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"Truth or dare in the common room, you up for it?" asks Parvati as she enters our shared dorm room.

"I dunno, just going to end up embarrassing myself" I reply

"That's the whole point of the game, y'know. And a certain somebody might be playing," she teased, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Don't you dare dare us to kiss eachother!"

"So is that a yes to playing?"

Walking down the steps from the girl's dormitory a loose semi circle of gryffindors has formed around the fire place.

"Right, so everyone ready to play?" Fred said as he slapped his knees and looked around.

I followed Parvati to an empty chair and sat on the armrest while she sunk into the cushion. I carefully surveyed the room to see who i was playing with, mostly gryffindors around my year.

After Fred came to the conclusion that everyone was ready to play, he readily announced he was going first.

"Y/n!" He said with a mischievous grin, looking over at me, "truth or dare?"

Really, Fred, really? Asking me first? Ugh. It's only the beginning and i'm honestly terrified on what Fred's going to do for a dare, so I suppose i should go with a truth. Maybe he'll go easy on me.

"Truth," i said as i swallowed nervously, suddenly noticing all eyes were on me

"Got a crush?" He said while side-eyeing his brother

"Merlin's sake fred are we seven?" His sister, Ginny spoke up from the other side of the room

"Shove it Ginny you're like 9"

"I'm only three years younger than you! Or did you forget basic maths again?"

"Oh enough of it just let y/n answer the question," Lee said, seemingly appearing at Fred's side.

Parvati shoved me in the side after I spent too long a pause not answering. Maybe if i don't say anything they'll forget i'm here.

"Uh, yeah." I said as confidently as i could, which resulted in only a small squeak of a voice.

I cleared my throat and went to pick my target before I let myself stew in embarrassment for too much longer.

"Lee, truth or dare?"

"Dare," he replied with confidence

I stared at the ground to think a moment on a good dare, "shit, guess i gotta think of one now," I muttered to myself. I thought the mutter was quiet enough, but apparently i was wrong since I heard George let out a soft chuckle right after it. After which he immediately clapped a hand to his mouth, as if he wasn't supposed to be laughing.

"You gotta sit in Fred's lap until your next turn"

"Gladly," he plainly stated as he jumped in Fred's lap, causing most of the room to erupt in laughter

"Oi neville!" Lee shouted from Fred's lap, "truth or dare!"

Neville seemed well shaken up by suddenly being put on the spot, nearly looking like he was about to faint right there right then."

"..truth." he said quietly

"Relax lad i'm going to go easy on you," he said before pausing to think a moment, "what's your favorite plant?"

Neville's eyes lit up and he seemed to quickly rack his brain of all the plants he's cared for. "Mimbulus mimbletonia," he said with a pure smile plastered on his face.

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