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"Ready y/n?"

"Ready George?"

The hallway began to overflow with water and weeds. You had accomplished it, this entire corridor was a swamp. You sat there admiring your work, but foot steps slowly crept closer. You and George grew to know these footsteps better than any other, Daddy Filch's.

"Split up or stay together?" You whispered to him

"Only one way down the corridor," he grabs your hand, "hopefully you got on water proof shoes."

He drags you into the swamp, sprinting through it. The water was only ankle high, but his trousers were already soaked to the knees. After getting a solid coat of moss around your ankles, you round the corner and George pulls you into a classroom.

"I saw that!" Filch yells from the other end of the hallway, "I saw the red hair what Weasley was that!"

You looked at eachother and tried your best to hold in our laughter, tears started to form in your eyes. You here footsteps slosh through the swampy corridor.


Neither of you could contain your laughs any longer, you both burst into laughter at the sound of filch falling into the mucky waters.

"I hear you you bloody kids!" He screams as more splooshing sounds through the hall.

"Crap, what do we do?"

"Uhhh," George surveys the classroom, thinking quickly, "ah!"

He grabs you by the arm and pulls you into a nearby wardrobe, he couldn't even stand straight up in it. You try to contain you laughter as he bumps his head. Wow you were close to him. It was your sixth year at Hogwarts, and you had had a crush on George Weasley since he sat in your train compartment first year. You never had the guts to say anything, even went out with a Durmstrang boy for awhile. But at least you were his best friend, and that's the next best thing. He stared down into your eyes a moment, then quickly looked away as the handle to the classroom door jiggled.

"Colloportus," he whispered quietly, pointing his wand at the wardobe's door. After standing back a moment he whispered, "muffliato."

You raised an eyebrow at him, even in the dark he could tell your confused.

"Now we get to talk in full volume!" He yelled at you, waay too loud than necessary

"Bloody hell George! You nearly ruptured my eardrum!" You yelled back at him.

"Aw lemme take a look," he says with an exaggerated frown. He tucks your hair behind your ear, and pauses a moment staring at your eyes. You swear his eyes flicked to you lips a second, but he quickly looks into your ear and pulls away.

"Erm.. looks find to me, reckon you'll live," he says at top speed.

You look at each other at Filch's footsteps fill the room, with slight fear in your eyes. You and George had gotten detention from Filch so many times, the trophies were cleaner than the plates you eat off of. You didn't mind detention, but you had a bet with Fred going about who would get detention first. And you were not ready to lose ten galleons.

"Bloody kids." He mutters as he shuffles out of the classroom.

"Reckon we can leave now?" You question George

"Let's wait a few more minutes, just to be careful."

"Careful!? Since when has George Weasley cared about being careful?"

He looked back into your eyes a moment, "well, i, erm, i still got a callous from cleaning the trophies last time."

"Aww poor baby," you looked at him with puppy dog eyes, "want me to kiss your booboo?" You take his hands and examine them, flips them over, even peak between the fingers, "um, you don't have any callouses George! What are you playing at!" I say looking at him suspiciously.

"Oh! Really? Must've gone away then..."

"Mmhm, how much longer should we wait?" You said getting impatient, although you weren't complaining about being so close to George.

"He could be waiting outside the classroom y'know," he nervously said, "better wait a few more minutes."

"Oh, well that's boring," you scrunched up your face.

"I know something we could do to pass the time..." he stuffed his hands in his pockets, you waited for him to pull something out of them, but he never did.

"Like what?" You said with a very confused expression, you were expecting him to pull out some candy from his pockets, but he just stood there looking at you.

"This," he faltered a moment before leaning down to your face and pressing his lips against yours. You froze in place, before quickly leaning into the kiss. He pulled away blushing.

"Well what was that for?" You said with a big grin.

"I've just been waiting to do that so long.." he says tipping your chin up to him, "ever since I first saw you really."

You smiled even bigger up at him, pulling him down into another kiss. "I've been waiting just as long," you whisper while pulling away from the kiss for only a second.

He pulls away and just beams at your face, like he's admiring a piece of artwork.

"Looks like the muffliato charm will come in use."

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