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Idea by Special_Freestylr

You pout as George continues to drag you through the hallway. All day you've been waiting for someone, anyone, to remember your birthday. You suppose it's your fault though, it's not as if you gave everyone a countdown to the day.

So when George first approached you in the Gryffindor common room just after dinner and wanted to sneak off somewhere, you became giddy with excitement. Perhaps it was a suprise party, you thought wistfully. But as George took you into the kitchen, you were yet again let down as you realized he was just sneaking down to get a late night snack, as he often does.

You tried not to let your smile waver as he offered you a leftover pumpkin pastie, but the disappointment of not only one of your best friends, but your crush, forgetting your birthday was almost too much to handle.

"Oh!" George said as if he just remembered something, "I got a suprise I need to pick up." He began to spin around the kitchen, looking for something.

"A suprise? For what?" You questioned, trying not to get your hopes up yet again.

He lets out a gasp as he finds the box and picks it up, "I managed to get Dobby to sneak this in by offering him one of my mum's homemade socks," he smiled.

You squinted your eyes at him playfully, "Well go on then, what's in the box."

"Just some prank supplies," he said after a slight pause. "Annnd, I believe over here is where Winky keeps her stash!" He walks over to a small cabinet in the corner. After being opened, is filled with firewhisky and other such drinks.

Oh dear. Stealing from a depressed house elf certainly hasn't been one of his finest moments.

(For some reason I feel the need to make sure everyone knows Winky being a depressed alcoholic was actually in the books, and not just something my deranged brain made up. Although it is 2am so who knows)

"Off we go then," He says, balancing his bounty is one arm and grabbing your hand with the other. Although George has always been quite affectionate with you, his touch still sends sparks up your arm.

It didn't used to be like this, for years he'd just been one of your best friends.  But earlier this year in potions, after his cauldron blew up yet again, which happens so much you might think it was on purpose, with the soot on his face, his hair a mess, half of an eyebrow blown off, for some reason it just clicked. And ever sense you'd been trying your best not to be a bumbling mess around him. After all, nothing had really changed between you two, he was still the same old George, the only difference is that he was a lot more attractive now. Suppose he always has, but you never took much notice.

You let him lead you, hand in hand, back to probably the common room. You didn't want to engage in conversation, both scared Mrs. Norris may hear and afraid that your voice will crack. I should've just gave them more reminders for my birthday, you thought as your stared at the cobblestone floor.

George suddenly dropped your hand in the middle of the corridor and stopped.

"Erm, George?" You ask tentatively, "Why have we stopped?"

He just smirks at you, before taking a few steps forward and knocking on the stone wall. A few seconds pass and you're sure he's gone completely mad.

Then, the stone bricks in the wall slowly start to unfold and reveal a door. George opens the door a bit, before taking your hand again and bringing you inside. Inside to.... a pitch black room. Was this an attempted murder? You turned to look back at George in fright, when all of a sudden the room glowed in a bright light and a dozen yells could be heard.

One Shots - George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now