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Christmas morning at the burrow may just be the best thing imaginable. Snow falling softly onto the garden outside, the warm fire crackling in the living room, the loud teenagers waking up way too early for presents, the delicious feast that is soon to come, there's not one thing not to like.

Molly had me staying in Ginny's room, where I was supposed to have the bed, but Ginny is about as stubborn as it gets.

"Wake up y/n!" I hear as a pillow is thrown forcefully into my face, waking me up from my sleep on the cold floor.

"What is it Ginevra?" Ginny hates it when i call her that, and I kinda hate her right now.

"Presents of course!" She exclaims as a second pillow comes hurtling towards my face

"Merlin Ginevra alright! I'm up!"

"Call me that one more time and you're not getting any presents!" She says, irritated but joking

"Alright alright, I need to get dressed then i'll meet you downstairs," I slip out of the knitted blanket and open my trunk I brought with my clothes, "...ginevra"

Ginny, who was almost out the door, threw me a quick rude gesture before leaving me alone in her room. I quickly throw on my Weasley sweater, which Molly had knitted one for us all yesterday so we could wear it one Christmas morning, and some warm leggings before heading down to meet Ginny.

All the Weasley's were sitting around the fire comfortably talking, except ron, of course, who was no doubt in an impenetrable slumber.

"Ronniekins still not up?" Said Fred, looking up to meet my eyes

"Nope," i plopped down next to George and he threw an arm over my shoulder

"Happy Christmas, y/n," he said as he leaned down and kissed my temple

"Happy Christmas, Georgie"

"Ech, i'll happily deal with ronnie to get away from you two lovebirds," Fred said with a disgusted face as he bounded up the stairs

"Oh he's just jealous Angelina hasn't talked to him since the yule ball," George said

"Well how'd you sleep, dearie?" Molly said to me

"Really great" I said untruthfully, knowing Ginny would get an earful if I told her I had slept on the floor.

"Oh good, I was worried Ginny wasn't going to give up her bed"

Ginny and I tried to hide a giggle, then all of a sudden the fireplace flashed green, and two figures emerged.

"Bill! Fleur! I'm so glad you could make it!" Mrs. Weasley jumped out of her seat to smother the two in hugs, followed by everyone else's awkward hugs.

"Of course mum, wouldn't be Christmas without me"

"Percy go tell your brother Bill's here, won't you? I'm sure that'll get him up"

Percy left without protest, but it sure did seem he wanted to complain.

Everyone settled back down with the extra guests, leaving little room for more.

Soon Ron, Fred, and Percy filed into the room and squeezed in, followed the fire place flashing green a second time. Roughly the same scene occurred, with smothering from molly, before Charlie squeezed in on a couch.

Everyone took turns excitedly opening their respective presents. Arthur got a muggle pager, which he was very excited about and insisted he showed everyone. Molly got some new cookware she asked for and a small bouquet of her favorite flowers from Arthur. Charlie got something that probably had to do with dragons, but I was distracted by George contently rubbing my arm as he opened his gift.

George has a huge goofy grin on his face as he watched his family open all their presents. He couldn't imagine anything better than this. All his family home in one place, his school boy crush, now girlfriend, leaning against him, Percy opening up a present that blew pink powder into his face, everything was perfect.

(The exact moment percy decided to betray his family (1995)(colorized))

It eventually became my turn to open my gifts, one from Molly, one from Ginny, and one from George. Molly gifted me a pair of warm knitted socks, which were already my new favorite pair. Ginny got me a pack of Ballycastle Bats trading cards, which was an extremely sweet gift giving how much she opposed every team that wasn't the Holyhead Harpies. George have me a small box that he had obviously wrapped himself, the excessive tape being a dead giveaway, that encased a gorgeous, delicate, necklace. It had a thin gold chain attached to a small locket. Upon opening the locket, it had a tiny, moving, picture of George and I at the yule ball, the first 'date' we had.

"George! It's gorgeous! Thank you so much!" I stretched up to give him a quick peck before having him put it on me. "I'm never taking this off," I said as I turned the locket around in my hand, admiring it.

The present opening came to a close and Molly and Fleur disappeared into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"Right, who's up for some Quidditch then?" Ginny said, slapping her legs before standing up.

"I do need to reclaim my title as best Quidditch player, eh?" Charlie said as he bounced up

"Nah i reckon i can still beat you," Bill said

(I just realized molly really birthed a full Quidditch team)

Soon everyone headed out to the shed to collect the brooms and call dibs on Quidditch positions, except Percy of course, who was showering off his Christmas present from the twins.

"We have an uneven amount so Ron can be referee," Ginny flatly stated

"Why me?"

Ginny just kinda looked at him, somehow getting her point accross from just her expression

"Alright then!" Ron turned to collect the ball they used as a quaffle

There being only three players on each team, we decided to have two chasers and a keep per team. Fred and George were on a team with Charlie as the keeper, with Ginny and I as chasers and Bill as a keeper on the other.

"You're going down, George," I say confidently as I mount my broom

"We'll see about that darling"

The game was filled with a healthy mix of laughter and trashtalking. Ginny even had to ground her broom for a minute to catch her breath after Fred told a particularly funny joke. The game ended with a tie, with Ginny scoring the final ball, when Molly came to announce breakfast was ready.

"Wanna go on a walk with me?" George said as he finished his breakfast.

I simple nodded and he took my hand and led me outside. We wore our matching Weasley sweaters as we wandered the area hand in hand.

"I'm really glad you're spending the holidays with me," he said

"I am too"

He began rubbing his thumb on my hand as we walked.

"I like you a lot, y/n"

I looked up at George and smiled, "I like you a lot, Georgie"

He stopped walking and took my other hand in his, looking down into my eyes.

"You mean a lot to me. I love you, y/n"

A huge smile appeared on my face, this was the first time he said it.

"I love you, too"

His classic dopey grin appeared as he lifted me up a little to kiss me. It was a slow, passionate kiss, like he was worried he'd never kiss me again. We stood in eachothers embrace as snow started to softly drift down around us, a perfect snowflake landed in his hair.

Christmas at the Weasley's is simply perfect.

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