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George didn't mean to walk into the girl's locker room, he didn't mean to overhear you in the shower, and he definitely did not mean to sit and listen to your voice.

In fact, all he wanted to do was ride around the quidditch pitch for awhile after Fred got on his nerves. But the girls and boys locker rooms are only just next to eachother, it was an honest mistake. But when he heard the soft melodic sounds of your voice it was like he was in a trance, he couldn't help but freeze in place and strain his ears to listen.

"Dancing bears, painted wings
Things i almost remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a december"

It's not like this was a pervy thing to do, though it might look like it to an outside viewer. He had no intention of picturing you in the shower, although he had thought about many times before.

Y/n y/l/n, the perfect person in his eyes. Everything was perfect. Your contagious smile, the way you braid your hair when you're bored, the way you run over and hug him after you win a Quidditch game. There was not a single flaw. Not about you anyway. Maybe a flaw was that he just couldn't get the courage to ask you out. He had been trying and failing for months but everytime he went to ask you some dumb joke came out instead.

"Someone holds me safe and warm, horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully across my memories"

He may have been your best friend since first year, but just because he told you everything doesn't mean he could tell you this. You were too perfect. Too perfect for George Weasley, he thought.

Writing a letter may do the trick, that could solve the problem about worrying about saying something stupid. But the thing was, he has tried to write letter confessing how he feels. Half the waste bin in his dorm is full of his partially written attempts. He had all the english language but no word could explain how he felt. He even went to the library once to try and find the words. He did learn a word for throwing someone out a window, but not a word to capture your beauty.

"Far away,
Long ago,
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Things it yearns to remember"

Maybe he could finally do it today, he could ask you to Hogsmeade. Or maybe a picnic. Even just a platonic study session would be okay. As long as it meant spending time with you. At lunch he could casually mention he's completely in love with you and falling more every second, how he would died for you in a heartbeat and he'd do anything to make you happy. Casually.

"And a song someone sings
Once upon a december."

Although maybe a note would be a better idea. Simple writing "date me?" with a yes or no box to check. That would certainly be easier to write than trying to put on paper how he's in love with everything about you. But you surely deserved more than that.


George's hand flew to where he'd been suddenly hit by some flying object.

"Get out!" A voice came from the direction of the showers

He swiveled to face you, clutching your towel to you body as you gave him a frightened look, although your eyes seemed to soften once you realized it was only him.

"Bloody hell you perv, you scared me. What are you doing in here?"

"Erm, i- wait, did you throw your wand at me?"

"I panicked okay!"

"So you threw your most powerful weapon?? We gotta get you in some self defense classes."

"We are in the same defense against the dark arts class," you say rolling your eyes at him, "and you still haven't answered my question on why the bloody hell you're in the girl's locker room"

"Yeah, that. Uh- well you see i wanted to fly around the quidditch pitch for awhile. Fred was getting on my nerves. And i erm- i made a wrong turn and....."


"And uh i- erm your uh your singing. It was just. Just really pretty. I couldn't help but stop and listen. You're a really great singer."

"If i had another wand i would throw it at you! Now get out so i can get changed"

"Okay, right, sorry" he said as he ran out into the quidditch pitch

Damn, he really messed that one up. Now all she's going to think of him is a pervert, he though to himself. Now that's the perfect start to confessing your feelings for a girl, get caught listening to her in the shower. Maybe he should rethink the love letter and write an apology one instead, at least he could get back to 'just friends' with that.

He was sitting in the middle of the pitch staring at nothing while cursing himself in his thoughts. This was the one thing he couldn't mess up.

"You really think i'm a good singer?" You said with a smirk as you plopped down next to him.

"Uh, yeah, yeah s'pose i do"

"Well thanks"

"I'm sorry- thanks? You're thanking me?"

"Yeah why wouldn't i be?"

"Well I kinda listened to you shower a few moments ago"

"Eh, maybe i'm related to a siren and you truly couldn't help it"

"Orrrr, maybe you have a crush on me" you said while leaning in to him playfully

"Er- what?" His eyes grew wide immediately, surely it hadn't been that obvious

You giggled, still leaning on his shoulder and slightly turned your head up to look at him

"Found one of your letters"

It was apparently possible for his eyes to grow wider and he stared at you in bewilderment, surely he hadn't accidentally left one somewhere

"I went into your dorm to borrow a jumper, and I couldn't help but read something in plain sight on the desk. I thought it was for planning a prank."

"Oh." He looked down at his lap, this wasn't quite the way he envisioned you finding out.

"I thought it was sweet" you smiled sitting up and leaning towards his face, "way better than the letters i was trying to write to you."

You both leaned in simultaneously to meet eachother's lips, and in that moment, the entire pitch disappeared. It was just you and George. Together.

- Lyrics are Once Upon A December from Anastasia
- Yes i wrote this because i had that song stuck in my head
- no i did not proof read this

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