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Well, that was the worst date of my life. It honestly baffled me that it could have gone that wrong.

First, he stood me up for nearly a whole hour, and when he got there he told me he had already eaten. So, he just sat there, bored, while I had to eat my dinner. He then commented on how fast I was eating, but I was starving since I had waited til he got here to eat. I had to start every conversation, which didn't make any since because he was the one that asked me out. And to wrap it all off, he decided to leave early, not without offering a walk back to my dorm, which I could only shudder to imagine what he had in mind.

I was actually thankful he left early, that way I wouldn't get his judgment for eating half my body weight in pumpkin pasties.

I didn't even know why I was so upset at the disastrous date, considering the only reason I went was to help get over George. But nevertheless, I was a little crushed. Was I really that unlikable that it's impossible to sit through one date with me?

I suppose I've always been a little ostracized, due to being a metamorphmagus. I never understood why talents such as these were frowned upon, for example Harry's parsletongue. Disregarding it's connotations, talking to snakes seems so cool! And I can literally grow a beak a will, you'd think I'd be a hoot. Okay, maybe that lame joke is why i'm not.

After that disaster of a date my mind decided to conjure up perhaps it's stupidest plan to date, sneak into George's dorm room and steal one of his jumpers to curl up into. It's not as weird as it seems, we are best friends after all, but overall probably a bad idea.

But with a stomach full of dessert and a mind full of doubts and self loathing, it seemed like the smart thing to do.

The common room was quiet at this point, just a few people milling around. It was a Friday night, so most were either at Hogsmeade or wandering the grounds. I knew George was busy pranking someone this evening, he told me about it yesterday. I was hoping he'd fill me in more about it today, but he was nowhere to be found. Suppose it's an elaborate prank.

Getting up to the dorm itself was easy. Although the girls dormitory stairs can turn into a slide, the boy's has no such defense, which seems a little odd, but it worked in my favor.

I opened the dorm's door ever so slightly, he's invited me up once or twice with Fred and Lee so I know which one it was. Upon seeing it was vacant, I stepped in and shut the door securely behind me.

I padded over to his closet and opened the door, revealing a variety of jumpers. I softly moved each aside to look for one I deemed cozy enough, landing on the jumper he had gotten from last Christmas. Bingo. Molly's stitching and George's scent all wrapped into one oversized sweater? Godric yes.

It was mainly a warm orange color with yellow stitching around the neck and arm holes, along with a big "G W" in the middle. I quickly slipped it on and reveled in the warmth for a moment, selfishly imagining George hugging me instead.

I turned to leave, hoping to leave no trace of my presence but a missing old sweater, but something on George's nightstand caught my eye. A few polaroids layed scattered beneath his lamp. I softly smiled as the fond memories of the photos that surfaced. I sat down on his bed and carefully examined the photos.

The first one I picked up was from this summer when I had stayed at the burrow for a few weeks. The moving photo showed George and I in the kitchen, I was putting something in the oven, mince pie I believe, while George was looking my direction with an almost far off look.

The second one was a much older photo of Fred and George. A photo Molly must've took of them waving from the Hogwarts Express, their first year no less. People always got them mixed up, but even as their younger selves I could clearly see which was which.

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