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"If they pull another prank this week I am officially disowning them," Percy says to me, his gaze fixed on the twins a few tables away at the library. He huffs and looks back down at his transfiguration essay, his quill hovering above it. 

"Can you even disown siblings?" I ask, my gaze also on the twins, but for a different reason. George was standing at the table, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, as he talked to Fred animatedly about something. Probably something that would give Percy an aneurysm. 

He writes another word in his essay then pauses, "hopefully," he mutters. I attempt to stifle a laugh, but thankfully Madam Pince is too distracted glaring at Fred and George to pay me any mind. Percy's clearly trying to hide a smile, even as he complains about this brothers. "I'm serious, I've hardly had anytime to work on this essay with everything they've been up to." 

George now looks to be rather sarcastically apologizing to Madam Pince for being loud, I cover my mouth to hide my smile. I do feel sympathy for Percy, I really do, but even he will have to admit some day, their pranks are funny. Yes, I wish they wouldn't give more work and strife for Percy in his head boy duties, but seeing Cormac's nose grow every time he spoke had made me almost spit out my drink during dinner a few days ago. 

It was Percy's seventh year, so he was overcome with worry over his N.E.W.T.S. I could relate, even though I had another year to go. So really, I did sympathize for him, it's just, well, George was cute. How could I not find his harmless pranks endearing? And that's what most of them were, harmless. My quill was making an ink blot on my own essay as I was lost in thought, the thoughts definitely being productive and not admirations of a certain ginger boy. A certain ginger boy that was suddenly walking towards me. Well, more likely walking towards his brother, Percy, but nonetheless I sat up a little straighter and smoothed out my robes. 

I  looked up at him when he reached the table, a bit surprised that Fred was still at their table and that George had come alone. Percy let out an exaggerated sigh and lifted his head, "Hello Fred, do you need something?"

He could tell them apart just fine, both George and I knew this, but it slightly annoyed the twins so he continued to do it. 

He smiled at his brother, a bit evilly, then turned his head over to me and cleared his face, "I'm George, by the way, not Fred."

I was a bit confused on why he felt the need to clarify for me, but I let out a quiet "I know," and swiftly looked down at my essay. 

"You know?" he gasped, much too loudly if the look on Pince's face was anything the go by. "You can tell us apart?" he continued, ignoring the librarian. 

I look back up at him, his blue eyes wide, "Er- yes?" I reply. Very eloquent, I think to myself sarcastically. 

"Oh," he said after a short pause. I was stuck staring at his blue eyes for a few more seconds, until he gave me mercy and turned back to Percy. "So, Perce, I was thinking, wouldn't you rather eat in the common room than the great hall? I mean, it's so loud in there, I can hardly hear myself think."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "I doubt you think at all. And if you think I don't know you're trying to get me away while you do one of your inane pranks you're even more dim-witted than I thought." 

George appeared to have completely ignored anything Percy said, and continued, "Although I imagine a picnic might also be better than sitting indoors with everyone else." His eyes move from his brother to me. "Very romantic and all, under the stars, don't you think?"

Percy saves me from stumbling out an answer, "What are you planning this time?" he asked, exasperated. 

He tapped himself twice and the nose and smiled, "It's a secret, no fun in ruining a surprise, eh?" He turned towards me again, "You like surprises, right?" 

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