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Transfiguration becomes a lot more boring when there's a cute boy next to you.

George and I were sitting on my bed trying to study for a test tomorrow, but our heavy eyelids and wondering eyes seemed to have another idea. I kept looking over at his tired, concentrated face. His ginger hair falling almost in his eyes, the freckles dotting his face looking like stars in the moonlight, his focused dark brown eyes.

A hand suddenly waved in front of my face.

"You there, love?" George said, tiredly

"Uh yeah, just zone out for a moment there."

"Can we do something less booring," he said.

I sighed as I closed the textbook, "I guess we need a break, what did you have in mind?"

"You trust me, right?" He said as he held my hand in his.

"Of course I do, Georgie."

He gently led me off the bed and took me down to the common room. The common room was almost completely empty, except for one poor first year sleeping on the couch. George quietly opened the portrait hole and pulled me through into the dark hallways.

"Where are we going?" I whispered

"You'll see"

He led me down corridor after corridor, carefully holding my hand the entire time. It seemed as if he always knew exactly where the teachers were and just where to hide to be out of their sight.

We were following loosely behind snape, crawling against the wall on our tiptoes. Snape suddenly turned around and pointed his wand behind him. George was quick to hide us behind a wardrobe, his chest rising and falling as he peaked out to check if he was gone. He turned back to me and just gazed into my eyes for a few moments.

"So is he gone?" I asked at a barely audible volume.

"Oh yeah, yeah he's gone, c'mon."

He holds onto my hand a bit tighter and pulls me down another few corridors until we're out on the quidditch pitch. He lets go of my hand while I stare in wonder at the stars. After a little bit I look back down to see George on a broom, his hand stretched out for mine.

I giggled as I hopped on behind him and squeezed his waist. With a swift kick we rocketed into the air. Up and up until finally the broom cruised to a stop. I unburied my head from his back and look around. The castle looks so small from up here. I can see the forbidden forest, the black lake, I can even make out Hagrid's hut.

George turns around on the broom with ease, now facing me, admiring my face while I look around in awe.

"The stars look so pretty from up here," I say

"Not as pretty as you of course," he says causing me to blush even though that was so cheesy it hurt.

"Look up there," he says while pointing to a group of stars, "that's (your zodiac's constellation.)"

"Wow," although it just looked like a clump of stars to you, it still looked beautiful.

He goes on to point out all the constellations he can remember.

"I didn't know you were into astronomy, George."

"Well...at first I wanted to suprise you by showing you your zodaic sign's constellation, but then it was really interesting and I couldn't stop reading...."

I smiled and lean forward slightly towards his lips. He connected his quickly, holding my waist delicately.

He pulled away just a few inches and gazed into my features.

"I love you so much, y/n," he breathes

"I love you, too."

(I know this one is a bit short i've just been a little unmotivated *insert "it's mental illness innit"* I might start a book of oneshots for different characters, I kinda want to write some marauders era, neville, ginny, luna, tonks, ect. So lmk if you'd be interested it that :) )

One Shots - George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now