5. Out the Window

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"I'm in so much trouble." I paced back and forth, trying to come up with a resolution. A million ideas popped into my head, but none of them were any good. The only plan I could come up with that would stop Peter's investigation would be revealing my true identity, which was not an option since I never got to wipe him. He wasn't in the tower that night. "I'm screwed. I have to move."

"Or maybe this is secretly a blessing in disguise. Maybe you can finally get that friend we were talking about." V suggested.

"No. Friends." I momentarily stopped my pacing to glare at her. She held up her hands in defeat.

"I vote we figure this out later. Y/N needs her sleep." Ben said.

"No, I can't sleep. I haven't done nearly enough exercise to keep the dreams away." I shook my head.

"We will help with that. Just go to sleep." He gently but forcefully pushed me towards my bedroom.

"You can navigate my dreams?" I asked, not fighting him.

"We're about to see, now aren't we?" He retorted. I crawled into my bed, burying myself under the covers as Ben switched the light off. However, I didn't feel sleepy, and the sleep tricks I learned at Hydra weren't helping.

"I can't stop thinking." I said in the darkness.

"About what?" V responded.

I hesitated before answering, "Peter."

"Oh really now?"  V teased.

"Shut up. I meant Peter as Spider-Man. Why does he do it? He's just a kid; surely he has something better to do. At the very least, something safer."

"I imagine for the same reason you're trying to take down Hydra alone; to protect those that can't protect themselves."

"Maybe, but trauma is what led me to that decision. So I just can't help but wonder what the seemingly quiet boy next door has been through."

"You never know."

"Except I could. All it would take is one touch." A dangerous idea formed in my mind, but I quickly pushed it away. "No. That's his secret, his memory. Not mine."

"You've never had trouble with invading people's memories before."

"This is . . . different. I don't know why."

"I do."

"Please, o wise dead girl, why is this different?"

"First off, I'm smarter than I look."

"Oh, really now." I sassed.

"Shush. This is different because he's the first person who was nice to you without pitying you. Without knowing your background. Not to mention, you met him when you weren't under their influence."

"That's not entirely true. I met Spider-Man after someone decided to shoot me in my abdomen."

"You know just as well as I do that Peter Parker is not the same person as Spider-Man. Just as Erinnerung is different from Y/N."

A small smile spread across my lips. "You know, for a seven-year-old, you're pretty smart."

"That's what a lifetime with Hydra gets you, I guess."

"It does, doesn't it? God, we are so screwed up, aren't we?" I laughed bitterly.

"Sorry to interrupt this touching conversation, but go to bed!" Ben snapped. I laughed a real laugh this time, but nodded.

Aim: Hydra | Y/N Story | Sequel to "Aim: Avenger"Where stories live. Discover now