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Angelina Johnson liked to claim she was great at hiding secrets, but the prevalent mischievous grin on her face as we walked to dinner was saying something else.

"I know you're planning something," I said to her as we sat down in the great hall, "you've had it plastered on your face all day."

"I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about," Angelina replied unconvincingly.

"You better not make me bald again"

"C'mon you can't admit it wasn't funny!"

"I think Fred's starting to wear off on you," I rolled my eyes, "speaking of, have you gotten your dress for the yule ball, yet?"

"I have! I'll need to show it to you later, it's this great purple gown with a halter top!"

"Fred's gonna love that," I said just as Fred and George had entered the Great Hall.

"Angelina and y/n! Just the people I wanted to see!" Fred exclaimed as he sat down across from us.

"Well that's good because you sit with us every day Fred."

The food quickly appeared and everyone loaded their plates. The hall was filled with chatter, clinking, and laughter from the hufflepuff table whenever Cedric really did anything.

The hall's atmosphere slowly seemed to change, quieting down as the students seemed to turn their attention to the teacher's table. Snape's normal greasy drapes were replaced with a red clown like hairdo.  Snape still hadn't noticed even when the entire student body had their eyes on him. The hall went quiet as everyone awaited his reaction. Someone coughed, silverware scraped against a plate, Proffessor Moody took a swig from a flask, muffled laughs, and Snape had finally glanced up from his plate to the hundreds of stares he was receiving.

"Quick do it now!" Angelina whisper-shouted from beside me. Although her words barely registered as my eyes were glued on the professor in anticipation.

Snape furrowed his brow as his hand went up to feel his sudden new hair. McGonagall subtly flicked her wand in his direction and muttered something, and his greasy lockes returned.

I turned back to Angelina as the hall resumed its chatter, "well that was anticlimactic"

"I was hoping he'd finally snap," said Fred in defeat.

"Oh don't tell me that was your doing!" I said to Fred

He put his hands up in defense, "hey it was Angelina's idea"

"Way to throw me under the bus Freddie."

"I just want you to have credit for the prank, love."

She rolled her eyes and turned her attention to George, "Have you decided who you're asking to the ball yet?"

"No, no, not yet," he muttered as he raised his glass to his lips. He took a sip of pumpkin juice as Fred and Angelina's eyes burned into him.

"So you don't have anyone in mind, Georgie?" Fred chimed in.

"Well I want to ask y/n but so far I haven't been able to," George blurted out before clapping a hand to his mouth. "Fred don't tell me you-"

"Slipped you veritaserum, yup," he replied smugly.

"You git! Why would you do that?"

"Because I knew you wouldn't have the guts to ask them out yourself," he said calmly, much opposite to George's sudden temper.

"I would punch you right now but i don't want y/n to see that side of me," George blurted out again.

I was trying to avoid all eye contact. Sure, this was a dream come true and I'd been hoping he's ask me for weeks. But this situation was so horribly awkward I couldn't seem to bare to spill my feelings to him while being gawked at by Fred and Angelina. I attempted to hide my face in my cup of water, maybe if I keep drinking I won't have to look up. I'm just so thirsty I have to chug water for the entire dinner period. That makes sense.

"Y/n? What're your thoughts on this?" Angelina asked as I tried to drown myself in a small glass of water.

"I really want to go to the yule ball with George but right now I want to drown in my cup," I said as my eyes continually got wider.

Fred snorted at the comment and turned his eyes to George for a reaction, "so whatdya say? Wanna go to the yule ball with y/n as your date?"

"More than anything. I tried to ask them the other day but i feel like my stomach fills up with bowtruckles everytime i see them. They really are the most beautiful person at Hogwarts, Fred. I also wish I would stop rambling on and embarrassing myself in front of my year-long crush."

"Y/n? Is it a date?" Fred asked me with a cheeky smile.

"Of course it's a date! Maybe Angelina will stop annoying me to drop hints I like him now because everytime I try it ends up the most embarrassing thing in the world. And I'm on the same page as George and i'd really like to stop talking. Fred, and you know i'm not lying, I really don't like you right now. I mean on one hand i'm happy my crush asked me out, but on the other hand this was the most annoying, embarrassing way to do this."

"You're welcome," Fred said, satisfied with his accomplishment.

"Oh and one more thing," Angelina added.

I looked at her with slight fear in my eyes on the embarrassing question that was about to come.

"Did you steal my hairbrush in 2nd year?"

"Yes. Sorry, I meant to return it but I accidentally dropped it on the bathroom floor after Myrtle scared me and I felt it rude to return it after that. All gross and stuff, y'know."

"Ooh I got one," Fred giddily said, "who actually put that itching powder in my shampoo this summer, because I know it was you but you won't admit to it."

"Ginny did."

"Wha? Why!" Fred said taken aback

"I think it's because you kept saying you wish Tom Riddle had kept her whenever you got annoyed with her."

"Oh that's fair"

(I know this one isn't great and I couldn't figure out how to end it I just really wanted to update this book. thanks for reading though, I never expected I'd get this many reads on my crappy writing! So seriously, thank you :) )

(Also btw I can see what you're reading list it called when you add this book to it and that makes me happy. Specifically the person who added this to their "Zina's Stinky Cooch" list. Much appreciated.)

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