16. Promises

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"Y/N. I'm worried about her. She's breaking down. She's so afraid of the past. Of her past."

"I know. I don't know how to help her."

"I have a solution, but you're not going to like it."


"You know that we are living reminders of her past, of the people she's hurt. She's strong and can hold her own, but she can't move on if we're still here. We have to stay out of her life. Forever."

"But I just got her back."

"I know. But we've done what we set out to do. Peter will protect her now."

"I don't need protecting."

"Can she hear us?"

"It doesn't matter. We have to leave."

"What if she summons us?"

"Can't control people."

"She can definitely hear us."

"V. Focus. She can't control us. This is our choice."

"Will she really be okay without us?"

"You know her. She's strong."

"She always was. Goodbye, Y/N. Trust in yourself, as we do. We're always in your heart."


I woke up with a start, and heard a sound on the floor. I switched on the lamp beside my bed and saw a groggy Peter, his eyes blinking against the brightness. "Jesus, Peter, you scared me."

"I scared you? You're the one who woke up with an audible gasp."

"Why are you here anyway?"

"Uh, Ben said that you needed help sleeping and asked me to be here in case you woke up." He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he spoke.

Why did I wake up? I was dreaming, and- "Oh no." I threw the covers off and jumped over Peter into the main room. It was dead quiet. "V?" I looked into my office. "Ben?" I threw the doors to my bathroom open, calling their names. "Gestorben! Verdienen!" I looked in every room, behind every door, in every closet, before I felt two strong hands hold mine against my side.

"Y/N. Calm down. They're probably just-"

"No, Peter, you don't understand!" My eyes glowed a dark red as I grabbed his arm and showed him the memory of my dream. When the memory was over, I felt my knees give out, but Peter supported my weight, gently lowering me to the floor. "No, they can't be gone. They wouldn't." I pulled my knees up to my chest, burying my head inside my rolled-up body. "I can't do this without them."

"Y/N. I know you don't want to hear this, but they are gone. They want to protect you."

"How are they supposed to do that if they're gone?" I cried.

"They made sure I would be with you. And I am, Y/N. I promise, I will always be here for you." He gently lifted my head so I looked into his eyes. The chocolate irises calmed my mind and my beating heart. "I promise."

"Peter." I frowned. "Don't say that. I'll hurt you. Like I've hurt so many others. Like I hurt them."

"I trust you with my life. You proved that to me when you risked being found out to save a stranger's life."

"The little boy." I remembered.

"Exactly. I promise you, I'm staying right here."

A long time passed, me just sitting there, my back against the wall, resting my head on my knees, staring dead ahead as Peter sat beside me. "Peter?" I said, eventually breaking the silence.


"What am I going to do without them? I had this whole plan, but now I just don't know."

"What was your plan?"

Sighing, I hesitantly told him. I knew he wouldn't like it, but it didn't matter now. "I was going to figure out the origin of my powers so I could learn to control them. I haven't really been sleeping a lot because . . . well, because I need to keep my brain busy so I don't think too much and accidentally summon something and hurt someone. I was trying to find someone called the General. She handled all of my missions, and just me in general. I was hoping she could give me answers."

"But, they could take you."

"It was a risk I was more than willing to take. I'm tired, Bugsy. I'm tired from my lack of sleep, tired of being afraid of my past. Tired of hurting people." Tears fell down my face. "I don't want to hurt people anymore." I took a deep breath and composed myself, wiping the tears away. "So. I need to control them. The General could help."

"What if they brainwashed you, like Mr. Barnes?"

I laughed bitterly. Not like they haven't already, but the less people know, the better. "No."

"What if you went to Mr. Stark?"

"He doesn't remember me."

"Right. Well, I could introduce you to him. He could still help."

"I don't know. What if he can't, or won't?"

"Then we'll figure something else out. Whatever we do, we'll do it together. Promise me that."

I looked at him. He was thinking so many things but kept circling back to wanting to help me. To be a good friend.

"I promise," I answered. "The web we weave."

"Made from memories." He said, standing up and offering his hand to me.

Taking it, I said, "You should go to sleep. At dinner, you said you have a test tomorrow, and I don't want you to be tired."

"What are you going to do?" He asked.

"Patrol, probably, or work on a new plan." We walked over to the window in the kitchen, and I opened it for him as he stepped onto the fire escape that linked our apartments. "Night, Bugsy."

"And a lovely evening to you, m'lady Assassin." He said, giving a mocking bow.

"Alright, go on, smart aleck."

"I do believe that role goes to you if anyone." He smiled a goofy smile as I waved him away. Once he safely snuck into his window, I turned back to my now empty home. It was quiet, and I didn't like it. I went into my closet and pulled out my suit, slipping it on, and revelled in the confidence I felt when I was wearing it. I used that feeling as motivation to step back outside, alone this time. Taking a deep breath, I deployed my wings and flew out into the night. Why not get started on Phase One? No time like the present.


Aim: Hydra | Y/N Story | Sequel to "Aim: Avenger"Where stories live. Discover now