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"Turn to page 394..." Snape's monotone drawl came from the front of the class, slightly snapping you from your daydream.

You had somehow managed to get George as your potions partner, since somehow Fred had a different potions slot. On the first day of class, as you sat near the back hoping Snape didn't acknowledge your existence, he sat down next to and immediately began to fidget everything within reach. You found it quite annoying at first, as it was severely distracting, but as you learned to tune it out you began to find it almost...cute? The way his hands would fiddle with a quill, or his long fingers spinning the copious rings on his hands, the little doodles he would draw in the margins of the notes. Just something about it. Just something about George.

This most recent daydream had been about George, of course, he seemed to be the main character in all of your touch-starved fantasies lately. This was perhaps the most pathetic one yet, all it was was him asking you for a quill. You replayed the point in the daydream as their fingers brushed passed one another multiple times. Too many times to pine over a simple graze.

Your attention was somewhat brought back to reality again as the sounds of stools pushing out and parchment being put away filled the room.

"Test tomorrow," Snape said in a voice of disdain.

You gathered your supplies and quickly walked out of the class, you could almost feel your own hair get greasier by the second when you were in Snape's presence.

A small daydream, more of a train of thought, of the professor's hair was brought to a halt as a sudden tapping came onto your shoulder. You turned in the direction, having to crane you neck up quite a bit, to see none other than George Weasley.

"...uh..yes?" You said to him with confusion.

"Er- could you help me study for the test?"

"Oh! Oh yeah.. there's a test," you said already forgetting about it, "probably not the best person to ask about that."

"Please?" He looked down at you with almost puppy dog eyes, you heart melted instantly

"I mean if you want to."

His face lit up and a huge smile appeared, "Cool. Cool, uh meet me by the black lake after dinner?"

"Suure," you were beginning to get more and more confused.

First of all, you weren't exactly a star pupil, given the fact you were constantly imagining scenarios that would never exist. George sits right next to you, surely he would've noticed the lack of notes you took. Also, studying at night doesn't seem optimal, you could say. I mean, there's lumos, but overall it really isn't practical to strain your eyes to read a potions textbook out in the dark.

As the day passed you thought more and more of this study "date." You knew, of course, it wasn't a date, but you didn't really know another phrase for studying with someone. Hence another reason why you're not the best study..... buddy! Buddy? Anyway, you let your brain freely daydream the scenarios during history of magic, even the brightest students had trouble paying attention to that ghost. They say he took a nap, died, and then didn't even notice until several days later. He just carried on teaching being dead. Anyway, again, you couldn't help but imagine this "date" as an actual date with George. He would bring flowers, be enthralled by your beauty, wishfully ask to go skinny dipping, and give you a magic kiss to say good night.

You casually mentioned it with your friends during dinner, to which they seemed utterly confused. They knew of your poor study habits, and usually you would feign offense to this, but this was really the main reason you talked to them about this. They, as annoying friends always do, teased you about George having a crush on you. Here's where the fatal mistake of you blushing occurred, which would lead to weeks of teasing. You would do the same to them, though.

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