4. What Now?

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Oh no. This is bad. This is really, really bad. Spider-Man is my neighbor! You've got to be kidding me! "I just can't get away from these heroes." I threw my hand up, the other still holding the basket against my side.

"At least he's a good neighbor." V said.

I glared at her as I walked over and set down the food on the kitchen counter. "It doesn't matter. As long as he doesn't know who I am, then it will all be fine. The plan proceeds as planned."

"Or, you could get his help. I'm sure he wouldn't mind taking down Hydra." 

"No. This is something I have to do alone. I can't be worried about a child."

"He's older than you." Ben pointed out.

"But he hasn't been trained to do this since he was a baby, now was he?" I shot back. "God, I wish I was normal." I leaned over the counter, my head in my hands.

"Y/N. He can handle himself."

"I can't let someone else get hurt because of me, okay? I don't know what I'll do with myself if I hurt someone else." My mind brought forth the image of Bucky bleeding on the ground, groaning in pain.

"Bucky chose to protect you. He knew what he was doing."

"That doesn't matter. It may have been his choice, but he shouldn't have had to make that decision in the first place. I'm done hurting innocent people. It's their  turn to hurt." I spat bitterly.

"Don't let this hate burn you out, Y/N." Ben said solemnly.

"Hate? Hate? That word is nothing  compared to what I want to do to them. I want them to look at me and die of fear. Make them rue the day they thought they could prey on innocent children." I snapped my head up as I spoke, my words over enunciated with fury. I needed to calm down, being angry was a waste of time. "I'm taking a walk. Alone." 

I grabbed my coat from the closet by the door and pulled it over my shoulders. Checking to make sure I had my key, I opened and locked the door behind me. I was in the stairwell when I ran into someone. "Oh, I'm sor- Ben, what do you want?" I grumbled.

"You should probably wear this." He replied gently as he held out my veil.

I softened a little bit. "Thank you."

"Stay safe." 

"I'll try." I gave a half smile before I walked past him.


"I need to sort through that intel." I turned back to my building, taking light and quick steps, a force of habit more than anything else. I had almost reached the entrance, passing by an alley, distracted by my thoughts, when I felt a hand harshly grab me, pulling me away from the empty street.

"What's a pretty-" A hooded figure said, but was cut off when I grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back, making him cry out from the pain.

"Not smart, buddy. I could kill you right here if I wanted to, you miserable oaf." I pulled his hand further, and he yelped.

"Get your hands off of him." A voice said from above me. I felt myself being pulled backwards, and landed a few feet away from the mugger, rolling to absorb the impact and not get hurt.

"He's the bad guy, idiot!" I yelled at the shadow on the wall. "He tried to mug me."

"She's lying! She attacked me, and tried to pull my arm off!" The man yelled.

"Liar!" I took a step closer to him, only to have a white rope wrap around me and pull me away again. I looked at it, seeing it had an unusual sheen, stretch, and pattern. "You're kidding me." I glanced at the familiar red-and-blue suit.

"I'm going to have to ask you to calm down, and we can-" He froze, looking at my face, his white eyes widened in surprise. "Oh no." The fake name I had given him earlier crashed around in his head in a cacophony of panic.

"Nice to see ya." I said sarcastically. I pulled out one of my knives and cut myself loose, swinging on the rope and severing the cord wrapped around my hand when I was close enough to the ground. I hit the ground running, past the man and out the alley. I ran away from my apartment, sprinting through the streets. It was no use; he had an aerial view, and didn't have to dodge people and traffic. He caught up with me in seconds, pulling me into a different alley and blocking my path this time.

"Stop." He held up a hand.

"Move. I don't want to hurt you, but I will."

"No, you won't." He stepped closer to me, and I analysed my options. Can't erase him, he's wearing a full-body suit. My powers won't transfer. Could force my way past, but that might not work. I can't risk letting him call Stark, so I can't pose any sort of threat to him. Resolution: stand down.

I relaxed from my fight stance, and said, "Right you are. But I was telling the truth; that guy attacked me."

"Okay, then why did you threaten to kill him, Alice?" He asked.

"I don't like being harassed, and I was already angry." I stopped myself from smirking. Big mistake, Bugsy. You said my name. You are so lucky I already know who you are.

"Okay. Are you alright?" His voice was tinted with concern.

"I am perfectly fine. His wrist is probably dislocated, though. Should probably call the authorities."

"Alice! There you are!" A little voice chimed, a voice I knew all too well. A small, familiar young girl ran up to me and hugged me.

"Hey!" I played along.

"Who's the weird guy?" She pointed to Spider-Man, hiding behind me.

"He's Spider-Man. He saved me, sort of." I smiled at V. He waved towards us, crouching down to her level.

"Hi." He said. V threw her arms around his neck, surprising him. He got over it quickly and wrapped his arm around her.

"Thank you for saving my sister." She pulled away, a big smile on her face.

"That's what I do." I saw a smile form under his mask. It was really hard to not laugh at him treating her like a normal seven-year-old girl. If only he knew she could kill him with one twitch of her hand.

"Well, come on Katie, we have to go find Mom." I took her hand and led her towards the main street. "Thanks, Spidey. See you later." I turned away and walked away from the alley. Once we were well out of earshot, we both broke into laughter. "I didn't know you were an actress, V."

She giggled. "That was so fun."

"I think I forget you're only seven sometimes."

"I think you both need to be quiet. Low profile, remember?" Ben said.

"Oh, hush. We're making fun of Bugsy."

We had reached my door by now, so I unlocked the door. Ben stood right in the door, glaring at us both. "Glad you think this is funny."

"It really is."

"And then he slipped up and called you Alice! If we didn't already know who he was, that would've been a big problem." V continued giggling.

'I need to figure out more about Alice.'

I froze. "You guys heard that too, right?"

"Yes. Which is why this has now become a problem. You have sparked Peter Parker's curiosity." Ben said curtly.


Hello everyone! I don't normally like to put notes at the end of the chapters, but just wanted to let you know this is a special update because today is my birthday! Yay! I love you all, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the book!

Aim: Hydra | Y/N Story | Sequel to "Aim: Avenger"Where stories live. Discover now