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(This oneshot contains underaged drinking, I in no way condone it. Remember, Bob ross doesn't stan underage drinking)

"You ready to go?" Susan Bones asked me as she smoothed her skirt.

"Godric yes, I need some fun after those O.W.L.S" i replied

It was past curfew but with the number of students still roaming the halls the teachers gave up for the most part, except Filch of course. He'd hang every student in this school by their toe nails if he could. I don't even know why they hired a squib janitor, you'd think wizards could do that job much more effectively.

Susan and I semi-stealthily snuck through the hallways to get to the Gryffindor tower, trying our best to avoid Mrs. Norris.

"Who do you think Mrs. Norris is married to?" Susan asked me casually, "y'know cause she's a mrs.."

"Filch?" I suggested

"I would pay to see that wedding," she giggled. "Imagine filch in a tux!"

"Imagine mrs. Norris is a dress"


"Sometimes I wish that thing just stayed petrified," I said, refering to mrs Norris, after a particularly close call with the cat.

We eventually made it to the portrait hole, which was open as students of all houses moved through it. After me and Susan's tradition of hyping eachother tf up, we crawled through the hole.

A pungent smell of firewhiskey seemed to have replaced the oxygen in the room. It was still early in the night so people were only a bit tipsy, although the ~scandalous~ dancing had already seemed to have broken out.

"Just tell me if you want to leave and we can get out of here, yeah?" Susan said as she eyed the alcohol.

"Same goes to you," i replied.

We made our way over to the table and poured ourselves something light to start off with, I wasn't planning on blacking out, just having a little fun.

Susan nudged me in the side and nodded over to somebody, George.

"No," i hiss quietly, "i would need to be blackout drunk to get the courage to talk to him."

She rolled her eyes at me, "i don't get what the big deal is, i'm sure he'll like you."

"You're lucky, Ernie's had a crush on you since first year. You don't have to deal with all this stuff."

She nodded with a slight smirk on her face as her eyes scanned the room for him.

"He's coming! Move!" I whisper yelled as I tried to avoid coming in contact with George, who was currently striding over to the drinks table for a refill.

"Oh no, what are you gonna do?" I pleaded as I saw a huge grin appear on her face.

"Nothingg," she replied innocently, though she still hadn't moved for me to make my quick getaway.

With susan on my left and George rapidly approaching on my right, I was going to be forced to either wrestle my friend or have a brief interaction with george. But before I could land on my concensus, which would have been wrestling susan, I was suddenly pushed backwards. I guess Susan decided for me, but instead of a brief interaction I got an embarrassing stumble into him.

I quickly spun around to apologize to him. "Uh, so sorry," I said as I made eye contact for about two nanoseconds, which beats my previous record of one. I looked down and walked away before I could register any reaction of George's.

Susan side-eyed me as I speed-walked to the corner of the room. I leaned against the wall and just people watched while I sipped my drink. Pansy was there obviously flirting with an uninterested draco. Hermione and Ron were awkwardly dancing. Ginny was excitedly talking about Quidditch to anyone who would listen, which seemed to exclusively be harry. Hannah was attempting to talk to Neville, who looked extremely flustered and like he was about to faint. Angelina had gotten on top of a sofa and was freely dancing to the music, get it queen. George was casually chatting to Fred and Lee, who seemingly kept looking over in my direction. George was just wearing part of his uniform. He had on a white button up, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and loose slacks. Even from across the room I could tell that whatever his friends were talking about made him very red in the face.

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