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Cw: mention of matthew morrison

"Will those who were absent yesterday please come to the front of the class to practice the riddikulus spell on the boggart" Proffessor Lupin stated as soon as class started

Well isn't that just great, I though as I walked to the front of the room with a few others. The day after i couldn't go into class because of being hexed i get to embarrass myself in front of everyone. And that hex was totally uncalled for. Who knew just calling Ginny by her full name meant an instant bat bogey hex?

I turned to face the class once i got to the front, everyone seemed to just be chattering amonst themselves so maybe if i'm lucky they won't even notice my boggart. I wish Ginny was in my class so I could call her Ginevra again and get out of class. I'll take whatever hex she throws at me if it means the entire class wouldn't see my greatest fear. Could I do the killing curse on myself? Would that work? Wait, no, don't do that. That's a last resort, aka if George starts to make fun of my boggart. He probably laughed off his and turned it into something proper funny. What can I possibly turn mine into that could make it funny! Oh why couldn't my biggest fear just be a dememtor and faint like harry did. That would be much less embarrassing than what's about to come out of that wardrobe for me. I heard Lavender's was a werewolf eating her face, while specific, certainly creative. Maybe if I thought of a werewolf long enough that would be my boggart.

I managed to get in the back of the small line of students that had missed class, only three others. I have only a few minutes to think of a way out of this situation. Oh if only I had bought one of those candies George offered me instead of stammering and running away. A noseblood nougat did sound really good right now. Accio shoot me. I looked back out to the class to maybe somehow spot one of those gross candies on George's desk. But it was empty, he hadn't even gotten out his parchment. He seemed preoccupied trying to ignore whatever Fred was pestering him about. Whatever it was it sure was making his face red.

A dead McGonagall flopped out of the wardrobe. That certainly ruined the mood. And it ruined it a little bit more after the spell turned her into a dead McGonagall with a party hat.

"Well unless that's what you were going for, see me after class so we can work on it," the professor said calmly as the student rushed to their seat.

As the next student walked up to the boggart, it quickly transformed into some random man. The muggleborns in class burst into laughter, I caught a few say something that sounded like "Michael Morrison" or "Matthew Morpson." The figure changed into some horrifying beast with bright green fur and a huge scowl. Apparently that was the funny part and the creature shrunk into the wardrobe while the student attempted to cover their laughter and walk back to their seat.

(When my oneshots mention Matthew morrison before giving george any lines)

The last student ahead of me warrily approached the wardrobe where he-who-shall-not-be-named popped out. By far the most popular boggart form these days. The snake-like man's tattered black robes turned into some odd gogo girl pantsuit, boots included. Now that was a sight to hold on to forever. Hopefully i would never become face to face with the dark lord becuase i think i could only picture him in a silver jumpsuit.

The student retreated with a little panic in their eyes, possibly believing the dark lord would personally kill them if he found out about this. Luckily Hogwarts was the safest place in the world and they had nothing to worry about. Except of course that time several people almost died due to a huge snake. And that time the dark lord attached onto a teacher's head. And that time a mass murderer was sighted near the school. And the time i had detention in the forbidden forest and was nearly eaten by a giant spider. But besides that, pretty safe.

I still hadn't quite processed it was my turn as i stepped up to gogo voldemort. His bald head quickly sprouted ginger hair as his face began to grow less snakelike and was littered with freckles. A second figure appeared next to him long blonde hair that reached her back. Their arms began to intertwine together as the boy leaned down to kiss her. I stood there in shock, unable to move, for a few moments. I knew this would be my boggart all along, but I was silently hoping it wasn't.

I clutched my wand in my dominant hand and ran at topspeed out of the class room. I didn't knew where i was going, but I needed to get far away. Far away quick enough so I wouldn't have to see George's reaction. My feet seemed to move faster than my thoughts and they carried me through stair cases upon staircases. I vaguely registered the steps following behind me as I reached my apparent destination.

The astronomy tower. The best place to star gaze and, more importantly, the best place to sulk. Commonly utilized by Draco Malfoy but luckily it was vacant right now. It would just be me and the slowly moving clouds.

I collapses onto the railing overlooking the grounds, feeling tears fall from my cheeks and soar into the wind. I rested my arms on the barrier as I peered out, taking in the scenery best I could to distract my self. There was a shaggy black dog pacing through the grass, must be a stray. I must remember to bring it some scraps after dinner. If i actually go to dinner, that is, and not just simmer in embarrassment up here all day.

My head was suddenly pressed into someone's chest as I was spun around and tightly embraced. Sure I had no idea who was doing this, but at the same time I felt safe. It felt safe and warm and right in this stranger's hug. I knew I should draw my wand and pull away, but I was just so desperately touch starved.

(PSA don't let a random stranger hug you, knee them in the nuts <3)

I felt the stranger's hands on my shoulders as they slowly held me away to look at me. I turned my head up to see the same tall ginger that appeared in my boggart. George Weasley. I just hugged George Weasley. George Weasley is looking at me in admiration. I honestly might explode.

"Wha- what are you doing here?" I barely whispered to him

"I'm comforting you, what does it look like?" He replied, seemingly confident, but the nervousness in his eyes would say otherwise

I sniffed and looked down, "Can you please just leave, I want to be alone right now."

"I'll do whatever you want me to do," he said gingerly, "but can I tell you what my boggart was first?"

I tilted my tear streaked face back up to him and nodded.

"It was this gorgeous girl with y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes, but she was making out with Adrian Pucey"

"How is that supposed to make me feel better"

He laughed quietly, "the girl was you, y/n, we have the same fear"

My eyes widened in suprise, "really?"

"Yeah, Fred's been teasing me about it non stop," he laughed.

"Alright, would you like me to leave you alone now?" He said calmly in reply to my speechlessness.

I shook my head and brought him into a hug, giving myself time to process my thoughts. I could hear his heart beating quickly but his breathing was slow. He quickly returned the hug while slightly rubbing my back. I felt him lean down to softly kiss the top of my head.

Maybe boggarts aren't as scary as I thought

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