7. How It All Began

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"So let me get this straight; they're dead." Peter asked. I nodded. "And they can still interact with the world?" I again nodded. "That's so cool!"

"I'm glad you think so. They won't leave me alone." Despite my snide comment at the two, I was glad that Peter wasn't dying of a heart attack.

"Why? If I were you guys, I would travel the world! You could see anything you wanted to!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Not quite. You know how Y/N has a distance barrier? We can't leave that radius." Ben explained.

"Still. You could do whatever you wanted. You could pass any class! They could just Google the answers and tell you them." Peter pointed out.

"That wouldn't be helpful, I remember everything. And I don't go to school anyway" I added.

"You don't go to school?" Peter looked over at me. I shook my head, and he frowned. "Have you ever gone to school?"

"Not what you would call school. At Hydra, we had classes in different subjects. While we didn't have a set schedule, and we named the classes ourselves; they didn't really have names. Self Defense, Computer, Engineering, Anatomy, stuff like that." I answered.

"Oh, I have those!" Peter said.

"She left out Manipulation, Thieving, Disguising, and the uses for those classes. Self Defence class was really just fighting in general, Engineering was how to create weapons using what you have as well as making your own signature weapons, Anatomy was to tell us the best places to stab, shoot, or cut someone to kill them-" Ben rattled.

"I think he gets it." I stopped him.

"Okay, so not school." Peter glanced at me, a worried look on his face.

"She's not going to hurt you. But in one of our classes, the Instructor said that one of us had to die, so Y/N killed Ben. It was really funny." V declared.

"Yeah, and she killed you when you got caught  trying to steal a nuclear generator." Ben snapped at her.

"Yeah yeah yeah, let's stop freaking Peter out please." I hissed at the bickering pair.

"Honestly, I don't think there's anything more I could learn about you that would scare me." Peter reassured me.

"I wish you hadn't said that. They will take it as a challenge." I groaned.

"She can-" V started. 

"No. Please don't do that." I interrupted her. 'I don't want to scare him away. Please don't start.'

'But it would be better to lay it all out now, before you've formed a strong bond.' V argued.

'She has a point, you know.' Ben agreed.

I thought about it. 'Fine. But no graphic details.'

"Are you having a telepathic conversation?" Peter questioned.

"Yes. As I was saying, she can pick a lock in two seconds." V started.

"By materializing a key." I retorted.

"You can still pick a lock." She countered.

"She can remember everything." Ben joined in.

"She said that a few minutes ago." Peter pointed out.

"She can summon anything she's seen, because of her memory." V added.

"Wow." Peter uttered.

"She can infiltrate any building." Ben shouted excitedly.

Aim: Hydra | Y/N Story | Sequel to "Aim: Avenger"Where stories live. Discover now