You know me so well, Alice.

"Tu es très prévisible, Kate. Je pense que tu ne pourras jamais me surprendre." Alice turned over her shoulder as she made the drink and smiled. You are very predictable, Kate. I think you can never surprise me.

"Tu serais surpris." I smiled. You would be surprised. Oh, if only she knew, she'd avoid me. As she finished my order, I let my eyes wander around the shop I'd gotten to know so well, stopping at the television. "Peux-tu allumer la télé?" Can you turn the TV up?

"Oui." She grabbed the remote and turned the volume up so I could hear it.

"Earlier this morning, there was an accident resulting in the casualties of numerous people, including eleven relief aid workers from Wakanda. The accident was caused by Wanda Maximoff, a newer and somewhat unknown addition to the Avengers. World leaders have made an announcement that steps will be taken to ensure events such as Lagos do not happen again."

I ran out of the shop as fast as I could, sprinting all the way home, muttering apologies to the people I passed. I threw the door to the library open and raced up the back steps into my apartment, pulling out my laptop. Unlocking it, I dove into my 'research;' most would call it hacking, but whatever. I pulled open as many recent files as I could on Lagos, the Avengers, and reform plans. I found multiple drafts of a document called the Sokovia Accords, and reading it made me stomach churn. 

This wasn't safety. 

It was control. 


Aim: Hydra | Y/N Story | Sequel to "Aim: Avenger"Where stories live. Discover now