15. Fears

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"Ugh, how do you do this everyday." I sighed, flopping onto my couch.

"What, can Miss Assassin not take a hit?" He teased.

"I can. I just don't have regenerative properties and durability like you. I'm normal. Well, mostly, anyway." I summoned an ice pack and held it against my ribs where that stupid mugger had thrown a rock at me.

"Oh. I didn't know that." He stood in my kitchen, dumbfounded.

"Well, when you spend your days with super soldiers, you forget how normal people's bodies react to conflict."

"But you were an assassin? Didn't you do this everyday?"

"Yeah, I could kill people then." I responded.

"Oh." His eyes were downcast.

"You're funny when you're uncomfortable." I laughed, ignoring the dull ache in my side.

"She's right." V giggled.

"And you're creepy." He shot back playfully. His phone began to ring, and he scrambled to pull it out of his pocket. "Hey Aunt May. I'm next door with Y/N. Okay, I'll - okay, I'll ask her. See you in a bit." He hung up, a smile spreading on his face. "So, Y/N, do you want to come to dinner with Aunt May and I?"

His smile grew wider when my face no doubt was filled with surprise. "Me?"

"Yeah, sure."

"You trust the highly trained, killing maniac inside your house with your aunt?"

"You don't scare me." He quipped.

"Then you will die stupider than most."

"That's what Spider-Man's for."

"Ah yes, Bugsy, the protector of dinner parties." I jeered, and Gestorben burst out laughing.

"Ha ha, very funny." Peter threw a magazine at him, but he disappeared before it hit him. "V and Ben are welcome to come, too."

"They don't eat, unless they're bored. They don't get hungry." I explained. "And I don't trust them not to say something stupid."

"While you are correct, ouch." V pouted.

"Y/N, come on, it'll be fun, I promise you won't hurt May. You'll like her too much." Peter interrupted, his eyes sincere.

"May I remind you I killed my two best friends?" I responded pointedly.

"You were brainwashed!" The three shouted together.

"Still did it!"

Sighing, Ben walked over to where I was sitting on the couch and picked me up, following Peter out the door. "Put me down!"

"No. You are having dinner with the Parkers and you will like it." Ben said, plopping me down on the ground and holding me in place. Peter knocked on the door, and when it swung open my captor disappeared without a trace.

"Peter! There you are! And you brought your friend! You must be the Y/N he's always talking about." The young woman smiled a true, caring smile, but her words put me off.

Peter better not have told anyone  else about me. And he told her my real name. Kind of defeats the purpose of hiding. But despite my thoughts, I returned her smile and greeted, "Yep, I'm Y/N. You must be Aunt May. I'm pleased to finally meet you." Even if it was against my will.

"Any friend of Peter's is always welcome here. Come in, dinner's ready." She stepped aside and motioned for us to walk in, so I followed the two Parkers through the door. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a door slightly ajar, and peeked into what appeared to be Peter's room. The walls were covered in various posters, and his shelves were filled with strange replica structures made out of small, colored bricks; the word 'LEGO' popped into my head. I was pulled out of my analysis of the bedroom when May said, "do you want anything to drink, honey?"

Aim: Hydra | Y/N Story | Sequel to "Aim: Avenger"Where stories live. Discover now