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"And after I poured my heart out, he told me he felt the same, and he kissed me. God, this sounds so . . . I don't know, schoolgirl-ish, but it just felt so perfect. I thought I was going to die from how hard my heart was beating. We've been dating for a few weeks now. Oh, I moved back into the apartment. Decided to finally decorate and actually live there, you know? Not have it be just a place to eat and sleep in between patrols, school, and Hydra, but actually live. Peter helped me build a big bookshelf in the living room for all of the books. I started reading 'The Hobbit' with Bucky, and I really like it so far. Him and Steve have been catching me up on all of the history I missed. The new guy, Vision, helps a lot, too. He's super smart, and so kind, too. The lessons are a little slow-going, because the two fossils will always go off on tangents of 'I remember, back in the whatever-year-we're-talking-about', but it's fun listening to their stories. Tony and I play pranks on everyone all the time. The most recent one we did was on Clint! We gave him a trick arrow that would always miss. It drove him crazy, and he was kinda mad at me until I promised I would go down to his farmhouse and build LEGOs with him and his kids. Oh! Wanda has been teaching me everything she knows about cooking. She's such an amazing cook, I can't believe she takes the time to teach me.

"We're all a very strange, very large family together. And while there are moments that are a little tense, like the whole Accords situation, we always figure it out. We had a court hearing yesterday, and we won the case! The case of Avengers v UN is definitely one for the history books, stating that we weren't responsible for damages as our intentions and the outcome were far better than if we hadn't been there. We're not totally in the clear yet, but I'm hopeful for the future. Bruce found the origin of my powers. It was simple, really; it was just a mutation in my genes. A bit of a boring answer, but boring's good sometimes. I don't think I could've handled being an alien, or something. I'm perfectly content with being myself, thank you very much." I laughed at my own terrible joke, sniffling as tears slipped from my eyes. 

I brushed my hand against the tombstone in front of me, tracing my fingertips against the letter etched into the rough surface. "I really miss you, guys. Amber. Valen. Andrew. I miss you guys a lot." I cried softly. Not only had Bruce found the source of my abilities, he'd found their names. There was no documentation of their bodies, so Amber's headstone was the only one with remains, but I'd added headstones for V and Ben, now Valen and Andrew, so Amber wouldn't be alone.

I felt warmth around my torso, and looked up to see Peter had placed his jacket around my shoulders. He knelt beside me, holding my hand, and supported me as I leaned against him. It was a cool, peaceful night, and I had wanted to visit my friends and catch them all up on what had been happening. Peter came along with me, and would tell them stories from school and our patrols. It was bittersweet to visit, but I would always come back. It was like the five of us were just kids talking to each other, laughing at all the silly moments.

"We'd better fly back home. Mr. Stark is going to kill us if we're late for the meeting tomorrow morning." I said, standing up and brushing the dirt from my knees. "See you guys soon. I promise."


After everything that had happened, after everything had gone in a loop of going right and then going wrong, I made sure to always keep my promises. 

I visited Amber, Valen, and Andrew at least twice a week, but usually more.

I never killed another thing. The final casualty marked number 319, and it would stay there.

I stayed by Peter's side. Through thick and thin, through sickness and in health, for better or for worse, I stayed with him.

I'd also made myself a promise; to always be positive. I don't mean always be smiling, and always look on the bright side, I mean to always add to other people's lives, and make them better. To lead other people to the same happiness that I'd found.

Because everyone deserves a happy ending.

And I'd finally found mine.

I'd found my home, and I never regretted my decision.


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Aim: Hydra | Y/N Story | Sequel to "Aim: Avenger"Where stories live. Discover now