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(It's 4 am and i really should be alseep but for some reason i'm going to write this, so uh, sorry for the quality and typos lol)

Just coming out of my muggle studies class, I suddenly saw two idiots bounding a corner and running down the hallway. No doubt away from one of their life threatening pranks. They didn't appear to be dead though, so that was good.

One of them slowed down from the full on sprint and nearly ran into me. George. Yes I could easily tell them apart, but I wasn't about to let him know that.

"Fancy seeing you here," he smirked

"What do you want," I sighed and began walking away, with him trailed behind.

"That's no way to greet the love of your life."

Does he want me to kill him? Because I will. I'm a gryffindor so I'm sure Dumbledore would be fine with it. Although maybe only Harry gets that special treatment, he literally won the house cup for killing a teacher his first year. Hogwarts is strange.

"Not even dignifying me with a response anymore?" He asked after I gave him a considerably long pause

"If I do will you go away?"

"Nah you're not getting rid of me that easily."

I rolled my eyes, though with my back  to him it didn't matter. But it was the thought that counts. I made it to my favorite bench, just under a small oak tree. With a great view of the whomping willow. It was the perfect spot to catch it smacking an unobservant first year or someone with a stupid dare.

George annoyingly sat down beside me on the small bench.

"Perfect view to see people getting smacked in the face, ey?" He said while nudging me with his elbow.

I hated that that was the exact thought I had.

"It'd be better if it was your face getting beaten by a tree."

"Pish posh, you know you wouldn't want to mess up my beautiful face."

I just rolled my eyes and pulled out a book, trying to ignore the very tall boy next to me.

And yet, not even a page in and my book was snatched from my hands.

"Geoorge, give that back!" I pleaded, trying to steal it back.

"You can tell us apart, I knew it!" He laughed as be continued to play keep away with my book.

"It was a lucky guess, Percy!"

"Now that was just rude."

"Ugh can i just have my book back, it's homework!"

"Hmm," he pretended to think on the matter while completely ignoring my failed attempts at reaching the book. "Nope."

"It's hogwarts property! You break it you buy it!"

"But why would I break your book, surely the blame would be put on you if I say threw it into the angry stick?"

"You wouldn't," I glared up at him. Goddammit why did he have to be tall. It was so annoying.

"Oh but I would," he smirked

After a few more fruitless attempts at trying to jump to get the book, i sighed. "Please, George?" I pleaded, giving him my best puppy dog eyes, trying to pretend I didn't want to replace a chocolate frog with a real one and feed it to him.

"Alright," he said slowly lowering the book down. As soon as it was in reach I jumped to get it, but he pulled it back over his head, "if you agree to one thing."

"If it's eating slugs like you did to that poor first year you can forget it."

"Technically that was Fred."

"Wait I thought you were Fred?"

"You just called me George 5 seconds ago I know you can tell us apart." He smirked, "anyway if you want to get your book back all you have to do, it's simple really, not nearly as bad as the slugs thing, in fact I know a lot of people who would be exastic about this-"

"Can you just spit it out already," I crossed my arms attempting to look intimidating, but it was really no point when he had to physically look down to actually see me.

"All you have to do is go on one date with me," George said smugly.

If I had water in my mouth I'd totally be doing a spit take. Was this a prank? Was Fred about to pop up with a camera the moment I said yes? Wait. Saying yes? Was I really considering going on a date with George Wealsey right now? George Fabian Weasley? All for a stupid book I had to read for muggle studies? I was enjoying the book though, and if he were to throw it into the whomping willow it would certainly make a mess. We don't need more litter. And I'd surely have to pay a fine to the school for losing the book and I'd have to use an old one with boogers on it for the rest of the unit. Was I really going to agree to spend time with George Weasley over Tuck Everlasting??

At my lack of an answer he began to pull back his arm with the book, ready to throw it into the angry stick, as he liked to call it.

"Okay okay fine! I'll go on a stupid date with you!" I exclaimed and tried to pull his arm to stop him from firing my book.

At this point I was half expecting him to throw it into the tree anyway, and for Fred to show up with a camera that had been recording this embarrassment the entire time.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it?" He grinned and handed me back my book. He started to walk away, turning back for a moment and yelling, "pick you up at 7!"


(This is short with an unsatisfying ending so i'll try to make a part two later, cause right now it's almost 5 am.

Oh and thanks for commenting funny stuff and things!)

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